SiennaCastPic-Sienna11“So, the world seems to be thrown into chaos and anarchy….

I blame all of you.

I have always used great personal hygiene, I was part of a group called the Beauty Factory, playing my part in keeping this place beautiful, clean and ultimately free of pestilence. Unfortunately, millions of people do not share my sentiments, they rather touch each other, couch, sneeze and rub their hands over everything without cleaning and sanitizing, that is where we are now.

A Global Pandemic and the lives lost are on the hands of each and every single person who has someway or somehow spread the Covid-19 virus across countries, nations and continents. When Ebola or SARS was released into the populous, Africa was hit hard, my people suffered and none of you did anything, instead kept on with your lives like every typical self-centered fan does and acted like this was nothing more than a sham. Now the “People” are rummaging Grocery Stores, hoarding Hand Sanitizer and Toilet Paper? Canned goods are going out of style like we are going to lose power and the Zombie apocalypse is amongst us….

This is the pretentious world all of you live in and in doing so, have put me and my loved ones in jeopardy. How selfish can you be? After everything that I have done to protect this planet, to insure that all are fed properly, have a place to lie your head, pets cared for, places where you can congregate and be off the streets, I am now glad that I closed everything down and decided to stop giving, why? Every single person turned their back on me. This is a cruel world, Laura Steinbeck did not deserve to be pushed into the brink of death, where she will never be the same. The same people I helped have placed my family in danger, their nonsense and carelessness is only magnified by those who think they know it all, pretending to be in the know about a virus which could infect over 70% of the population moving forward, where the economy will crumble, stock markets will crash…

And life as we know it will end.

Now I must adjust, change the way I do things, cannot walk down runways and show off my alluring presence, stop making money thanks to the sick and those who can’t cover their mouth when coughing and sneezing. This disease was the creation off the constant lack of education 95% of you have which explains everything when fans cheer James Evans….

He’s oblivious like the rest of you.

Has the world finally reached a point of Armageddon? Will life end and everything we knew gone thanks to a few who cannot take responsibility for releasing this plague into the world? Well SCW fans, take solace in knowing this….

There is a Heaven….

And the Angels are all here.

As your next World Champion.

That may not cure the virus, at least it will fix one of many problems right now globally, making this business right again. This is what happens when you screw over YOUR Angel and Superman, the world fights.

Now please, stay home and keep your sick asses in bed.”











When Sienna Swann lost the World Championship back at the End of the Year Special, she was really annoyed, upset and most of all deflated because of the emotions she spent and the rollercoaster the Angel was on with the World Championship after winning the Elimination Chamber, winning the Double Jeopardy match, then being droppe3d with a bombshell that Kellen Jeffries did indeed cash in his Trios Contract to defend the belt at the Battle Royal. What incensed Sienna the most out of everything was the fact that she was told specifically by Sasha that the losers wouldn’t get a shot at the title and when she went back on her word, that opened the door for people like Syren, Owen Cruze and the eventual winner, James Evans who now holds the Championship. This alone upset Sienna, she was done trying to be somewhat understanding and political, at least in her wrestling career things had seemed to be falling apart, that was until Laura Steinbeck brokered a deal with Regan Street and her Trios Contract, able to release Jennifer Helms from her Contract in exchange for the Trios.

That gave Sienna life, for everyone knew it was now The Iron Angel who as not going to be given a chance at the World Championship. Since then Sienna has carried a chip on her shoulder, she wanted nothing more than to show the SCW that she was still the top draw, defeating anyone in her path including Katie Steward and both Asher Hayes and Ace Marshall in tag team action with her new friend, Glory Braddock, where Sienna pinned the current Adrenaline Champion and sending out a message to the promotion, she was ready to take her place back at the top of the SCW.

Sienna though had plans with the Trios, she stacked the deck against James Evans, she covered all bases to guarantee that she would walk out the winner. Sasha though attempted to tell Xiomara no fast counts, to call things down the middle and James Evans instead attacked the referee of the match along with Chris. Sienna understood James Evans was going into this, guns a blazing and nothing was going to stop him. Swann had other things going on in her life, she is also a known germaphobe, always being careful where she goes and who she touches, what was happening around the world was taking its toll on everyone and everything…

Which would not deter Sienna and Chris from their ultimate goal, being the World Champion. For now, though, leading into their showdown in Memphis, Sienna Swann started to watch the crisis build and it was time to do the hardest thing she has ever done in her life….

Close the Beauty Factory.


Beauty Factory

Los Angeles, CA.

One Week Ago

Sienna, Sierra and Xiomara were at the Beauty Factory where even before the fear of the Coronavirus plagued Los Angeles and the state of California, Sienna Swann was closing. IT was Laura’s baby; this is what brought all of them together under one roof. The memories, the shows put on, the talent that came through, it was all part of something bigger that would transcend into the world of wrestling. Sienna though was ready to shut it down, without Laura being at the helm, it seemed right. Their doors opened to so many different people of age, size, nationality and even the physically and mentally challenged. It was a way to promote the “For The People” movement and it was ruined, there were so many people that helped in the process.

That angered Sienna but she knew that this must occur, it was the only way they were going to survive and turn the page on another chapter of their lives. It was all in the memory of what a tremendous job Laura had done, building a foundation and home to so many women and men who were able to pursue a career in modeling. Wearing jeans, open toed wedge sandals and a colorful flower blouse, her long hair hanging down and nails polished a glossy finish, Sienna packs the last of Laura’s office and places everything in a box. Her younger sister, Sierra, wearing green pants, a black loose blouse and matching wedge sandals, her toenails polished black and long blonde hair hanging down brought over a few more files to Sienna, handing them to her….


SiennaCastPic-Sierra2Sierra: “These were in the other office; I don’t know what you want to do with them, but they seem to be important. They are model files, seems like she kept a record of all of them, including past one. Do you really want to close this place down? This was Laura’s baby. Sis, I know you’re upset but the factory employed over 500 models worldwide who will now go to other agencies.”

Sienna: “I know that Sierra, I have thought about it long and hard after I initially jumped the gun but after what happened with Chris and I at the courthouse, this just reinforces me to do so. At this point this world is too dangerous for me to be running the Beauty Factory, I don’t have the time or the energy when I need to concentrate on wrestling. These people have ruined it all for us, they are the same ones I tried to save and help. The part that angers me the most about all of this, I actually was having second thoughts, about the Youth Center, the Beauty Factory, some of the choices I had made which in turn I could have done in haste. Then this happens, I almost lose my husband, the love of my life to some stupid fool that is sick and takes everything on TV too seriously. With this Covid-19 crap going around too, maybe it is best we shut down for good, stop the spread of this. I know I don’t want it and you don’t want it, outside of my family, I could care less about them. Now come on, I don’t want to be here all day.”

Sierra: “I know you don’t, what about Laura?”


Listening to her name upset me a little because I have been trying to deal with Laura’s situation now on my spare time and not giving it the proper attention. After the shooting at the Courthouse and everything leading to Retribution, add in all this scary virus rhetoric, it seems that the world is changing right in front of us and the way we live is going to alter as well until this is gone. Scary times we live in, I don’t know what else to do. Laura isn’t even awake; it has been over three months and I don’t know how much longer she is going to be on the respirator. I am trying my best to acknowledge my sister and be very firm yet polite. She has done nothing wrong….


Sienna: “Laura is still in the hospital and you have seen her, Sierra. She is not waking up anytime soon, she is still on the respirator and we don’t even know how she is going to be if she wakes up. I love Laura like our own mum, there is no denying it, but at some point, we must let things go and hope for the best. I will sell this building, allow someone else to occupy it and see what happens from there. Maybe they will open a new modeling agency, give those girls a chance again. After what the People did to me, after what happened at the courthouse, how the SCW has treated me and defamed my character? Honestly, I really have nothing else to say about it. I am not running some operation that is going to be a service to anyone that wants to make it in the fashion business and behind my back they whisper what a bitch I am, not happening. Anyway, I have rambled enough, we need to finish up here, I honestly would feel more comfortable back at the house, I don’t want to be walking around the general population if we don’t need to be.”

Sierra: “Sis, we are going to be fine, I am more worried about mum and dad. We are healthy, our immune systems are strong.”

Sienna: “MY child’s isn’t, he’s just a little baby.”

Sierra: “Point taken; I just want you to know that I am here for you no matter what. After hearing about the shooting, I was scared shit-less. You almost gave mum a heart attack. I am glad you’re okay.”

Sienna: “Thanks Sierra, that means a lot coming from you, sweetie. These days it seems like I don’t know who is out to get me anymore. They labeled me the villain, so I might as well play the part, right?”


I could tell that Sierra didn’t agree with me on that, same with Xiomara, they both thought I should continue the “For the People” movement and show them all that it was not a sham. Much as I wanted to prove them different that was not the point, I don’t think they fully understood the hatred and the angst I had for the general public right now, including and most importantly the SCW. She sighed a little but nodded her head, Sierra wasn’t going to argue with me or if I was right or wrong….


Sierra: “I understand. I’m going to grab the last few boxes in the office, so we can get out of here.”

Sienna: “Thank you, I really appreciate you helping me.”

Sierra: “No sweat…. Well I am sweating because it is hot in here and…. Yeah TMI…. Be right back.”


Letting out a slight giggle, I did appreciate my sister’s sense of humor, her and I had a rocky start quite some time ago but since then it has really become a relationship that I cherish and one I couldn’t see myself without. Sierra was becoming a rock for me, the reminder that life isn’t always so bad long as you surround yourself with good people. As I started to finish placing the files and grabbing the footage on the zip drives from the computer, my iPhone starts to buzz, looking at the screen, it was the hospital. I quickly answer it, feeling my chest sink in a little…


Sienna: “Hello, this is Sienna.”

Voice: “Sienna, this is Dr. Allen over at Cedar Sinai, how are you?”

Sienna: “I am fine, Doctor Allen, is there something wrong with Laura?”

Dr. Allen: “Actually, that is what I was calling you about since you are the emergency contact, Ms. Steinbeck has woken up.”


My eyes widened, hand started to tremble, the news simply overcame me that I had to sit down for a moment and calm down, collect my thoughts and digest this information. I took a deep breath and finally was able to put words in my mouth…


Sienna: “She is awake? IS she….. alright?”

Dr. Allen: “Ms. Steinbeck is responsive, but I need you to come over as soon as possible, please.”

Sienna: “I will be there within the hour, thank you Doctor.”

Dr. Allen: “You’re welcome, see you soon.”


Soon as I hung up, I sat there for a moment in silence. Looking around at the Beauty Factory, the great memories I had, the love of this industry, it was all a huge part of being the Heavenly Angel. Laura Steinbeck saved my career, she brought e back up when I was blackballed, she gave me the opportunity to be something great, becoming a top model in the industry and win a World Championship in wrestling.  She sacrificed so much for me that I was willing to do whatever it took to make sure that she was okay. I took a deep breath just as Sierra brought in the last of the boxes….


Sierra: “What is wrong? You look like you’re ready to be sick.”

Sienna: “It’s Laura.”

Sierra: “Oh no…. oh my God, not Laura…..”

Sienna: “She’s not dead.”

Sierra: “Oh… well shit why didn’t you say so, I was about to fall on this dirty floor and cry. What is it then?”

Sienna: “She is awake.”


My sister’s eyes were already big, but it was the biggest I have ever seen. She knew right there that we were going to load the rest of these little boxes up and head to the hospital, finally to see Laura, knowing that she is awake and coherent, it was the start of a good day it seemed and I haven’t had too many of those lately. It was time to get out of here, I don’t know how Laura will react to me closing this, guess it is time to find out.


Cedar Sinai Hospital

Los Angeles, CA.

Thirty Minutes Later


Sierra and I made it there fast as we could. We wanted to make sure that Laura was alright, having plans today, we dropped all those the minute I was given the phone call. On our way there I had called Chris and Xiomara, I didn’t expect my husband to come, he was taking care of Nathaniel, Xiomara though was there to greet me. She seemed to have already been talking to the doctors….


Sienna: “We made it fast as we could. Sierra drove, had I driven we would still be stuck on Wilshire BLVD.”


Xiomara either didn’t find my joke very funny, she was in a pissy mood or the Doctor told her something that maybe we didn’t want to hear. I braced myself best I could, trying to stay calm and genuine, the last thing I wanted was to cause a panic or myself have a nervous break down and pass out right on this hospital floor. I was already nervous coming here thanks to the virus; I spend way too much time in hospitals. Taking a deep breath, I expected the worse and turned to Doctor Allen….


Sienna: “What is going on Xio? Doctor?”

Dr. Allen: “Laura is awake, she is aware of her surroundings, there is still some confusion to where she is right now, it will take some time to get her physically back to speed but after numerous tests, it seems like Ms. Steinbeck not only suffered an overdose, she had a stroke during that episode.”

Sierra: “Wait… what?”

Sienna: “Doctor, a stroke? What do you mean? What does that mean for Laura? I mean a stroke, is she okay? I don’t understand?”

SiennaCastPic-XiomaraXiomara: “Calm down munequa.”

Sienna: “I am trying to stay calm Xio, but I need to know the severity of this whole situation! I thought she had accidental overdose, that is what was diagnosed, how did we not know that she had a stroke?’’

Dr. Allen: “We ran tests. They had come back negative but remember we always said that we would not know the extent of the damage until she had awakened, and we could see based on her motor skills and brain functions. We have a better idea of what Ms. Steinbeck is suffering from, what we do not know is to what extent and if it will ever return.”


I was confused, which only angered me more. Trying to stay calm, I took a deep breath, I could feel Sierra’s hand on my shoulder, trying to comfort me, Xiomara was there too, they were huge support. Both cared deeply for Laura, she was like a mother to them too. I finally was able to look at the Doctor right in his eyes…..


