
It passes us by with each waking moment. The only place we ever find peace is through sleep. In a world so cold and dark, it takes an arduous journey to find the meaning of life, a definition different for the individual.  When I sat alone on a couch years ago, the television running, the news of my scandal, the choices I made, all in the name of victory, to be the best, seen as “Perfect” not just in looks but stature, the eerie feeling of loss and confusion, frightened of the unknown was creeping through my beautiful bones until I received the phone call from Silas Mason….

Sienna, do you want to wrestle?

It was at that moment, everything changed for me. My life was surrounded and will always be surrounded by elegance. A refinement so exquisite only a select few are ever chosen to take the mantle and lead the light into the abyss of the ugliness which has consumed not only our daily lives, also the SCW. For the last four years soon after my debut around this time in 2014, I have done everything right. I started at the bottom, slowly climbed my way and transitioned from a model to a wrestler which so many criticize on the Social Media and Dirt Sheets, complaining about the dying breed of wrestlers and the incoming of Sports Entertainers with their centerfold looks and glamour. I used to care about what you felt when it pertained to me, I was never the type who wanted to be disliked or frowned upon.

Maybe that is why I came out with the truth after lying for so long, honesty would put me in a favorable light amongst my peers.

That was a fool’s dream.

Am I tainted?

No, I though made mistakes, all of us at one time have and to think for one second, I am chastised and ridiculed upon because of the “Scandal” or my constant love and admiration for everything attracting to the naked eye. The SCW was a new beginning for me, to see how so many now are up in arms after watching Kennedy Street not fall once but TWICE to the Golden Swann, cementing the fact she cannot beat me either much like Selena Frost, two peas, one pod, they belong with one another believing in lies. Defeating Syren, Donovan Kayl and Thirteen served a purpose and whether most of you like to admit it or not is irrelevant, the winds of change are upon us, I have been saying it for months and now it has come to fruition. Kennedy Street represented the last of the Present, she had the stronghold on a title that needed a face lift much like I did with the Women’s Division. I kept quiet, even after everything handed to me from bogus votes to a Battle Royal where I was robbed of the Number 40 spot to being denied every request and demand I made to a man I trusted, who acted as the commissioner, quickly being shot down without even a thought to lasting SEVENTY minutes in Taking Hold of the Flame making it to the final three, asking for a one on one with Syren and she blatantly refused and how is that decision working for her now?

Everything comes full circle.

Therefore, I am the World Champion, I followed the script to the last letter, I never wavered from my mission even when Ravyn Taylor last year put me in a hole and I crawled out getting the best of a situation without even winning a match and why? I evolved with every single win and loss, every single moment of praise and disapproval, accolades and condemnation I still stayed the course, standing in front of you, beating Selena Frost in a One Hour Iron Woman match, sending Kelcey Wallace to retirement in defeat, taking out your faces that represented this company, pasted all over the marketing and marquees of Supreme Championship Wrestling, yes and without a blink as time progressed it happened when a Sexy Flawless Diva was riding high on her white horse doing the unthinkable and walking out of RTG XV with a victory, so excited for the NEW season while I waited for my shot patiently after finally guaranteeing one, this time nothing was going to take it from me, striking without malice, the #IronAngel didn’t want to wait, Kennedy was hungover still from the defining win and then just last week I proved it again it was no fluke, putting some distance between us and why?

She was OUT of the picture, at least for now until she’s given her rematch and I make it three in a row. This was the time the company should have taken to promote me as their face of the SCW, finally a champion who didn’t need a story of retribution, a climb from obscurity, a tale where children see “Happy Endings” do or don’t exist?

Or a reality that this was always going to be Sienna Swann’s moment since day one? Four years and I am here with every delectable shot, yet instead they want to give others the chances which I was denied within three matches to start their careers and have the audacity, the gall to claim he deserves a rematch against me? Allistaire Allocco is the Perfect example of what the SCW stands for, unwarranted and undeserving chances that were constantly repressed from Sienna Swann? Do you see the lessons being taught and for a man whose morality is overplayed and underwhelming shows that there is more ugliness and repulsive undertones present within the foundation which should be built around ME and only ME? I sat back and watched with disgust. Regan Street was denied, I was denied and still to this day Selena Frost, Amy Chastaine, Blake Mason, Ace Marshall and AJ Helms were not inside an Elimination Chamber, with only excuses to support the why, when and how. I made sure those were erased, it was the night a knot was tied in my perfect stomach, I could feel myself falling ill, the gross negligence to even put a rookie in a situation where he won the World Championship spitting in my face and the three years I had put in only to wait another to get what should have been mine then?

You speak of morality, Mr. Allocco and yet you swim in the ocean of hypocrisy.

Kennedy Street sat on her perch, laughing at me.

Syren didn’t even have the decency to accept my challenge.

Selena Frost bragged about being the centerpiece of Platinum and my superior.