Sienna: “What is wrong with Laura? Tell me everything, do not sugar coat it, do not give me the best-case scenario, I want the truth and nothing more. Tell me right now, what is wrong with Laura?”

Dr. Allen: “She has some paralysis in her face, and legs, she also has problems putting words together which is a result of the lack of oxygen her brain had for a long period of time. I am being honest here, this could be temporary, or it could be permanent, right now it is too early to tell. I know that this is not the news you wanted to hear, but at least she is awake. We are going to keep her here for the next week or so and….”

Sienna: “No, you’re not.”

Dr. Allen: “Excuse me?”

Xiomara: “Sienna?”

Sierra: “Sis… what’s up?”


I had my reasons why I was taking this stance and being defiant. I loved that woman too much to see her spend another night in the hospital. I was not going to keep here there any longer especially with this virus happening, that was not going to happen. She needed to come home, I wasn’t about to put her in a home or have her live the rest of her live in places like this…..


Sienna: “She is coming home with me.”

Dr. Allen: “Ms. Swann….”

Sienna: “That’s Mrs. Cannon.”

Dr. Allen: “MY apologies, Mrs. Cannon, she is in the recovery stage right now, we need to monitor her for at least a week to make sure that there is no more dangers and that she will be able to live at least a normal life. The more we know the, better you do as well.”

Sienna: “I understand that and while I appreciate the sentiment, I am taking her home. Xiomara, take care of the release papers for me, please sweetie.”

Xiomara: “Are you sure, mami maybe you should listen…”


My head quickly spun around, looking at her for a moment, she knew how serious I was. Nodding Xiomara I accepted my plea and command. She had turned to the Doctor who I understand was totally against it, I get that, I really do but this is MY decision and Laura Steinbeck is coming home with me…..


Xiomara: “Let’s not make a scene Doctor, shall we get this done?”

Doctor: “I am totally against this.”

Xiomara: “Duly noted, please?”


He wasn’t happy and honestly, I didn’t care. Xiomara led him down the hallway, she was getting all the paperwork ready, when I turned to Sierra….


Sienna: “Make sure he doesn’t give her any trouble; I’m going in to see Laura.”

Sierra: “Okay sis.”


As Sierra walked over to Xiomara and Doctor Allen, I made my way into the room, it was nice to see Laura awake, she turned and looked at me, seemingly like she had seen a ghost. I smiled, so happy to see her, walking up and holding her weak hand….


Sienna: “I was so scared that I would never get to see you again. Please don’t do that to me. I love you Laura.”

Laura: “Dar… darling…. “


As she spoke, I could see only half her mouth moving, her voice seemed a bit muffled, this was not the gorgeous Laura Steinbeck who was the queen of fashion. I needed to be her for her, this was breaking my heart, I don’t know how I can ever get used to this….


Sienna: “Yes Laura?”

Laura: “You…. Should have… let me die.”


MY eyes widened, as she turned away from me.

Oh my God…

She did try to kill herself.





Sienna didn’t expect this to happen, Laura had been in and out of consciousness for the better part of three months, the respirator kept her alive and many thought she could be brain dead and never recover. That was not the case when Sienna had received the phone call, rushing to the hospital and seeing Laura awake, the problem was Laura was not the same, her brain had lost too much oxygen, it caused some stroke symptoms and it seemed like she was having a hard time speaking, and having full function of her extremities. The Doctor didn’t know if she would fully recover, leaving it as a trial by time basis, hoping that one day she could indeed make the full recovery. Sienna didn’t know what to do, Laura obviously need assisted living, she wouldn’t be able to do things on her own. Sienna was caught in a tough decision, this woman did everything for the young South African, she even stuck her neck out on the line. Laura did have two daughters, Reese the youngest and Lennox, the oldest. Sienna wanted to reach out to them, ask for help, it was their mother, anything that they could do to assist, it was a task Sienna was struggling inside with. She wanted to take care of Laura, make sure that she was okay, but didn’t know how much she could bear seeing her because deep down she knew that Laura was trying to end her life and failed, instead now she is here, challenged physically and mentally to the point that not even Swann could deal with….

Or could she?

Sienna Swann Home

Hollywood Hills, CA.

The Following Day


Lennox and Reese had come over. They were both there as Sienna was outside, sitting down under the covering of her living room set by the pool. She wore a black summer dress and flip flops, her hair hung down. Lennox was in jeans, thong sandals and a tight white halter top, her nails polished a matte red and long brunette hair hanging down. Reese had on a long summer yellow summer dress, her sandy blonde hair was up in a half ponytail, sandals and pink polish on her nails. They both looked hesitant when walking outside and sitting across from Sienna, she poured wine, the hand sanitizer was on the table in case…


SiennaCastPic-ReeseReese: “How is she?”

Sienna: “Well, I wish that you could see yourself, but she doesn’t want to see either one of you. Laura is a proud woman and she has always thought about her eternal beauty first and foremost. I asked you two here because I need help.”

Lennox: “She doesn’t want to see us, huh? Okay, I’m out.  It is bad enough that I had to leave my self-quarantine to come here and risk catching that germ warfare the Chinese released out into this world but if I drove all the way here to see my mother and find out that she doesn’t want to see me, then I have wasted my fucking time. Ciao, bitches.”


I really can’t stand her. As Lennox started to get up, I had enough, standing up with her, I blocked her path and stood face to face, I could smell her kiwi strawberry lipstick, that was how close I was to her…


SiennaCastPic-Sienna10Sienna: “Let me explain something to you, Lux before you decide to storm out of here like the brat you are. I know that Laura made some grave mistakes that drove your brother to kill himself, that is something she will never forgive herself for and doesn’t expect you two either to do so, but right now she needs her daughters more than ever, I need you two. She is on the road to recovery and we are hoping that she gets there sooner rather than later but I don’t need the fucking attitude sweetie or your ridiculous conspiracy theories. The virus is not in this home and if you catch it it’s because you are a dirty skank.”


She didn’t like tat very much, her jaw dropped open. Lennox was a beautiful girl with a shitty attitude, I never understood why she was always like this, part of me thought it was all show, trying to act tough and be someone that she really wasn’t. She needed to hear this, Reese was a lot more understanding, I liked her a lot though her lifestyle was a little too free spirited for me. I was waiting for Lennox to back down, she didn’t so I stepped back some, I realized getting to close to her could be a danger to my health….


SiennaCastPic-LennoxLennox: “I don’t have cooties.”

Sienna: “How do I know where you have been or if you ever wash your hands.”

Lennox: “Really? I have the nicest hands and feet here.”

Sienna: “No you don’t, I do. Now sit the fuck down.”

Lennox: “You think that I am going to let you talk to me that way and I am going to be alright with it? Do you know how long we have waited for mom to call us?”

Sienna: “For her to call you? Lennox, you had plenty of time to call her, you could have come and visited, you two didn’t even have the decency to call her at Christmas, you and Reese didn’t even know she was in the Hospital until a week later and did you go visit her? DID YOU!?”

Lennox: “I tried….”

Sienna: “You tried!? My ass you tried sweetie! You never once bothered to go and see her, not one time so don’t stand there and act like you care. The ONLY reason you have any care for your mom is because she has money and you’re hoping to get the piece of the pie, right?”


Lennox looked annoyed, she turned and sat down. There was more to her attitude and hatred toward Laura that met the eye, I really didn’t understand how deep it was rooted, I get that they blame Laura for their Brother’s death but come on…..


Sienna: “Did I strike a nerve?”

Lennox: “No, you’re just being a bitch. I sat down to prove you wrong, that it is not about the money. You don’t; understand because my mother was exactly that to you and not us, you didn’t see her push you away for the fucking fashion industry so I am sorry if you do not understand where WE are coming from and why we feel this way. You make us out to be these terrible daughters, we are not that so stop that shit. We basically had to raise ourselves, it had nothing to do with our mom, she was either gone off to Paris and we were stuck with random babysitters or weird people that worked in the fashion industry taking care of us or she was passed out, sawing logs on the couch after her fifth martini watching Casablanca over and over again. She wasn’t that to you, Sienna. She was actually a motherly figure, someone that cared about you and all she wanted was to see you succeed. Where she failed in us, she tried to fix in you so I am sorry if I am a bit jealous and every time you talk about her like she is some great woman, it makes me sick.”


That was a lot for her to reveal but I was appreciative of it. She was actually opening up and helping me understand better why they hated their mother so much. Laura was a wonderful woman to me but apparently, she wasn’t the best mother. I wasn’t going to argue any of that fact, instead I merely wanted their help in everything including Laura who was confined to a wheelchair and always stared out sliding glass door of the room made for her upstairs. I looked at Reese….


Sienna: “What about you? Since Lux is putting everything on the table, do the same. I know you have been pretty open with me but how do you really feel Reese? I need to know; I want to know so that way I can plan ahead and know what the hell I am doing with your mother.”

Reese: “Lennox is right about how she treated us, it wasn’t fair, we felt like outsiders, we were not important in her life, and it hurt. It’s hard for a little girl to have to experience it, why we had to go and stay with strangers, this is what pushed Brody to suicide. We were able to hold it together, but in the end, I don’t have a relationship with my mother or even my sister.”


Lennox turned to Reese the minute she said that, I sensed the two sisters barely talk. I needed some answers though, I wasn’t here to play therapist. Instead I stood in silence, listening to Reese speak. She was the calmer, more mature of the two even young as she was, I think Lennox was a lot more bitter about this….


Reese: “You said that Mom doesn’t want to see us right now. Why?”

Sienna: “She is in bad shape and doesn’t want her daughters to see her in this way, that is all Reese and I am, going to respect her wishes until she is ready. What I need from you is to know if you two are willing to help me.”

Reese: “I don’t know how we could? If she doesn’t want to see us, then how could we be of help.”

Sienna: “She wants to see you, deep down inside I know that if you two walked upstairs right now that she was be overjoyed and it would make her feel better. In time we can do that, but I need you two to help me keep her memory and legacy alive.”

Lennox: “Fat chance, you closed down the Beauty Factory.”

Sienna: “Yes, I did. I cannot run it; I cannot be a part of it anymore but you two can.”


They both looked at each other a bit surprised, I don’t think they saw it coming. I had decided late last night after Laura went to sleep that I couldn’t run the Beauty Factory or that I would be willing to sell it but what I do know is that if Laura was aware that her daughters were running the place, it would give her peace of mind and at the same time, help me in the process and take something off my plate….


Lennox: “What are you saying?”

Reese: “I have no idea about fashion.”

Sienna: “Yes, you do, you’re smart, beautiful like your mother and charismatic. I want you both to take the Beauty Factory off my plate, I won’t sell it, I will transfer it to you on one condition, you keep it alive in honor of your mother and what she has done for the industry.”

Lennox: “After all of this, why?”

Sienna: “Because you two are her blood, her daughters and should stay in the family.”


Lennox stood up, I thought there was going to be another confrontation, instead she extended her hand out in a show of friendship which I appreciated but there was no way in Hell I was shaking her hand…


Sienna: “Elbow bump, I’m not shaking your hand.”

Lennox: “Ah right, bitch.”

Reese: “Okay…. So, what is the plan?”


As I sat down with Laura’s two daughters, we started to talk and strategize, it was a good conversation and I felt like we were finally starting to make progress, which is more than anything I would have imagined at the beginning of the day.

One Hour Later


Lennox and Reese had left, I felt confident about the conversation we had and the under4standing though I didn’t know how things were going to turn out. Making my way up the stairs and into Laura’s bedroom, she was sitting in the wheelchair just staring out the window. I wasn’t going to tell her daughters that like her son, she tried to commit suicide. As I walked inside the room and toward her, I placed my hand on her shoulder. Laura had barely talked or acknowledged me. Bringing her a bowl of her favorite, Lobster bisque, she hadn’t eaten since she came home from the hospital. Pulling up a chair, I sat next to her, offering her some bisque…


Sienna: “I ordered the Bisque from Julian’s, your favorite. I figured this would cheer you up a little. It’s hard, Laura I get it but please, we are going to get through this. You daughters were here earlier, they looked really good. They wanted to see you, but I told them you didn’t want any visitors. I hope that you change your mind the next time they come, so we can all talk and really get close to one another.”


She wasn’t even reacting, pretending that I wasn’t even in the fucking room. I needed to keep my calm, be patient, I understood what Laura was going through, what I didn’t comprehend was why she would try to take her own life, she was such a happy woman, so successful, beautiful, I didn’t get it. Many times, I always thought it was my fault this was happening, wondering if she did it because of me and only me? It was a thought that haunted my thoughts though I was trying to be very cool considering the situation…


Sienna: “Laura…. Sweetie you have to eat, please, take a bite….”


As I brought the spoon over to her mouth, she didn’t even attempt to take a bite. It was frustrating to say the least. Pulling it away, I pleaded with her again…


Sienna: “Laura…. Please. You must eat something and right now you haven’t eaten anything since you came home. Take some bisque, it is good for you….”

SiennaCastPic-LauraIILaura: “I,,,, I don’t want…. Any bisque.”

Sienna: “Okay, no bisque. Let me make you a sandwich, or I can go pick up that Honey Goat Cheese and Beet Salad you really love, right? I’ll get you that with some of those multigrain rolls…”

Laura: “I am….. not hungry.”

Sienna: “Laura… please stop being stubborn and eat the damn bisque or let me pick you up something else. I don’t care what it is, I will go anywhere to get you food even with that COVID-19 shit out there. Please? Do not do this, it is difficult for all of us right now.”

Laura: “I am not…. Hungry.”

Sienna: “You have to eat and……”

Laura: “I AM NOT…. HUNGRY!”


She screamed, startling me as I jumped back some and spilled some bisque on my hand, burning it a little. Placing the bowl on the dresser, I took a second to recover, to keep myself from not going off the deep end, all I kept thinking about was the mistake I made in bringing her home, but I couldn’t think that way, it was not fair. I needed to walk away, heading to the bathroom, washing my hands, I tried to make sense of this, justify her behavior, why I was taking it. She was hurt, she felt alone, she was….. she was….




What the hell was that!? I heard something fall….


Sienna: “LAURA!?”


As I ran back into the bedroom, my hands still wet from washing them, the wheelchair had been tilted over. Laura was there trying to crawl out by opening the sliding glass door…


Sienna: “LAURA!? What the hell are you doing!?”

Laura: “Leave me… alone…..”

Sienna: “Laura! No!”


Quickly trying to help her out, she started to bite my arm as I was tucking it under her chest to lift her back on the wheelchair after I had straightened that up. What the hell was she doing!? I snapped back, dropping her, she had cut the skin….


Sienna: “What the fuck are you doing!?”

Laura: “WHY!? WHY!?”

Sienna: “Why what!? I am trying to help you Laura! I want you to get better!”

Laura: “Why…..”


She started to cry, lying on the floor, gripping the carpet. As I reached over to grab the napkin I brought with the bisque, I wiped the blood from my arm and dropped to my knees next to her. All I could do was stare at Laura, the woman I loved and admired, the reason why I had this Trios Contract, this luxury, the life I lived now and not still renting from Regan Street. I didn’t know what to do, how to handle any of it. All she did was cry, asking me why…..


Sienna: “Why? Because I don’t know what the hell, I would do without you in my life. THAT IS WHY! When I found you unconscious on the floor, my heart dropped, I sank into my chest because I thought the woman, I respected the most and saw as a mother to me was dead. Do you know how hard that is for someone like me to endure Laura!? Do you understand how difficult that will be to handle when UI would have never known the answers!? Laura…. I lied to them, I made the doctors tell the press you had an accidental overdose because I didn’t want to believe that you would actually be so selfish to take your own life and leave behind your daughters, friends, family and ME. I want to see that beautiful and empowering woman again stand on her own two feet and take the world by storm but how are you supposed to do that if you already quit? Don’t do this to me Laura…. Don’t do this…. I need you.”


My eyes started to swell up as tears trickled down my cheeks. It was too hard for me to handle, this was not the woman that I admired and grew up a fan of, this was not the woman that I wanted to be a part of the Beauty Factory, this was not the woman that taught me everything I know and built a multi-million dollar empire. All I did was kneel there and cry, lowering my head, thinking about Laura trying to kill herself and not caring about my feelings….


Sienna: “You didn’t care about me… because had you, this would have never happened. I always wanted to be like you, strong, emphatic, driven and most of all…. Powerful. This is not the woman I know. I want the minx, sitting on your couch, sipping your martini and reciting Casablanca. You always said to me…. “Here’s looking at you kid….” Just like Humphrey Bogart. Or your favorite line…. “It’s still the same old story. A fight for love and glory…”, that is Laura Steinbeck. The woman who thought about me first, who gave me everything I needed including a Trios Contract that IO promise you I will fulfill and make sure that no matter what we leave with the World Title.’


Lowering my head, I closed my eyes and continued to cry, I couldn’t take it anymore, I just couldn’t. All I wanted now was to crawl in some hole and pretend that this goes away. Suddenly I felt her hand on my knee, my eyes shot open as she looked up trying to speak but the words were not coming out. I stood up and helped Laura off the floor, carrying her to the Wheelchair. Staring at her, she placed her hand over mine….


Laura: “I’m….. sorry…..”

Sienna: “You don’t have to apologize to me for anything. All I want is for you to get better, that is it. Can you do that for me? Can you promise not to fight me, not to make this so difficult? I Laura, I HATE seeing you like this, it breaks my heart but you were there for me when I was a drunk, passing out on photo shoots high as a kite on sleeping pills and you saved my life when I was the one who almost overdosed. I wouldn’t be here today if it wasn’t for you. For the last four years, you have protected me, sometimes at the cost of your own morality. Let me be the one this time to protect you. Allow me to return the favor….. mum.”


IT just slipped out; I don’t know why I called her mum, but she was like my mother. She started to cry, wiping her tears I gave her a huge hug, I didn’t want to let go of this moment, I had waited for her to awaken. This was not the way it was supposed to be, it is the way it is and now we have to adjust, do what we can to survive and I will make sure that Laura is taken care of and brought back to full health….


Sienna: “I don’t know why you tried to end your life, I would like to think that you being in my arms right now is enough to convince you that life is worth living because I need you in my life, it would not be the same without it….. “


The doorbell rang, I could hear Milo barking at the door. I didn’t understand how anyone was able to get in when my gates were closed. Maybe Chris left them open when he left with Xiomara….


Sienna: “I will be right back.”

Laura: “O… okay.”


Making my way down the stairs, I reach the door, there stands a man in a suit, he hands me a envelope…


Man: “You have been served.”

Sienna: “I have been what!?”


He didn’t answer me back, instead he walked off and left me at the door holding the envelope, as I looked down it said the Court of LA County. I quickly reach over to the bottle of sanitizer by the foyer, after applying, I open the letter, I don’t know where that domkopfs hands have been with he COVID-19 scare. As I grab the letter opener, I break it open, starting to read……

Son of a bitch….

She Actually did it….

Kelcey is coming after Nathaniel.




Her biggest fear had come true, Kelcey Wallace had finally filed for custody of Nathaniel Cannon and while that didn’t surprise Chris nor Sienna, it didn’t sit well with either one of them. Sienna especially had been terrified of this happening, there was nothing that she could have done to prevent it though her best efforts was trying to talk to Kelcey and then thinking the horrific and unforgivable thoughts of bashing Kelcey’s head in with a rock not too long ago, that is the stage it had escalated too, where Sienna even after everything that happened with Lancelot Crane, she would even think about doing it to another human being, where in the process it scared Swann, showed her that she is exactly the kind of woman that would tend to go too far in order to keep Nathaniel. He was the only thing besides Chris that kept her sane in this world, it was her anchor, she was easily rattled and even a bit brittle emotionally, the only thing she could concentrate on was wrestling and even then, Sasha made it impossible for any of this to be an escape. Nathaniel was her life, even though she didn’t bear the child it was hers in the eyes of the Angel.


Sienna Swann Home

Hollywood Hills, CA.

Later that Evening


Sienna Swann paced, a drink of Vodka in her hand. She was wearing her nightie, barefoot with her hair in a ponytail. Laura was sleeping, Sienna made sure she took her meds to help her get rest, she was out for the night. Nathaniel was already asleep in his crib. She was on the phone with her mother who could tell that obviously something was wrong with her daughter, as she was bothered by this and really didn’t have much of a chance to talk to Chris about it. He was upstairs with his son. Sienna frantically took a sip of the vodka, with only a week to Retribution, she knew that Kelcey had done this on purpose to throw her off the game….


Sienna: “She wants to take the baby, mum. I can’t and won’t let her. He is my child, I am the legal guardian and there is no way that I will allow her to take that from Chris and I, we are married now, we are the parents, I can’t believe this….”

SiennaCastPic-AmandaAmanda: “Sienna, you have to relax, you need to get it together and formulate a plan. Long as they see there is stability and a loving family, you will be fine. You make a lot more than her on income, you have helped so many charities including hers, you have a beautiful home and a phenomenal support system that can only make things better for you. Sweetheart, everything is going to be okay, trust me.”

Sienna: “No… no it isn’t. Chris had a falling out with his family. I have turned my back on those stupid people, the media has crucified me, Xiomara was right, I shouldn’t have done any of that shit, I should have bit my tongue and continued this For The People crap, but I didn’t. I wanted to help them out and look at what they did to my reputation and character. They are going to use that against me, aren’t they?”

Amanda: “Sienna, you need to calm down, okay? You need to just relax and understand that we must trust the process. Just remember that this is not over until it is over, okay? I love you sweetheart, do not do anything stupid, I know how impulsive you can be. Let it play out and then if things do not go your way, then we can figure something out. Your father wants to talk to you.”

Sienna: “Okay.”


As I waited for my father to get on the phone, I continued to paste, the cold floor under my feet wasn’t so cold anymore. I was panicking, I couldn’t believe that she had the audacity to do this and knowing Kelcey, I am sure that she hired Broderick Chase for her attorney. I was losing it, so many thoughts were racing through my head from hurting her to even…..


SiennaCastPic-StevenSteven: “Sienna?”

Sienna: “Hi daddy.”

Steven: “I just wanted to tell you real week, your mum told me what happened earlier, my firm and I would love to represent you.”

Sienna: “Are you serious!?”

Steven: “Yes, would that be alright?”

Sienna: “Yes… YES! Of course, I would love for you to do so! I mean that makes me feel so much better, I do appreciate that daddy.”


This made my night, knowing that my father was willing to represent…..


Steven: “Aright, I’m going to finish Jeopardy, let me know if you need anything else and stay safe, you have plenty of hand sanitizer, masks, toilet paper?”

Sienna: “I have it all, thank you daddy.”

Steven: “Anytime, mum gives her love, love you.”

Sienna: “Love you too.”


We hang up the phone, and I drink the rest of the glass of vodka, that was my third one. I was stressed, I couldn’t believe the audacity of Wallace. I shut off the light and made my way up the stairs, I could hear Chris talking to Xiomara on speaker, stopping at the top to listen…..


Chris: “I know this, but you need to understand Sienna’s stance on this. Think of a Race Car Driver, did you know that most do not go to the funeral of another killed because it scares them so much, they tend to stop driving? That is what we have here. Sienna sees Laura and that is a grim realization of what could happen to us as we get older and it scares her to death, then we have to worry about Kelcey trying to get custody of Nathaniel in any form, all these distractions as we are ready to compete for the World Championship.”

Xiomara: “Papi, listen. We will make sure that Laura gets the best treatment. I can only imagine what Sienna is going through and what she must deal with. I talked to her earlier and she was visibly upset. Laura hasn’t been easy on her. Nathaniel, I think that long as we have the best lawyers working for us, that we will be fine. I will hire a PI, he can dig some dirt on your brother and Kelcey, then we can expose them. Retribution? Well leave that to me, Sasha can scream and yell all she wants, she can demand that I call it even, I will handle the referee duties, you let me take care of that.”

Chris: “Thanks love, I know that this is a rough time for us, but I really do appreciate everything you do for Sienna and I.”

Xiomara: “You two are mi familia, I really don’t have anyone else. Besides, it is always my pleasure to do whatever I can to help you two out, you know that. Just take care of Nathaniel and keep Sienna calm, the last thing we need is for her to panic and make a scene, ruin our chances of keeping that boy. I am already cleaning up her PR mess, with the “For The People” Movement. She is reactionary and impulsive, a lethal combination.”

Chris: “Don’t worry. I will handle Sienna, she will be fine, it is just a rough stretch, with this, what is going on in the world, it comes a time when we just need to hunker down and figure things out.”

Xiomara: “I know you will Superman.”

Chris: “Ha ha… alright love, I will talk to you later.”

Xiomara: “Adios.”


Soon as he hung up with Xio, I walked into the room, tilting my head and sitting at the edge of the bed…


Sienna: “Nice conversation with Xiomara, If I didn’t know any better, I would think you two are really friendly……”

Chris: “Sienna…. Stop. I know you have had a long day; we all have. I promise that things are going to get better, the first thing we need to do is concentrate on Retribution, alright? Nothing more. Everything else will work itself out.”

Sienna: “Will it? You were SHOT last week Chris! Someone actually tried to kill us, and you want to stay calm? Now Kelcey wants to take our child, taking care of Laura is harder than I had ever imagined, and I honestly do not know if she isn’t going to try and kill herself again. I have this feeling she should. Now Kelcey? Oh, and let’s not forget this killer virus. What is left?  Retribution? I stacked the bloody deck against James Evans, and he will probably sneak out of this as World Champion and then what!? It’s fucking falling apart!”

I said that too loud, I could hear Nathaniel crying, I quickly run to the crib and grab him, cuddling his warm little body in my arms…


 Sienna: “Shhh… it’s okay sweetheart, don’t worry, mommy is here….”

Chris: “Sienna…. “

Sienna: “Yes Chris?”

Chris: “Can I have Nathaniel, please?”




Sienna: “Why? I just want to hold him.”

Chris: “I can smell the vodka on your breath, please hand him over, just as a precaution, love.”

Sienna: “Chris I am fine.”

Chris: “No, you’re not. I know the kind of day you have had, It has been rough, I am worried about you and I don’t want you to start feeling impulsive and do something you’ll regret.”

Sienna: “Holding my child is not regretful Chris! He is MY son, or did that change?”

Chris: “Sienna? No, it didn’t change love but right now you are in no condition to hold him, please hand him over. When you sober up, then hold him all you want but I saw you put down three glasses of vodka, you’re a cheap date Sienna, it doesn’t take much.”


I was feeling just fine as I stumbled back a little, All I wanted to do was hold my son, in my arms, remind him just how important it is to be with us, I was the only mum he knew. That must account for something. They want to pry him from me. I already basically lost Laura, I have to take care of her and now this? I didn’t think Chris would react this way to me….


Sienna: “He is the only mum he knows, Chris. Nathaniel was the name I picked for him. Kelcey wants to take him from us and I won’t let her…. I will kill her first before….”


I caught myself, but it was too late. Chris sighed; I could see his temper starting to boil as I was trying to bargain with him. All I wanted was to hold him in my arms, he gave me warmth, protection, he was everything to me….


Chris: “I am going to chalk that up as the alcohol talking. Please, give me Nathaniel.”