Thirteen and Donovan Kayl tried to preserve the Past from the Future.

Now? Mr. Drachewych and his daughters feel the need to throw out title opportunities like a bride with a bouquet at a wedding waiting to see who catches it, cursed in their love life forever. They want to offer you a chance you should never had to win back a title that wasn’t yours to begin with? This is where I see the problem. Kennedy, Syren and Selena were afraid of the consequences, downplaying my stature, what I mean to this sport, they come off confident and even crass, pretending I was a simple afterthought to their Championship reign, hopes and dreams. It took me 90 minutes to make one a liar, a win at RTG XV to send another further down the line and with it the chance to call my number, waiting for the answer and when the last took it, I made the best of the four years I calmly waited while you sir by association alone and the collective ass-kissing of one Ace Marshall which put you in the precarious position to embarrass them all while I watched.

When the smoke cleared though, time told the tale and with it, the REAL World Champion stands here before you now spreading her wings.

Allistaire Allocco?

All the aforementioned names, above? Had the same chance in different situations and they all failed just like you will, for Apocalypse stands as the ultimate end in Biblical scripture but for me?

It’s another example of why Heaven is a Place on Earth.”













The modelling industry can be cutthroat. Beautiful women trying to get the top spots, the covers of every major publication, walking the runaway for the most known designers and even one day make it to the Victoria Secret Fashion Show where all the most alluring models step foot on stage. Sienna Swann remembers those days, a time when she entered, wasn’t known, a beauty queen first that transitioned in the business where she became THE often and most sought out model in the world, she grossed more money than ever imagined but in one failed calculated decision which turned into a mistake, she lost everything…..

And the SCW came calling.

Sienna Swann was never used to failure, being second best or even sharing the spotlight or attention. Maybe that is what led to her decision in the same pursuit of Perfection, Kelcey Wallace had. Were these women driven into that mentality, always and constantly trying to stay young and gorgeous until the next wave approaches and at the age of thirty are slowly fizzled out for the new blood? That was Sienna in the SCW, she took the stand of “Out with the old and in with the new” approach. She was the Future of the business, one where thirty was not a death sentence. Her beauty, power and influence shined through the by the many pictures she had taken but after Rise to Greatness and more importantly after the first Breakdown in Raleigh, North Carolina?

Everything had changed… Everything…

Sienna had become the World Champion after an almost four-year journey in the SCW which started in late 2014. It was then when her voice became louder than her looks, her influence spanned across the entire wrestling business, she had finally become the face of the SCW, ready to lead it into the next era and there was nothing which would stop her. Kennedy Street was taken by surprise and had no excuse, Sienna was ready and caught the Sexy Flawless Diva Off-Guard. Most importantly, this set her up perfectly within the modelling industry, the World Champion was now bound to get even more exposure, more covers and interviews. Sienna Swann was ready for what was next.

Though after what happened right before RTG XV with Steve Bain from Vogue?

Something in her wasn’t the same.


Los Angeles, CA.
A Few Days Ago

Photo shoots were the life line of modelling, the more you were in, the better the chances were of getting discovered. That was not the case for Sienna Swann, Jennifer Helms and Willow Wilkes, three women that were tabbed the Beauty Factory, two in Emerge though one was a former ULW World Champion, the other was the SCW World Champion and crown jewel of the Factory led by Laura Steinbeck. Each were dressed appropriately, Sienna and Willow both wore tight legged black pants, open toed heels and halter tops, Jennifer was in a red summer dress and pumps, they sat and waited, there were at least fifty or so models there all looking over themselves in their compact mirrors. The waiting room looked like the padded white room in a Sanatorium, there was barely any color, just one bench, Sienna was not used to waiting, she was a Champion, one of if not THE top model in the industry. Jennifer however was new to this, young and charismatic while Willow was more cynical and honestly didn’t care…..


ReganCastPic-JenniferJennifer: “So Is this normal, it’s normal right?”

Sienna: “No, it’s not.”

Jennifer: “Then why are we here?”

Sienna: “Apparently you haven’t listened to anything Laura has said to you.”

Jennifer: “I have, I just didn’t expect this to be like a line at Disneyland. Who are all these women anyway?”

Willow leans over and smirks, even she is not too familiar with how the industry goes yet but she is picking up quick….


Willow: “Fresh meat, prime for the picking…”

Jennifer: “What?”


Willow smirked…


Willow: “Competition.”

Jennifer: “Right, of course. I just want to know at what point does it become less about them and more about us?”


Sienna doesn’t respond, sitting back and thinking to herself and not even bothering to answer the young Jennifer who right now is acting a bit childish. Before Sienna would entertain it, calm her nerves down and try to ease her into the business. As world Champion, after everything that’s happened the last few months, Sienna only remembers the other side of this business, the one Jennifer hasn’t seen. She swore to Regan (Street) she’d protect her daughter at any cost…..

Any cost….