Sienna: “I will… just let me hold him!”

Chris: “Sienna…..”


I tried to sidestep Chris, but when I did, I lost my balance and fell, Nathaniel was under me, oh my God, I crushed the baby! I crushed my son I…. I heard him crying, turning to look up, Chris was holding him in his arms, as I started to cry, lowering and covering my face, slowly breaking apart, I didn’t know what was happening to me. Laura first, then Nathaniel, everything with this virus, my parents, the “For The People” stuff, I had finally lost it and reached my breaking point. What have I done….

She is trying to win; she will never win….

I will show her starting at Retribution….

But for now, I could hear Chris walk out of the room with Nathaniel. I just lied there for a few moments before my eyes felt heavy….

And everything went dark.









SiennaCastPic-Sienna11“The consensus of people who think they know Sienna Swann believe that I care about nothing and no one, some bitch who worries more about her next hair stylist appointment or want color I’ll paint my nails next. If you only knew the truth about me, maybe the “For The People” Movement would have survived and I would be donating millions in aid to the countries affected by this Pandemic. Instead I’m chastised, made to look a fool, brandished and labeled a fake by not just the fans, those outside the scope of wrestling, but also my own promotion, as if they want me to legally force their hands and opt out of my contract.

My latest “stunt” as they call it didn’t fare too well among my critics, the ones who want to dish it but cannot take it. If only you could see the err of your ways, crucifying a woman that only thought about helping others and with the world coming to a stand still due to this Covid-19 virus, it is safe to say that right now?


Retribution is one thing; the fact I was able to get the match I want and how I wanted it was all part of assumptions. Right now though with everything going on in my life and seeing Laura Steinbeck the way she is now thanks to all of you, including the ploys of trying to take away my son when this Pandemic has paused life as we know it, is both cheap and untimely. There is nothing that anyone can do to separate my family, I cannot and will not allow this disease to further hinder us while protecting my loved ones like Laura, who in her weekend state could die by this and I would blame all of you. This is the time where I would be gracious and help as many who are in need, sick and are coping with lost work, wages, having to sit home and care for their children since schools are closed, needing any type of help the government and private citizens can give them…..

And now you understand why shunning me was the biggest mistake of your lives.

We could have helped one another through this life altering crisis without even having to hold hands. Instead, your backs were turned, I had to look down in shame, realizing all I was doing was making myself vulnerable thinking you people would like and appreciate what I have done. Well now? Don’t knock on my door, look my way, ask for help, even a handout, you will not get anything from me. I rather see you wither and choke on your own spit, barely able to breath then help any of you again.

Does that sound macabre? Too much? Evil in every sense?

No, it’s truth because when one person is wiling to help and you don’t take it, what do you expect them to do when now you need it and want to look me in the face and beg Sienna Swann one more time to do it all…

“For The People”?

With your last breaths, trying to fill your lungs with air, I will do the same thing to you as was done to me…

Turn my back and walk away.”









The Scene Opens….


Beale Street is a street in Downtown Memphis, Tennessee, which runs from the Mississippi River to East Street, a distance of approximately 1.8 miles. It is a significant location in the city’s history, as well as in the history of blues music. Today, the blues clubs and restaurants that line Beale Street are major tourist attractions in Memphis. Festivals and outdoor concerts frequently bring large crowds to the street and its surrounding areas. Beale Street was created in 1841 by entrepreneur and developer Robertson Topp, who named it for a forgotten military hero as the original name was Beale Avenue. Its western end primarily housed shops of trade merchants, who traded goods with ships along the Mississippi River, while the eastern part developed as an affluent suburb. In the 1860s, many Minstrel Show began performing on Beale. The first of these to call Beale Street home were the Young Men’s Bass Brand who were formed by Sam Thomas in 1867. The day-to-day management of Beale Street was turned over to the City of Memphis in an October 2012 court decision after a long legal dispute involving the city, BSDC and Performa.

During the first weekend of May, sometimes including late April, the Beale Street Music Festival brings major music acts from a variety of musical genres to Tommy Lee Park at the end of Beale Street on the River. The festival is the kickoff event of a month of festivities citywide known as Memphis In May. In 2020, in Memphis, the Beale Street Historic District and the WDIA radio station were added to the U.S. Civil Rights Trail. Here is where we find the beautiful Sienna Swann, the streets seem to be close to empty, the usual hustle and bustle of Beale Street is at a simple crawl thanks to the Coronavirus or COVID-19 that has swept the entire country and the world. This is the time for Sienna to be happy that she finally has a match that is all in her favor, if she was to lose, there is no excuse and Sienna would have no other choice but to eat crow. That is not what the gorgeous South African Beauty Queen plans, instead she looks forward to taking the World Title that was once hers and being the Champion that everyone needs. Xiomara Diaz in a black suit, open toed heels and white blouse showing some cleavage, with her hair down and nails polished black stands behind Sienna. Her husband, Chris Cannon wears a dark gray suit and black shirt no tie.

Sienna Swann is in a white suit, peep toe gold pumps and a gold blouse, her nails polished white and long blonde hair slicked back in a high ponytail. This is her chance to screw over the SCW, the Trios Contract was that catalyst, it gave her what she needed, and she plans to take it every step of the way. The camera begins to record…




Sienna takes a second to compose herself, ready to make her mark once again with Chris Cannon by her side, Xiomara as the referee, Spirit Dansby as the special timekeeper and finally Bree Lancaster as special enforcer referee, there is even an open invitation for Glory Braddock to be there and assist. The icy blue eyes of Swann look up as she speaks in her sexy South African Accent…


SiennaCastPic-Sienna12“Beale Street, not the normal traffic that you would expect on a Sunday. The Corvid-19 Virus has struck fear in all the populous and now they are afraid to walk out of their homes, but not us. There is a certain confidence, a woman like me has been known for, unfortunately this virus and the Pandemic have been around a very long time, and it started in the SCW. For the last year all I have heard, seen and experience since Sasha D took over was promises that the SCW would be the greatest organization in all of wrestling, taking it from her father’s mantle, a man that at least knew talent and held his bias at the edge of his business sense. Sasha on the other hand has picked her favorites, she has her targeted ones that will never amount to anything in this company as long they don’t kiss her pimply ass. We have experienced this, the constant bias over and over, the empty promises, everything that has been said was never done and instead I was forced to make this this horrible match against a man that doesn’t deserve to be the World Champion.

Yes, I called it horrible because let’s face it, this is as one-sided as it comes but can you blame me? No, you can blame Sasha so when James Evans wants to spew out the same rhetoric, likely to cast his little threats and shadows of doubt, when his alternate personalities come to the forefront and we have his victims cheering him on, it makes me wonder exactly why we even bother with this. The match I made is ridiculous, I think all of us can agree on that. I find it funny though how the hypocrisy comes out in each and every single one of you. Oh, Sienna can’t beat James Evans on his own, oh Sienna needs help because she doesn’t have the talent?


Is this why I was the Female Wrestler of the Year TWO times over? Honestly, how much more are you going to change the narrative to fit your story? How much are we going to have to endure when the champion who holds the belt is so fragile, he can’t even stand my honest and FACTUAL opinions on Twitter? That is an easy question to answer, the Truth ALWAYS hurts. Sasha has tried to create this Utopia, where her chosen ones can roam freely around, get whatever they desire, all by asking, bitching or complaining. They are protected by the brass, coddled at every turn, promoted to the point their faces are on bananas and why? Because in Sasha’s Utopia, there is no room for the REAL talent and those that do things their way. See, James Evans like many others including Owen Cruze, Aaron Blackbourne, Peyton Rice, Selena Frost, Ace Marshall, Alistaire Allocco, The Jones Sisters, anyone named Helms, the list goes on and on, are given the season pass, they can go and do whatever they want, demand and be handed the opportunities that people like myself, Chris, Bree, Glory and a handful of others have EARNED and promised yet when it comes down to it, it’s always a lie….

Like James Evans Championship Reign.

Sasha guaranteed me Syren after Taking Hold of the Flame, instead she throws us in an Elimination Chamber that I don’t even get to face her in. Then we are thrown In a Double Jeopardy match, we really didn’t get to wrestle much either. Of course, there was the battle royal… and yet nothing. Can we not forget the many requests to face Selena Frost and Ravyn Taylor only to get absolutely nothing. What about those that cheated me out of my title at Making Things Right? Christy Matthews? Blake Mason? Again, NOTHING. Yet, Syren gets James Evans, all she must do is scream. Owen gets Ravyn, he can go yell at management and get both Chris and I at Rise to Greatness. I was told by Sasha that CLARITY…. Yes CLARITY, remember that PPV? Was the FINALE, the END of the chances for Owen Cruze, Syren and James Evans, again pure lies then uses the excuse of the Trios Tournament to mandate my automatic defense in a battle royal I was DOUBLE teamed by Selena and Owen to be taken out and the last two men were the ones I defeated and sent to the back of the line which means one thing….

Sasha’s word means nothing.

You are a pathetic woman and damn you for forcing my hand. I have taken your abuse for over a year, constantly putting me in no win situations, always trying to dirty your hands in all of my business to the point you even approached Xiomara about being the referee and calling it down the middle, I personally think it is to her discretion so take your little demands and shove them up your ass.

Xiomara is the official, and she will call it like she sees it.”


Sienna steps back a little, all fired up about the match and just thinking about Sasha really angers the Heavenly Angel who feels like she has been screwed for the last year or so. Sienna though this time has stacked the deck against James Evans for many reasons, most if not all she will reveal shortly. Turning to Xiomara, she steps up and brushes her hair back, speaking in her very direct yet sexy voice….


SiennaCastPic-Xiomara“I don’t have to say much, I simply wanted to reassure my stance as the referee of this match and let you know exactly what I am going to do. Sasha, pendeja, escucha me, okay? Listen to me bitch, I don’t care who you are and what power you think is held over us. I already told you and the rest of the wrestling world that I was going to call this match exactly down…. The way I see it. Referees like yours who have countless matters of time screwed over Sienna, Chris, Bree and so many others are regulated by you. Didn’t we see the referee cheat Sienna out of the World title at Taking Hold of the Flame? If I recall the officiating was compromised and did you do anything about it? No, instead you awarded Syren the title and pushed Sienna to the back of the line until giving her “rematch” in the Elimination Chamber. So now, you have the audacity to come to me and say that I need to call things your way because this time you CANNOT protect your investments, right? Instead of embracing Sienna and Chris, promoting them as THE GOLDEN COUPLE of wrestling, turn you honor no compete clauses to cowards all because Sienna and Chris’s names were on it, right?

Tell me something else, pendeja, James Evans was clearly not able to compete for the World Title according to your ruling at Clarity and still allowed him to compete in the Battle Royal, we are just supposed to accept it? Like all the empty promises and lies that have plagued this company and my two clients right here for the better part of 2019 and now 2020? Sienna makes a challenge to Selena, you grant her nothing, Selena makes a challenge to Giovanni Aries, and it is granted right there on the spot? Xander Valentine? Granted right there on the spot? This isn’t an occasional practice; this is a pattern of mismanagement AND gross negligence against The Beauty Factory. Let me tell you what I am going to do, I will referee the match as I SEE FIT. James Evans is not getting away with anything, this is not your shoddy officiating, Sasha, this is now a classic case of the shoe being on the other foot. That is all I have, Sienna.”


As Xiomara steps back, she winks at Sienna who smirks, loving her manager’s response and take. She has a valid point; at Taking Hold of the Flame the officiating was manipulated and what she did was simply let it go. Since then Sienna has had to deal with not only never getting her challenges accepted, but also watching everyone else get what she was denied. Sienna walks a little, looking around at the empty streets and smirks…


“Do you see this James?

The streets are empty, so many people hiding in what we call a Social Distancing. Well, now it comes to ahead and before I start talking about your Championship reign, let’s have a moment of transparency here. Sasha has been protecting you since the New Years Show when you stole that title from me. You have defended that belt ONCE since winning it in almost THREE months. In the same time frame, I wrestled in an Elimination Chamber, a Double Jeopardy match and the End of the Year Battle Royal. Yet you want to call yourself a World Champion? Please, this is bad comedy. How do you justify that, James? By claiming that hollering, screaming and tweeting that you want to defend the belt more will make you look like the fighting champion that I was? I understand sweetie, keeping appearances, I get it. I called you a Paper Champion, that may have been a bit harsh, what I should have called you was a Corporate Champion, the man the company chose to keep the belt away from me. It doesn’t make one iota of a difference how many times you claim that belt was earned, it really holds no water when the cheering section you stalked and almost raped are praising your accomplishments, like the weak, victimized battered women with their purple hearts are. I expected more from them, I’m quite disappointed they support a piece of garbage like yourself. Amy Chastaine’s comments are laughable at best, always singing your praises yet she was the first to lead the charge in getting rid of you in 2016. Kennedy Street the same, see I get the reasoning of your fat wife, no one else wants her so why not settle. James your life like your career the last year is based all on lies. The promised you made, the security and janitorial work, the teaming with one of the greatest women on earth, Angelica Jones only to bring her down when she should have been beating the best all so you can climb up the ladder, this is your story.


Therefore, Sasha is criminal, because she harbors a sick, twisted psychopath that fantasizes like the SCW version of Ted Bundy. We all know your game James; we all hear your little threats. Ready to go into war, not caring about your sins forgiven, talking about how big of a farce I am and here I look at the real fake, a man who is NOT who he says he is and how do you explain that? You were supposed to come back and show the world that you were not that same guy in 2016 and instead there hasn’t been any change yet had you gone after one of Sasha’s favorites then you would have been labeled Public Enemy #1. This is the part that makes me saddest, a charlatan in the midst, a wolf in sheep’s clothing, so quickly to point out who I am with my “For the People” Movement yet I never saw you lift one finger to help anyone.

What you have done is sneak through the cracks, Sasha is too much of a coward to police you, she has allowed for you to have your way, even injuring Syren, there was a slap on the wrist, Chris on the other hand gets suspended until he can provide a medical record? Don’t you see James, you have been given EVERYTHING on a SILVER PLATTER when you failed twice in a row against ME. That should have been the end, this was where I would still be holding the World Championship, defending it around the world. I don’t care what monstrous threats you make; I really pay no attention to your inner devil and “Abel”. This is a tired old excuse to hurt people and be the same freak you were back then.

Well, let me explain why I chose this match and the cash in.

I gave you the Thunderdome, a chance to unleash the beast. Trapped in a cage against both Chris and I. See, I heard all the talk after the Chamber and Double Jeopardy, how you were “screwed” both times yet not once did anyone say that about me at the End of the Year. If I recall, it was the Wonderland that attacked you, wasn’t it? Crawling in the opening you created. Then the Lumberjacks were involved, that was Sasha’s way of making sure that nobody interfered right? Yet each time you lose there is an excuse….

Well now I have given you none.

Here is why, James….

This contraption is the same one that Kelcey Wallace cashed in at Retribution 2017 against Bree Lancaster and William Mason. This was the same contraption in 2016 at the Halftime Superbowl show where she wrestled Ravyn Taylor for the United States Championship and Perfection lost both. I on the other hand will not, because James this match is not a handicap contest, there isn’t a huge odd that is stacked against you because according to your words…

You can beat us all at the same time.

I am giving you that opportunity inside the Thunderdome.”


Sienna turns to look at Chris who nods, she then turns back to the camera where the Angel paces a little, thinking about everything that could happen inside the cage. She gets it, she knows that James will be motivated, that he will want to show off and finally put away Sienna and Chris. That though is why she has all bases covered. Sienna’s icy blue eyes look right into the camera…


“I could have done anything with this Trios, a Gauntlet for the Gold and become a Supreme Champion in one night. I could have made a match with Selena Frost or really anyone of my choosing, even Sasha, but what is the fun in that? I wanted something that would hurt Sasha more than just physical pain, I needed to make a statement after I was unceremoniously ousted as the top wrestler in this company over and over, it was time I evened the playing field, this was not cowardice, it was the same medicine forced down my throat since that bitch took over.

I chose this Cash-in because all the times the deck was stacked against me, against Chris. How many times have you had Sasha force you into matches or deny every request you had? See, James, I am NOT Syren, I am YEARS passed her, I was always the future of this company, but Sasha couldn’t accept it out of pure jealousy. I am everything she wanted to be, even more than Selena Frost who I defeated, Owen Cruse, Allistaire Allocco, Aaron Blackbourne, the man you had a five star match with and I beat him in minutes, my superior wrestling ability, technique and as the BEST athlete in this company I will give the name THE IRON ANGEL a new meaning, as the woman who defeated and slayed the beast inside his own cage and that is PERFECT. How long have I waited? Teased this moment, told the entire world that I can defeat ANY wrestler, just ASK the Adrenaline Champion, Asher Hayes. I am in a class of my own but there is a caveat to all of this, because James, you face Bree Lancaster as the special enforcer referee. You face Xiomara Diaz as the special referee in the Thunderdome, you face the fact that EVERYONE unless I clear them is barred from ringside so it you are going to walk out as World Champion?

You are going to have to beat us all like Shas has made me do against every single one of you!

The cage is relentless, and I have made my name climbing the ladder for years. Your mentor couldn’t stop me, I sent Josh Hudson packing and I will do the same to YOU. This little storybook reign thanks to our boss, written in the check book of Sasha is OVER. Chris is in this match for a reason, and yet everyone thinks it is to help me become World Champion but ah, see James, WE are going to become World Champion and be the FIRST COUPLE to rule over this promotion where Sasha can’t do a damn thing about it because for once, I have taken it out of her hands.

Three months I said, “Fuck The People”, upset that they turned on me. What no one realized was just how much that hurt and changed my life because you see, James, it is I, it is Chris who now have turned on the switch. We are not coming into this match to gloat, we are not entering this dome for a photoshoot, we are not wrestling for show, we are coming in there to END your reign and career and if you think we are trapped in  there with you?

No James, you are trapped in there with US.

I have sat back and watched my opportunities taken, I have been blackballed by the SCW, purposely held out of the Trios Tournament, and anyone that chose me would have been shunned and frowned upon. Sasha has literally thrown me to the side, wanting nothing more than for us to sit on the curb and watch the Parade of the SCW go by. Not anymore, for I flipped the script, took all the decision making and power out of her hands and into mine. There are no Glorious victories, there will be no tapping of this inner power, all the motivational quotes and speeches will mean absolutely nothing, falling on deaf ears when Chris and I walk out of the Thunderdome as the World Champions. Yes, I waited to Retribution, yes, I wanted this to end on my PATH of REVENGE for over one year I have beaten and torn down EVERY single obstacle thrown at me and you will be no different! 2020 has been marred with death, disease and catastrophe’s but one thing will change and that is I will wipe out the plague which has infected the SCW….

James Evans.

Your lore will be told for years to come and with it an asterisk, as a man who was given a third chance by the boss all because of me. She didn’t get it right the first two times, so she had to pull a fast one with the third. Inside the Thunderdome for your defiance that last few weeks will be your undoing, motivating us to further watch your hoax of a title reign that you NEVER earned, burn!

For as you look up at Chris and I, counting the last few seconds of the possession of my title? I will shove in your mouth and watch you gag on the biggest Slice of Heaven….”


Her icy blue eyes narrow, she looks right into the camera and bites down on her jaw, Xiomara and Chris looking on…..


“…. Witnessing with broad smiles on our faces, the end of the James Evans “Supreme” era crumble at our feet, one personality at a time….

With a Kiss By An Angel.”


Sienna backs up some, spreading her arms across while Xiomara smiles, Chris balls his fists up punching his hand, the Iron Angel winks….

And blows a kiss.











SiennaCastPic-Sienna11“When I was a little girl, someone told me once that life will always hand you a situation, the creative part in you is how you deal with it. I don’t know if how my wrestling career has gone the last few years is a clear indication of the person I am. My biggest weakness has always been how much I invest in the opinion of others toward me, I cannot help it. It can be very difficult to deal with negative press, I have feelings too and when a handful of people who at times I cannot help feel are beneath me paint you to be this monster? Well it becomes that one solitary moment of clarity when a woman like myself either panders to their lies or simply accepts the title bestowed upon me. Please though do not get me wrong, I know who I am and what my true intentions are or were in some cases, they of course are more than just a notion that most would rather assume without even so much as giving me a little benefit of the doubt.

You see I may say I’m perfect on camera, but I know better than this, mistakes are what I call my experience. There are times I wish some could walk a mile in my shoes, see the world the way I do, how society judges so quickly, fans change tunes and cheer for someone else because of one decision or another as these days there isn’t a single person who wants to understand the position of the person they criticize or ridicule until it happens to them, then they look for sympathy, any sort of outreach….

And when it is not there, then they will know how Sienna Swann Feels.

Until then… Fuck em.”



Los Angeles, CA.

Looking down at my feet, the subtle baby pink polish which drew my attention with those strap on Jimmy Choo heels with the white leather I chose to wear, since it was so beautiful outside, the white summer dress made it all come together, feeling like letting my hair down though it was windy and a little cool, I enjoyed the brisk weather. I knew why I was staring at my feet, the cracks in the concrete and new tile placed already looked worn and dated, the grounds keep souring was inevitable when I decided to shut down the youth center. There were still things that needed to be cleaned up inside, taken out before the hooligans would find a way to break in and take them. I felt bad, regretful even, not wanting to lift my eyes up and look at the statue of Ricky Octavius which was a shadow of its former self… He was a good man, he never gave me grief when I gave him plenty to hate me, a kind soul taken way too soon… I will always feel bad about the way I treated him, though part of me would always remember him as a fighter. Slowly I lift my head, finally mustering the courage to look up at his face, those bastards, defaming this statue with some graffiti that some poor soul tried to clean away, I can see the smudging of it all… It was a weird feeling I felt, almost as if he was watching my every move. I wanted to say something, anything at this point which would ease my flared-up conscience, but the words wouldn’t resonate in my mouth….

All I could do is move my lips; nothing was coming out.

Ricky didn’t deserve this ending and truth be told, maybe I should have still honored his memory with the Youth Center but this pettiness needed an answer, these people were not going to continue and abuse me, tarnish my accomplishments and at least some of the good I actually tried to give back without getting any benefit of the doubt. I tried though I really did but I couldn’t let go of the bitterness, which was one of the driving forces behind my Trios Cash-In that belonged to Regan Street, no doubt about it, but I need to do what is best to survive….


Xiomara: “Finally! Here you are, I’ve been looking for you everywhere…”


She startled me, jumping a few feet off the bloody ground, I hate it when Xio does that shit…


SiennaCastPic-Sienna6Sienna: “Jesus Fucking Christ, Xio, you can’t sneak up on people like that especially here in East Los Angeles!”

“Whoa, mami relax! I didn’t know where you went. Chris (Cannon) and I were inside, trying to get the last of the stuff together, when I turned around, you were gone and here I find you staring at the Ricky statue. Is everything okay?”

“Yeah… yeah I’m bloody fine…”

“Yeah… no you’re not, I know a mentirosa when I see one.”

Sienna: “
I am not a liar, Xio. I’m just thinking about….”

Xiomara: “Him?”


She motioned to Ricky’s statue, which even now the more I looked at it probably had more love for it than I did. Xio offered a sympathetic look, she was here to help Chris and I at the behest of Laura and well… Damn it, I needed to tell her…


Sienna: “in a way yes… however its more about regrets, I am having regrets about closing this place down… I know I shouldn’t feel this way, instead I should be livid, smiling that I didn’t even give it a chance, these people don’t deserve it, not after what they all did to me… It’s not right Xio, you know that I am correct on this.”

Xio approaches me and placed a hand on my shoulder, she looked up at the statue and the mess surrounding it and scrunched her nose a little…


SiennaCastPic-XiomaraXiomara: “Maybe you’re right Sienna, but what I think doesn’t matter about this. You did what you felt best. Truth is I worry about more than just your mental and physical health, I worry about your image as well. What people see and what people say might be two totally different things munequa, but that doesn’t mean you don’t continue the work that you and Laura (Steinbeck) spent so much time in doing.”

: “Laura always had a soft spot for him…”

Xiomara: “He was a hunk, easy to see why. No one could say a bad word about him, maybe too nice at times but that was about it… But when I look around here, I can’t help but think this community, it needs this place, just like the Perfect Cure at Cedars Sinai, the homeless shelters, the animal rescue centers, even this shit with the Coronavirus right now, it would be a perfect way to throw a couple of million toward research, it is about image.”

“And I’ve done all that, Xio and look where it got me? The ire of the people thanks to the SCW machine… I could walk into Breakdown on Wednesday with Glory (Braddock) and save fifty children from a blazing inferno in some 20 story skyrise while finding the cure for this Coronavirus and I would be accused of setting the building on fire and likely causing the virus to begin with! Laura is still in the hospital after two months and who is going to end up paying those hospital bills? Me. Do you think her daughters are going to help her? What happens when she wakes up? What if something is wrong with her mentally? Do you think the SCW will help? Send their condolences and offer support? No. They don’t give a damn about us. WE are public enemy number one, not Infamous as much as they try to be, WE, that includes Bree (Lancaster).”


Xiomara knew I was right even though she made a good case. Maybe I jumped the gun, I was swamped with emotion, overcome by Laura’s condition and never really able to get over it. I blamed the people, those I tried to help, whether my morality is tested or not was a different story. I didn’t want to fill my heart with hate, become the very personification I promised my parents I wouldn’t. I couldn’t let go…..

I just couldn’t….

“It is hard to let go of the feelings; I understand perfectly. No one is saying you have not been wronged, we all know you have Sienna, but don’t prove them right and give them reason to continue this campaign of hate. The very second Laura ended up in the hospital, we could have turned this into a story where the outpouring would have worked in your favor.”

“I find that hard to believe…”

“Oh believe it mami, at the end of the day everyone who watches people like us… They are sheep, they follow who is hot, who they can relate to. Look at clowns like Asher Hayes and Ace Marshall? Why do they achieve God-Like status? James Evans? Selena Frost? David Helms? The fans find them entertaining or they live vicariously through their actions. Look at Evans? Every fan wishes they could go out and beat their bosses ass, or someone that did them wrong. They harbor fantasies through Ace and Asher, the male generation think they are cool, getting all the hot girls and doing silly things. They respect Helms for the time served, the older generation can relate to him, Selena is one, the young girls pattern themselves, every little child wants to be a princess. They all are marketable and have a demographic. Why are people split on someone like Regan, a love hate thing and why do they hate you, Glory, Bree and Chris? Entitlement, you get what they wish they had ALL the time and resent which is why munequa, when you give back, it humanizes a woman like you.”


There was no answer for what she said, Xiomara was right, but most importantly she was smart and tactical about it. She understood the business, it’s why Laura wanted her to be in charge, take over her position with me and I see why though how can I go back? I have already done so much, there is no way….


Sienna: “Even if I wanted to, It’s too late, Xio. I already made my bed, sweetie, now I must sleep in it. I can’t fall back now.”

Xiomara: “You can, you just won’t. Come on, we need to get inside, people are starting to stare over here, and I doubt you’re the most popular person they want to see hanging around these parts.”

Sienna: “Screw them… I need another minute…”

“Sienna… I want you to listen to me closely mami, I am also here to protect you and right now we need to get inside, I am not kidding, okay!?”


Never had I seen Xiomara get loud like that with me, I didn’t understand why she was acting this way but whatever. I wasn’t going to be defiant. I took a deep breath and nodded….


Sienna: “Chill out, I’m coming.”

“Good, walk faster.”

I probably over dressed for this, Xiomara was wearing jeans, these cute ankle boots and a black blouse to match her nail color, she was beautiful in a potato sack yet Xiomara was a fighter, she could kill anyone, not that I am hoping she would, but… yeah bad thoughts. I followed closely behind her as we walked inside, there was Chris always so dapper even in jeans and his Polo shirt. I felt so connected to him, every time I saw my fiancé, I were drawn like a magnet to his lips. We kissed of course…


SiennaCastPic-ChrisCannon2Chris: “You disappeared, didn’t know where you went, love. You okay?”

Sienna: “Sorry, my mind wandered, I went outside to get some fresh air and look at the statue out front… I needed a little bit of time to think this thoroughly. Chris am I doing the right thing with this place?”

Chris: “You know I will support you in anything that you do. That will never be in question Sienna. Here is nothing to worry about. This Youth Center would have been pretty awesome to see opened, but you made the decision to shut it down and I understand why completely.”

Sienna: “You didn’t answer the question though…”


Chris seemed to be ignoring the question, instead tiptoeing around, maybe he was trying to protect me, not start a fight, yet I wanted him to be truthful and if I made a mistake, point it out. Pulling back, I stared him in the eyes….


Sienna: “Please be honest with me? Did I make a mistake closing this place down?”

“Sienna, I told you that….”

“Chris, just answer the question truthfully he promised no lies or secrets…”

I could see his eyes shift to Xiomara, before back at me. It was almost as if he needed some reassurance for the answer, he was about to give I don’t know if I was ready for this or not… I began to hold my breath…


Chris: “Ricky deserved better than this reaction, he was a good kid, Sienna.”

Sienna: “I’m sorry, they angered me, they drove Laura to the hospital, I was ridiculed on National and international TV, they tried everything in their power to destroy me… us, all of us! What was I supposed to do, Chris? I didn’t want to do this, but they gave me absolutely no choice in the matter!”

Chris: “I know… But you wanted the truth, love, I gave it to you.”

“I know…. I know and it’s appreciated. I guess it’s just not what I wanted to hear. I can’t go back now, can I? I can’t reopen this place and look the fool. Xiomara told me image was most of the package, perception, it’s what I was giving them with the “For The People” Movement and they didn’t buy it then, nothing will change now.”

Chris: “What we have been going through is nothing I want to see you go through again. We have a family, after what has happened with me and my brothers, I now know what is important to me, you and Nathaniel, nothing more. I support all decisions you have made Sienna; this will not change. We have a couple more things to grab and let’s get the hell out of here, yeah?”

Sienna: “Yes, lets.”


He was right, we needed to get out of here. I don’t know what I am going to do with this building and everything in it. I own it all, maybe I will figure something out, I could even open it again someday, one thing for sure was that Chris was right, Ricky deserved better than this, but I needed to make a statement. Xiomara was taking some files from the computer, we had to do the same thing with the Beauty Factory though that was still Laura’s and I wasn’t going to touch it until she was ready to leave the hospital. She was still in the ventilator; I was ready to transport her out of there especially with this virus spreading she was a lot safer where she is.…


Xiomara: “I am almost done here; I will follow you guys in a minute.”

Chris: “Okay love, we’ll meet you in the car.”

“Okay, I won’t be long.”

Chris and I decided to head out to the car, he was carrying a few things in a box, some personal belonging from our little office we had there so one of us could go there from time to time and see how the operations were doing until we hired someone we could have trusted to oversee the daily goings of the place. Unfortunately, that was not the case. I could sense some disappointment in Chris, it didn’t seem like he was on board with my decisions and maybe I should have talked to him first about it. We reach the car, where he places the box in the trunk, stepping inside and waiting for Xiomara, there was a little awkward silence until I finally broke it.…


Sienna: “I can sense you have regret, I do too… But all I wanted to do was protect us and our family. After everything I have done these past few months, the hate we have received, the constant berating on Social Media, even the silly threats, I feel like we needed to isolate ourselves from all of them. They don’t deserve us, much as I know how important this was to Ricky, to the community, I have to think about you, me and Nathaniel first. Every trick I tried didn’t work, every person I helped didn’t work, there comes a time when we need to realize the moment, we need to cut our losses. I knew the minute I cashed in the Trios I would receive the hate mail, they would continue to despise me, but I had to…”

Chris: “I know you did love…”

Sienna: “Then please understand. This had nothing to do with Ricky, what I am doing has everything to do with us. How many millions have I spent to help the same people who turned on me because of James Evans or Owen Cruze or Selena Frost who can’t even be a good tag team partner with Regan (Street)? Yes, those are decisions she made; I look at it as a lost cause. Why is it that everything they do is acceptable and everything I do is met with criticism? It’s not fair, because they can do no wrong yet look at them, look at what they HAVE done wrong, makes me look like a real ANGEL.”

There was a little more silence from him, he was looking down at his hand and playing with a coin…


Chris: “No one here is questioning your decisions love, all I am saying is somethings are worth not allowing them to dictate it. Do I agree with everything you have done so far, yes. This place though could have been your legacy, our legacy… The one place anyone can look back to and say, this is what Sienna Swann and Chris Cannon really does. On the flipside, they don’t deserve it after the way they acted, I mean on the ribbon cutting, someone threw a milkshake at you, it was ridiculous. At this point in our life, we do need to worry about ourselves and no one else.”


Hearing those words put me at ease a little, he understood and for us to keep our family together, extreme situations called for extreme measures. Chris was the most important thing in my life, matter of fact, Chris and Nathaniel ARE my life and there is nothing that is going to get in-between it. All I could think about was getting home to Nathaniel, it was definitely a show of just how much I love MY son, I don’t care what Kelcey says or thinks, I’m the only mother he knows and will do…..


Sienna: “It seems the only handle we have anything on is the SCW. This is our chance to make history, to grab what is ours and still, I get this sinking feeling that Kelcey (Wallace) and Scott (Cannon) are planning to undermine us in some way and take Nathaniel… He’s our child, right Chris?”


Without a second thought he gently caressed my hand. This was Chris’s way of showing me some of that tender loving care. He gets it, everyone thinks I’m this evil person, but I really am not, all I want to do is fit in, have people like and respect me, instead all I ever get is backlash. My methods might be questionable, but when you look at someone like Evans what do they expect? It gets tiring after a while. I have given up on pleasing people, is it wrong that now I am more focused on infamy? Is it so bad to just be known as someone who made an impact in this world? I want what is best for my child and the man I’m going to marry one day, where there is no backlash on my family. This is what’s most important to me and nothing will change it. Lowering my head, I was sickly worried about Kelcey taking MY baby. When I see that woman, all I see her as is the surrogate….

Chris could sense something was wrong I must have a tell…


Chris: “Sienna?”

“Yes, Chris?”

Chris: “I know it feels like the walls could be building up around us at times. Maybe they are, but one thing I want you to know and that is Kelcey is not taking Nathaniel from us. You need to stop worrying about it, focus on what we can control, her and Scott have nothing right now and I will be damned if I allow them to take our fucking son. All this is going to do is upset us more, break into our concentration our focus. We have the cards right now no matter how “defiant”, James Evans wants to be, we can take it to him right now and there is nothing he or Sasha can do about it. Nathaniel is fine, if Kelcey even attempts anything, I will make sure she never sees that boy again, they want to go to war I will bring it to them…”

Wow… There was a spark lit in Chris, it was the first time in a while I have seen him so determined and straight forward about Nathaniel. There was part of him that I knew still had feelings for Kelcey, even after he went to see his brothers, looking him in the eye, it was almost as if he wanted to still somehow have her in our lives and Nathaniel’s but after recent developments, his tune had changed, not feeling the sentiment anymore….

“I’m terrified of losing him…”

“You’re not. WE are not. If it is the last thing I bloody do in my life, I will do whatever it takes to destroy Kelcey and Scott.”

“And Christian?”

Chris: “I’ll handle him, don’t worry.”

Sienna: “I miss him, and I see the tension between he and my sister, I don’t like it.”

“I know… I….”

As Chris talked, Xiomara stepped into the back seat, she was carrying some files and a CD. I didn’t bother asking her what it was, but the conversation between Chris and I came to a stall. Suddenly it was quiet in the car, Chris turned on the ignition, I could tell that Xiomara knew she stepped into our conversation….


Xiomara: “So obviously you two were talking about me.”

“No… no….”

Chris: “Never….”

Xiomara: “Uh-huh.”

Sienna: “Okay, maybe a little…”

We needed to lighten up the mood, there was too much tension going on but at least it was enough for us to get a little laugh at it, as we all headed back to the house, it was still early in the day and visiting Laura this afternoon would take all our efforts.


One Hour Later

Sienna Swann Home

Hollywood Hills, CA.


It was a chance for me to spend some time with my son, Nathaniel. I cherished these little moments even if we just take a nap together. It is this escape that gives me the purpose to continue fighting. Now I know how Regan always felt as she continued to evolve. I’ll never expect to be taken serious for my motherly instincts as I continue to hear the same song and dance. The baby belongs to Kelcey, you stole the child, yada yada yada. Yet when I look at him sleeping, already 7 months old not even able to speak yet or walk, I feel like I need to protect him even more.

I took off my sandals and laid on the bed next to him, an hour or two is all I needed. I could hear Xiomara talking to Chris downstairs, their words became muffled as I drifted to sleep, I couldn’t stay awake long enou….


Xiomara: “Is she sleeping with Nathaniel?”

Chris: “Yes, she needed the rest after today what is going on, love.”

Xiomara: “Good… To be honest I think we all could use some…”

I sat in the love seat looking at Xio, she had something her mind I could tell…


Chris: “Everything okay, you seem a bit spooked?”

Xiomara: “Chris, you know how much I worry about you and the safety of this group, there are a lot of crazy people out there.”

Chris: “I know, James Evans is one of them, I get it Xio. I’m worried about Sienna; I hate when she doubts herself and it’s all because she wants these people to be so fucking googly eyed over her, it’s ridiculous.”

Xiomara: “Chris, she has always been like this. She loves the attention, she wants people to like her, that has never changed, it was Blake Mason, the reaction of the fans, the “friends” she had who turned their back on Sienna, the constant prodding of Sienna by Sasha and SCW Social Media, of course it would send anyone on the same downward spiral she has been through.”

I grumbled a little to myself shaking my head at the thought of what she was saying….


Xiomara: “The drugs, the alcohol, the times she spent trying to sober up her parents, the fights she had with Sierra prior to their understanding, the way she feels about what happened to Laura? There is too much going on, she has finally found a balance she didn’t have with anyone else, YOU and Nathaniel. The small threat of her even thinking that it could be taken away can be catastrophic, Chris. Listen papi, in the ring, Sienna is a machine, she will do anything and everything in her power to win, we don’t have to worry about her focus, it’s the distractions which have me worried. Kelcey, this bullshit going around outside of the ring. Her rushed decisions to “Fuck the People”, she is going to start feeling the backlash quite heavily.”

Xiomara had become comfortable on the couch, her laptop resting on her thighs. I had hoped that Sienna was asleep by now, the last thing we needed was for her to wake up and hear this conversation. Xiomara though was right; she knew Sienna and everything that she was going through. I wanted to help anyway I could, maybe it was time that we went to the Courthouse and married, do it today and we can worry about a nice private reception later….


Chris: “Maybe she needs a positive distraction then…”

Xiomara: “Unfortunately you two having sex constantly isn’t going to help… You can’t do that in an SCW ring…”

I couldn’t help myself but laugh, even Xio smirked a little at the thought…


Chris: “As much fun as that would be, that isn’t the kind of distraction I’m talking about. I want you to call the courthouse.”

Xiomara: “The courthouse? For what?”

Chris: “Sienna and I are getting married today.”

“Wait… what? What about a reception, inviting guests? Maid of Honor, a Best Man?”

Chris: “We don’t need all that fluff right now, a private ceremony, just the two of us, you are our witness. That’s all we need for now.”

Xiomara: “I…. this is sudden.”

Chris: “I know but I want to do it, been thinking a lot about it ever since I got ambushed by my brothers. I think it helps on all fronts. It makes our relationship rock solid, where there is no doubt in her mind that I am not going anywhere plus in the eyes of the law she and I will be stable figures for Nathaniel… She needs that right now; I think we both do… I told her I wasn’t going to play games an I don’t intend to…”

“Yes, she does, but she also needs you.”

“What are you talking about?”

I had no clue what Xio was talking about, but she had a talent to dig and gather information that I never knew bloody existed. She was a woman that was VERY GOOD at her job, her number one priority was to protect us. She spun the laptop around, as I started reading it caught my eye…


Chris: “What the fuck are these?”

“Threats. Some from wrestling fans, some from James Evans fans, Selena fans, the regular public, each day I go into Twitter. Tik Tok, Instagram, Facebook, you name it, I am there searching, every time a message comes across. All I have seen is hate mail and threats aimed at you both, you’re very much loved as you can see…”

Chris: “It’s all bullshit. I don’t give a fuck about anything say.”

Xiomara: “
That might be true, but that doesn’t mean they are not credible and I am not doing my job if I don’t tell you and make sure that Sienna, Nathaniel and yourself are not safe, then I have failed in what I promised Laura when she gave me this job. This guy in particular, has been posting threats on Sienna for a while. I don’t want to tell Sienna and freak her out. But at the same time, if I do not say something, I go against everything I pledged….”

“Do you really think that we need to bog down Sienna with this? She already has enough on her mind, Xio. I don’t want her worrying about this too. Let me worry about it.”

“I can’t ask you to do that in good conscience… If you do, I want you to wear some protection then, you and Sienna both.”

Protection? I chuckled a little…


Xiomara: “It is NOT funny. This is NOT a joke. Do you know how many crazy people are out there? All the shootings, the murders? This is serious Chris, it might seem like Hollywood, but this is not a fucking movie. They might have called you Superman, that woman upstairs may call you HER Superman but you’re not indestructible.”

Chris: “Hey, relax Xiomara, I get your concerns.”

Xiomara: “Apparently you do not. I think both you and Sienna while this whole thing blows over should wear some protection. Some of these people are legit mad and angry, they want to hurt her and you, all it takes is one obsessed psycho and that’s it. She has already been attacked in the past by one, Sienna was lucky.”

Chris: “Okay…. Okay fine, I get it. We make sure that she is say, Nathaniel too but just know for the record I think these are thinly veiled threats, or worse yet all a hoax…”

Xiomara: “Like the Coronavirus?”

Chris: “
Okay, that’s a good point. I’ll do what I must okay. That said I’m going to go check on her, I want to head over to the Court soon so if you could make those calls…”

Xiomara: “You are serious about this?”

“Yes, I am. I want to do it today, call the courthouse, appoint me a Justice of the Peace.”

Xiomara: “What… like Right now?”

“Yes, love…. Right now. Spare no expense.”


I didn’t want to mince my words, Xiomara looked both shocked and excited, she was going to act as our witness. This needed to happen today, I wasn’t going to waste any more time, and this would lift her spirits. As I stood up, I could see Xiomara make some calls while walking up the stairs. I understood what she was trying to get at, the threats were real and I wanted nothing more than to take every precaution for myself, son and soon to be wife, if I lost either of them to some stupid random act of violence, I wouldn’t forgive myself or the world…

Walking into our bedroom, I see Sienna was asleep, her hand rested on the cradle, she was such an Angel, her beauty, lying there so peacefully with a smile on her face, she was at peace… I laid behind her, wrapping my arm around her tight waist, she begun to stir as I kissed her on the neck gently before whispering in her ear….



Chris: “Let’s go get married…..”


I was dead asleep having a beautiful dream, then I felt his breath hitting my earlobe as he spoke when suddenly my eyes opened, I lost my breath for a moment because I thought I heard something but wasn’t sure… Slowly turning over to look Chris in his eyes, I needed to hear that again….


Sienna: “Wha… What did you say?”

Chris: “I said let’s go get married.”

Sienna: “Like… right now?”

Chris: “Yes, right now! Why don’t you want to?”

“YES of course… its just I… well….. I have to call Bree….you need to call…..”

Chris: “Who am I going to call, all I care about is in this room other than Christian who is in England… We don’t need to call anyone love, we can have a ceremony and reception on a later date, I want to get married now. Do you disagree?”

Sienna: “No… no I don’t I’m just caught by surprise… this is the last thing I imagined waking up too that’s all… Yes, I want this to happen, I need to find a dress, I need to do my hair and makeup, even my nails….”

“No, you’re the most beautiful woman in the world with whatever you wear, proving that years ago wearing that potato sack.”

Sienna: “You noticed then?”

Chris: “I did, Kelcey could have never pulled that off.”


Those words alone resonated in my mind, body and soul; I could see in his eyes that he meant every word… I wasn’t going to question the motive or the sudden decision to do this now, just the fact we were going to do it was enough to change my perspective on everything in this instance… So unlike my usual routing of moping around, Instead I leaned over and kissed him, bracing my arms around his neck, pulling him in while sitting on the bed… I didn’t want to let go, he was the only thing in my life that was true, he believed in everything I did and now wants to spend the rest of his life with me. Resting my head on his shoulders, I whispered back in his ear….


Sienna: “I cannot wait to marry you, I have wanted this to happen ever since I laid eyes on you…”


Feeling the embrace get tighter I giggled……

Because today I was getting married.



LA Courthouse

One Hour Later


When I woke up this morning, I never thought by middle of the afternoon, I would be standing with my fiancé, Chris Cannon ready to officially tie the knot. I was concerned over a lot of things going on and leading into the next couple of Breakdown’s with Retribution on the horizon. We were supposed to see Laura today, I guess we still will after this, as the original plan was to have a nice little private ceremony and reception with our closest friends and family. We still plan on doing everything, this was a pleasant surprise though. Xiomara stood there as a witness for us, we were inside the room of the local Justice of the Peace, Xio was able to pull some strings and get us in here early. I wore a nice white dress, with some matching heels, nothing too over the top, my hair was slicked back in a high ponytail. Chris was always handsome in a dark gray suit and white dress shirt, no tie. Xiomara was in a black dress and open toed heels, she always looked stunning too. Justice Perry was a nice older gentleman that I had met before during the Otis Winston Meyer stuff years ago. He recognized me as we exchanged hugs….

Justice Perry:
“Wow… It is so good to see you again, Sienna, it has been a long time and this handsome young man, Mr. Cannon, a pleasure to meet you too.”

Chris: “
Thank you Justice Perry, I really appreciate you being able to squeeze us in here, I know how busy you can be.”

Justice Perry: “Well Ms. Diaz was very convincing, you have a winner here, she cares a lot about you two.”

“We know, she is the true angel.”

Xiomara: “Oh Stop. This was very last minute so my gratitude to you Justice Perry and as promised we will be making a handsome donation to the LAPD and the courthouse to help with some renovations.”

Justice Perry: “I truly appreciate that; it will help us out a lot. Now, should we get started?”


Chris and I both look at one another, nothing could wipe the smiles off our faces. We agreed to get the procession to begin. Xiomara looked excited; she could see how excited I was. Feeling a complete three-sixty, I was ready to simply scream in happiness, when earlier I was miserable, feeling bad about all my decisions which in turn were justified, so why try to feel regretful when none of them did? Enough of those negative thoughts, we stood in front of the Justice holding hands…

Justice Perry:
“We are here to gather two beautiful individuals in love. Full of happiness and life ready to spend eternity together. Sienna Swann and Chris Cannon stand before me ready to make their vows and accept each other’s hand in marriage by the state of California. Xiomara, may I get the ring?”

“Yes, of course…. It’s here!”


Nervously smiling at Xiomara, she hands over the ring to the Justice of the Peace. Her hand was shaking, I found that funny as Xio is one tough bitch that never shows fear or emotion around us. Chris and I were elated however, seeing Justice Perry holding the rings. I tried to control my emotions, my eyes started to swell some, I couldn’t believe this was happening to us, it was a dream come true. I glanced over at Chris, he was stoic but he too was becoming emotional….


Justice Perry: “Chris, would you like to say a vow?”

Chris: “Yes, from the very beginning when we first me Sienna I always found you to be beautiful, we had our ups and downs, but with that said there was never a time that I didn’t doubt the person you were, it’s funny that life just had a way of working its way out. When I was going through my darkest day, it was you which pulled me out of it. When I look at you, I see the woman I should have been with from the very beginning. I see the woman who will become the mother of our child. I see the woman I trust with my very heart, body and soul… I want nothing more than to spend eternity with you and create the perfect family together… I love you now and forever, you’re my soulmate…”

No, he didn’t… awwwww…. I’m crying damn it….


Justice Perry: “Sienna, it is your turn now, is there anything you would like to say for Chris?”

Sienna: “Yes, I remember the first time I ever saw you, Chris, I know you do too… It was on that day I knew that you were the one for me. This day and age people don’t believe in love at first sight, I always have and as I stand here with you now, it proves me right all along. To be honest I never thought this day would come, I felt like I was chasing an impossible dream and when I was broken, when I was falling apart at the seams, when I felt my weakest it was you Chris that put me back together again. Your warmth, your smile, your eyes… Everything about you helped make me whole again… You have given me everything I ever wanted and needed, a family to cherish and the greatest love I could ever imagine, my Superman… I love you with all my heart and together I know we are unstoppable…”

I could barely finish the vow, Xio was crying, that might have been the first time I ever saw her cry except for when Laura almost passed. Justice Perry grabbed the rings, this was it, I couldn’t believe this moment was happening! I started to shake nervously as well….


Justice Perry: “With this ring, I thee wed. Chris, repeat after me… “I, Chris Cannon, in the presence of these witnesses, Xiomara Diaz do take you, Sienna Swann, to be my lawful wedded wife to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part.”

Chris: “”I, Chris Cannon, in the presence of these witnesses, Xiomara Diaz do take you, Sienna Swann, to be my lawful wedded wife to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part.”

Extending out my hand, Chris places the ring on my finger. I was such a mess, my lips were quivering, I didn’t know how to contain myself…

Justice Perry:
“Sienna, please repeat after me…..”I, Sienna Swann, in the presence of these witnesses, Xiomara Diaz do take you, Chris Cannon, to be my lawful wedded husband to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part.”

Sienna: “I, Sienna Swann, in the presence of these witnesses, Xiomara Diaz do take you, Chris Cannon, to be my lawful wedded husband to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part.”


Placing the ring on Chris’s finger, a smile came across our faces, we held hands, turning toward Justice Perry, we were finally wed, joined at the hand….

Justice Perry:
“By joining hands, you are consenting to be bound together as husband and wife. You are promising to honor, love and support each other for the rest of your lives. By the authority vested in me by the laws of the state of California, I now pronounce you Chris Cannon and Sienna Swann, husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

We turned toward each other, our lips locked, it was magical to say the least. It was finally the time realization set in; I married the man of my dreams….


Justice Perry: “You are now joined to each other by love and respect, two qualities you must always remember, even when times are difficult. I wish you the best of luck in your marriage, and it is my honor to introduce Mr. and Mrs. Chris Cannon.”

We turned to Xiomara who hugged us both, she said the one thing that suddenly hit me hard, and that is when I started to really cry….

“Laura would have loved this…”

… she would have, but I know that when we have our ceremony and reception, she along with my family, close friends and those who have been with us for the long haul will be there. For now, I am going to enjoy this moment….


Twenty Minutes Later

After signing our marriage license and the beautiful little ceremony we had, hand and hand, Chris and I walked down the hallway admiring some of the paintings on the walls before exiting out the front door of the courthouse, Xiomara followed behind. This day was magical, there was nothing which would change my attitude or perception. I didn’t care about the people, Breakdown or Retribution, I cared about Chris Cannon, I was now Mrs. Cannon and it was still almost like a dream….

“Well, after I drop you two off; you better make it a night. Do you want me to take care of Nathaniel?”

Sienna: “You’d do that for us?”

“Of course, enjoy the night, do something special. You two are married!”

Sienna: “We are Married!”

Chris: “Yes, we are… Mrs. Cannon…”

“…Mr Cannon…”


I hugged my husband, that had a great ring to it, MY husband. I didn’t want to let him go. As our lips locked and he lifted me up into the air and we did a small spin, while this happened Xiomara noticed a young man walking toward us, he had bad taste in wardrobe, and staggered a little while wearing a James Evans t-shirt…


Xiomara: “Hey…”

Young Man:
“Hi… I was just hoping that I could take a picture of the new couple. Besides, I am a huge wrestling fan, I can’t wait until Retribution. Please?”

“Do I know you?”

Young Man:
“Uh… No? Don’t think so… I just want a picture that’s all.”


Chris lowered me, and our attention diverted to Xio and this guy…

“No… Not today, this is a private affair you need to leave.”

I was in a great mood, I didn’t care even if he was cheering for the loser at Retribution….

Sienna: “Sure, why not, right Chris?”

Chris: “Sure mate why not, todays a goo-”

Young Man:
“Thanks….. and this is for all the people you hurt!”

Before I knew it, he brandished a gun from under his shirt, without a second thought I felt Chris charge toward him as I fell to the ground, Xiomara jumped quickly…. As a voice cried out…




Three-gun shots in succession went off I put my arms to protect myself, know really thinking about how futile it was until I realized I didn’t feel anything… Immediately I looked up and screamed…

Sienna: “CHRIS!!?!?!?”

Everything was a blur; the police came running out of the courthouse and then….




All I could do is cover my ears kneeling on the ground, screaming again not knowing what the hell was going on. I finally looked up, the police had the young man down, he looked like he was shot, my God… he was shot… Chris!? Looking up I see Chris holding his chest, he rolled over wincing in pain… oh my God, he was shot! No…. no…. this can’t be happening…. CHRIS!??


Sienna: “CHRIS!!?!?!”


Xiomara grabbed me as I tried to get to him, that is when he sat up and I could see there was no gun shots on him, only bullet holes on his chest… Xiomara, she grabbed me from behind and held me in check, knowing I would try to do something to that sone of a bitch. Chris turned to me, crawling before embracing me in his arms while still wincing a little….

“I’m okay…. I’m okay…. See, love, I’m okay.”


I was not, breaking down, I have never been that scared in my life even after seeing Chris was wearing a vest…

He tried to kill us….

On our wedding day….

On our fucking wedding day…. I almost lost him.





SiennaCastPic-Sienna11”It’s unfortunate that people in society today do not pay attention the consequences of their actions. There can be heroes or villain’s, there will always be one psycho out there who takes what you preach and say as gospel. What happened to responsibility, thinking about your actions instead of calling me a fraud, praise me for what I have done which I see most of those that get cheered do a fraction of what I accomplished in a shorter time frame. Caring about my image, protecting my family, living my life as a woman who has worked hard to earn these accolades and all we ever hear is a derailment by the so-called “faces” of the SCW. The social norms as a whole, have seen an increase into random acts of violence, they happen everyday in a school, shopping mall, place of work or just walking out of your house…

It’s senseless.

Is this what it has come down to?

A vicious cycle repeating itself over and over with interchangeable parts?

Are we looking now at what has been deemed acceptable and if you’re called out on it it’s some sort of attack or a simple act of defamation portrayal? I am a woman that has worked her entire life to get here, never cheating anyone, they did it to themselves and can blame Sasha for it. I have a family too, a life, a chance to live happy for once after my journey of self-destruction has taken me here. No one will steel it, no matter how hard they try.

Understand one thing, I will always get my way.

There isn’t a weapon in this world that will kill me and when I am done with MY Retribution…

Maybe you’ll see that I am an Angel and not a Devil after all.”






The Scene Opens…


The Molly Brown House Museum is a house located at 1340 Pennsylvania Street in Denver, Colorado, United States that was the home of American philanthropist, activist, and socialite Margaret Brown. Brown was known as “The Unsinkable Molly Brown” because she survived the sinking of the RMS Titanic. The museum, now located in her former home, presents exhibits interpreting her life and that of Victorian Denver as well as historic preservation. The house was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1972. Here is where we find the trio of Sienna Swann, Chris Cannon and Xiomara Diaz. Sienna has been the buzz around her since cashing in the Trios Contract in which Regan Street traded Laura Steinbeck for the freedom of Jennifer Helms when in the Beauty Factory. Sienna has been making sure that she has ALL the attention on her even when she was not wrestling, it was the Heavenly Angel’s way to promote her brand and keep people on their toes wondering how she was going to cash in the contract. Now that the cat is out of the bag….

It was time to do something about it, regaining her World Championship she felt was wrongly taken from her in the End of the Year Tournament where it took two former World Champions to take her out, two individuals she has had no trouble beating in singles competition. Now Sienna has her sights set on Retribution and a fitting name for what she has done, before that though she teams up with one of her most respected wrestlers even if they had a bit of a tiff last year, in Glory Braddock, a future SCW World Champion, a second year Trios winner and a person that Sienna can trust facing the two buddies, Ace Marshall and Asher Hayes. Sienna doesn’t think very highly of any of these individuals though her and Ace go back some ways.

Wearing black pleather pants, matching boots, a gold halter top and black jacket, her long blonde hair slicked back in a high ponytail and her nails polished a matte baby pink. Chris stands at the top of the stairs in a dark gray suit, blue dress shirt with no tie, finally Xiomara in black dress slacks, a tight long sleeve white and black tiger print halter top and matching dress blazer with her hair down and nails polished black.

Sienna turns to the camera as it begins to record…



Sienna takes a second before looking right at the camera with her icy blue eyes, speaking in her sexy and angelic South African voice….


SiennaCastPic-Sienna12“The house behind me is that of Molly Brown, they called her “Unsinkable” when she survived the Titanic on it’s maiden voyage right into an iceberg. I picked this location for a reason; Molly represents Sienna Swann and the SCW is the sinking ship. The Iceberg, is Sasha. How many times has this company tried to ruin me? The jests, criticism, false accusations, constant berating on Social Media by it’s OWN account acting completely unprofessional to its NUMBER ONE FEMALE STAR for the LAST TWO YEARS? I have done nothing but win, each time Sasha paraded another challenge against me, I defeated it until a Battle Royal where I was the target, ME. I did the only thing I could, protect myself when this company decided to usher in a Double-Standard and I bet Regan Street right now is sitting at home shaking her head wondering why she has to EARN a tag team title match after eight years of service yet TV and Adrenaline title matches are just handed to others on a whim? Regan and Selena Frost put that woman in charge and look now, my friend? This is simply another example as to the nonsense and erratic behavior of Sasha. Things could have been so much simpler, be FAIR, that is ALL I ask but that request was too much, she needed to protect her stars, show off thinking what is best for this company when it is I, not Selena who is the true face of this company…..

Or am I lying with my two “Female Wrestler of the Year” awards?

There is a clear bias, here she was hoping Katie Steward could run me down like she did earlier in my career but what point missing in all of this is quite apparent…

I have evolved into being the BEST in the entire Universe.

I will not though harp on this idea, Glory Braddock has proven a thousand times over she is the true Best in the World, a woman I respect and am honored to team with here tomorrow night and know why? Ask her yourself and she will tell you the truth though it might hurt so brace yourself and accept it without any further intervention, for Glory saw the light, she understands now what Bree Lancaster and I were trying to tell her months ago. If you are not all cozied up to Sasha, you will forever be Public Enemy #1. Some people have called me a coward, they claim I can never get things done on my own, I find that quite hilarious because NO ONE was speaking about the matches I was forced to fight, the opportunities I was denied, the promises given and not kept, it is easy to twist the story to fit the narrative, seems all those matches Selena and Ace Marshall had which seemed like 15 years ago paid off well, he learned her trick by lying, turning the attention on himself and changing the story to fit his needs.

The man berates my husband, yet his wife beats his tight ass with a strap on every day? You sir are the LAST person to talk about someone’s manhood.

Glory brought up a good point, here is a woman who is about WRESTLING, she wants to keep the sport pure. There was a time when Josh Hudson, Regan Street and I tried to do the same thing, unfortunately for the SCW, they prefer comedy acts like Derek Adonis, Ace Marshall, Cookie and Asher Hayes, which is why when it goes belly up?

We can blame them for its demise.

I am Angelic and for years I tried to bring a little beauty and allure to this sport. It was lacking, the ugliness much like the Coronavirus was consuming people faster than Asher gets shot down by women. Here I am trying to save this company from serial killers, rapists, misogynistic pigs and rich dastards who have the spine of a jellyfish by having Sasha, an obvious BAD businesswoman yet again taking everything from me and granting Blake Mason a no compete clause?

This is why I hate you so much and I’m not going to stand here and address Retribution, oh no, that is for another day, instead at Breakdown, Glory and I will make examples of your two golden boys and leave them in our dust so then they can too, take a good look and kiss my perfect ass.”


Xiomara smirks, while Chris doesn’t look too amused after Ace’s comments, but he doesn’t care, the fact is simple, he is there with Sienna to challenge James Evans for the World Championship at Retribution. Sienna right now is focused on Ace and Asher, two men where she can score a big win and definitely make some noise. She turns to the camera and speaks…


“First, we have Ace Marshall and yet again, does Sasha know how to handle her roster? There are plenty of wrestlers that have been here in the grind week in and out, like me and Bree Lancaster, Glory Braddock and Chris Cannon yet one man can take every other year off, including six month vacations and manage his loser wife who can’t buy a win and automatically be made a Team Captain for Trios and I am not? The same place where you can rob a World Champion and basically manipulate the officiating in multiple matches and give Syren a Team Captain Spot. Same with Selena, Owen Cruze, the list goes on and on where the problem I see there is never any consistency except one particular topic, ME. Ace, are you really going to stand there and degrade my cash-in? Am I supposed to be worried about your Trios, go ahead, make another Battle Royal, already did it. Even though we haven’t had much interaction since 2017, wen you defeated Kelcey Wallace for the World Title at Rise to Greatness, I did used to think you were quite adorable. Whenever someone decided to kick your ass, I was right there with Won Ton Soup. Did you forget that at one point we had the same vision, though grant it, mine were just a tad bigger. See Ace, I know just how good you are in that ring. I am also the one who eliminated you from the End of the Year Battle Royal for MY title. We had this rapport, an understanding long before you married that dead weight, since then you’ve gotten a bit lazy, going through these bouts determination and conviction only to fail your fans and those that eat your jokes and satire like pigs eat shit. I know your game Ace, it’s pretty smart. Grab three women, all who are labeled as the future of this business and take them out on a boat by becoming the most sexist, chauvinist, female misanthrope on the planet and call it funny…..

By degrading the very sex which has taken over this company.

There are many 15-year-old, pimply little virgins that enjoy your game, sweetie. You have amassed millions of fans, this is what I had to deal with when I was trying to help people and here you are a stained depravity to this promotion in which Sasha basically gives you the keys to the new car.

Well Ace, throughout the years as your legend continues to rise, your skills diminish. Sitting back in the locker room failing drug tests and basically hijacking a part time spot on the roster is unacceptable. I had great respect and admiration for you once, Ace. Like so many others, I felt like you hung the moon and then I saw your commitment to this company and the pandering the management does every time you decide to show up that I often wonder what exactly is your appeal?

You’re cute but knowing you sleep with that ugly thing call Cassidy Carter, makes you unbearable and while I will admit when the bell rings, you’re all business which is the ONLY thing I respect about you these days, the fact is poor Asher doesn’t know if his idol is going to be right there fighting alongside him and not stealing a car with his stupid wife and put the SCW on the backburner. Don’t do Asher like that, sweetie, I don’t think his little heart can take it. Ace, listen to me very carefully, you have no idea why I did the cash-in, you have no clue who I am and finally underestimate the woman who has DOMINATED this sport the last two years and will walk out of Retribution the World Champion.

Tomorrow Night?

Who’s going to bring you Won Ton soup?

Not I, I’ll drown you in it.”


Her words resonate with bitterness and angst. Sienna’s blue eyes narrow as she starts to pace, feeling naked without the World Championship, sick and tired of being put through the ringer and knowing that her last chance will be at Retribution but this match is a perfect warm up for her against to of the best in the SCW. She takes a second before turning back to the camera, speaking….


“Then we have his partner, we can’t have Batman without Robin, right?

Where does that leave you Asher Hayes? Such a promising start defeating my great friend, Regan Street for the Adrenaline Championship,  a title she fought hard to win and defend against Datura, yet  with a small hiccup against Regan in the rematch and Gavin Taylor, you were still able to regain the title and actually making a run to be a dominant wrestler once again like you did in your last cup of coffee before getting hurt unfortunately and while your ass sat at home, I  recreated this company in MY IMAGE. NOT SYREN, NOT JAMES EVANS, NOT OWEN CRUZE, NOT SELENA FROST or even JOSH HUDSON OR REGAN STREET…. 


And as you hold the Adrenaline Championship, a belt that I have never held or competed for, thank your lucky stars, I would end up retiring with it, no one would take it from me, shows that while you feel there is a firm grip on the division, you have become your worst enemy. See Asher, Sienna Swann follows NO ONES lead, I don’t stand behind ANYONE, I don’t pretend to be someone I am not. What I have done since the first day I stepped foot in this company was refuse, resist and reclaim through evolution and moderation of the woman I became. No one handed me anything much as you or Ace want to say different, I earned every single bit of what I have accomplished, and I did it on my own…

Not wagging a tail like a cute little Beagle to Ace’s “John Wick”.

When I look at you Asher, I see a very handsome man that acts like a child, he is trying to be Ace Lite which Glory, Bree and I actually find fucking adorable. Asher, instead of being your own man, creating a brand like you did when you first came back, you scurried to Ace and became his buddy again, knowing that you could leech off his popularity and somehow, someway the fans would love it and maybe a couple of young, gorgeous drunk female wrestlers may think you’re quite the entertainer, I on the other hand think much of the opposite…

A man lost in his own identity.

I hope you didn’t think that I was going to attack your wrestling ability, oh no I actually quite enjoy what you do in the ring, what you and Ace bring will be a great challenge for Glory and myself but at the end of the day, after all this is over, I am still victorious and your next World Champion, while Glory bides her time and still is the Best in the World. I wish that I could see you different but what you are is Cookie to Ace’s Bozo the Clown. So much promise from a man that made a long list of legendary accomplishments, relegated to the sidekick of a part timer that shows up every quarter moon. You have a fire, Asher, a man that wants to do well but the reality is, no matter how many times I am told Chris is my bitch?

You’ll always be Ace’s and he will always be Cassidy’s.

What Chris and I are is MARRIED. We are THE Power Couple of the SCW, we will be walking away with the World Championship and there is nothing anyone can do about it. I really do hope that one day you find your bollocks and become a real man acting his age and not some wanna-be Frat Boy pledging every year to be in Ace’s Fraternity. I know you’re both the same, I think you’re less funny but better looking, at least you have that going for you….

Which in hindsight isn’t much.

State your worst, trust me Asher, I have already heard it all and they are all lies and falsehoods, much like your persona and here I thought everyone though the “For the People” movement was a huge farce, look no further than Asher Hayes.

Now the question lies, are you going to follow him to nowhere, or wake up and honor your legacy?

You’re a weak-minded fool, I cannot expect anything less.”


Tilting her head, Sienna steps back a little turning and looking at the Brown house. Xiomara nods, while Chris Cannon looks on. Sienna wants to make another statement this time at the expense of Ace Marshall and Asher Hayes, two great friends and Champion wrestlers. Sienna doesn’t care, this is still about Sasha, about the defiance of James of Evans and finally, after what has happened to Sienna on a personal level has also become quite the story. She turns back to the camera…


“Ace and Asher, I want you two gents to have all this confidence walking into this match like so many others have against me and Glory Braddock. No one can ever feel the same way I have, there isn’t a member on this roster who has been pushed around and thrown to the wolves like Sienna Swann, yet like Molly Brown, I stand while the SCW ship slowly sinks. What are you going to do about that, Sasha?

Nothing, instead watch two of your favorites fall to Glory and I. Then maybe you can get a little understanding as to why I have chosen this road, taken the law into my own hands and finally become the star I was always meant to be, something NO ONE can take away from me. The big top is coming down, the laugh track will be silenced, the snickering will stop and there will be no more jokes in the SCW….

Thanks to Glory and Sienna Swann.

And in Denver, as the SCW slowly descends into he cold and murky water….

The rest will witness what Angels do….

They Rise.”


Sienna walks up closer to the camera, Xiomara and Chris follow her as the gorgeous South African former Beauty Queen cracks a smirk and gently speaks the words….


“All, with a Kiss by An Angel.”


… Blowing a kiss, Sienna slowly backs up before spreading her arms across and looking up in the sky while Xiomara and Chris watch, nodding in approval.