Jennifer: “Why are you so quiet, Sienna? It isn’t like you… I mean you have been in every major publication the last few weeks, television shows and have seen more popularity then since before…..”


Jennifer doesn’t finish her sentence after being intercepted by the stern look and narrowed eyes of Sienna for if they could kill, Jenni Helms would already be six foot under. A cold chill consumes the young model, she suddenly decides silence is golden….


Sienna: “Allow me to explain to you this whole situation so you can understand. Willow here, hasn’t asked any questions, she’s going with the flow. Do you want to know why you are here?”

Jennifer: “Some photo shoot?”

Sienna: “Jennifer, it isn’t just some photo shoot, it is THE photo shoot. In this business you get ONE chance to make a first impression to the right people. Why do you think Laura (Steinbeck) always pressures us to act a certain way toward a slime ball like Steve Bain? Powerful people make powerful decisions that affect us. Look at SCW, Mr. D makes choices, even your father as Commissioner made choices and it took me this long to become a World Champion? It’s not an easy road Jennifer, not all of us get the Allistaire Allocco treatment where they are thrust right in and receive a title shot never earned while WE, women like ME scrape every week to get one chance, one. I had two and both were marred, this was the only one I received, it was all me. Steve Bain had Laura sign you for a reason, he sees you as a part of his future campaign. I went to his yacht for a reason, to ensure my contract with Vogue. Why are you here? Lancelot Crane, that is why.”


Jennifer seems unimpressed, she has no idea who Lancelot Crane is. Willow sits back and smiles, even she knows who he is and starts to look around at the other anxious women waiting for his arrival….


Sienna: “You don’t know who Lancelot Crane is? Willow?”

SiennaCastPic-WillowWillow: “Only the greatest photographer to walk the earth, if these women perspire any more we’ll have to put of slip hazard signs…”

Sienna: “Firstly… Ew. Second, she’s right. He has an eye for art and the bizarre. His take on photos come from those he sees as masterpieces. For him to come out and choose someone is a great honor, that is why you are here Jennifer, why we are all here though I really don’t have a horse in the race.”

Jennifer: “Why do you say that?”


Suddenly a voice cuts them off, one familiar to Sienna, a face she hasn’t seen in a long time…..


Voice: “She doesn’t have a bloody horse in the race because she’s already won it a dozen times over.”


The blonde, blue eyed beauty with the Australian accent walks up to Sienna, Jennifer and Willow. They take a moment, there is some silence before Sienna stands up and smirks, the two hug and Sienna turns to the two ladies with her….


Sienna: “Jennifer and Willow, this is an old friend of mine, we were roommates throughout the start of our careers. Kat Davis, these are my friends.”

SiennaCastPic-KatKat: “G’day. Just kidding, you seem young.”

Jennifer: “I’m eighteen.”

Kat: “Of course you are and gorgeous to boot. Willow is it? Spanish? Portuguese? A little of both?”

Willow: “Something like that.”

Kat: “Aren’t we here all to see Lancelot Crane? Little Jennifer, well actually I’m mistaken, you are bloody tall. Models spend a lifetime trying to get Crane to take their photos. Sienna here did it by herself. I was there when it happened, was bloody jealous as well.”


Jennifer turns toward Sienna who doesn’t even look at her, she plays it off like it is nothing…..


Jennifer: “Is that so?”

Kat: “Yes, I wouldn’t lie about something like that. So I take it you are here for the same?”

Sienna: “They are so play nice.”

Kat: “You know me better than that Sienna. Good luck girls. Lancelot Crane has a specific taste, you two are beautiful and no one compares to Sienna except for maybe me. Do not be too deterred if he doesn’t pick you. Trust me, one day it could happen if you believe in miracles.”

Jennifer: “Have you?”

Kat: “Not yet but today I feel could be the day. You’re young, it seems like the whole world is in your hands, Jennifer… Hang on a mome… Is this the one who Steve Bain handpicked for Vogue?”


Sienna simply nods, Kat smiles….


Kat: “Well then, looks like we have ourselves a little celebrity. See you around.”


After winking, Kat walks away, Sienna sits back down quietly and crosses her legs, folds her arm and leans back. Jennifer’s eyebrow arches some….


Jennifer: “Was she throwing shade at me?”

Sienna: “You are acting like Regan.”

Jennifer: “Good!”

“In Emerge, sure. But NOT in this business, Jenni. I suggest you lower your tone and sit here patiently. There will be many times where we are all rounded up like cattle for catwalks and shoots. This is the culture here and if you are going to participate in it then you will have to accept it? Otherwise you might as well leave now.”


Sienna stands up and walks away into the crowd of other women, Jennifer simply shakes her head confused as to why Sienna is being so short with her at a time where the World Champion and top model would usually be more helpful and understanding.….


Jennifer: “What is her problem? She’s never like this.”

Willow: “Maybe she has a point, Jennifer. She understands the importance of this meeting and what is at stake.”

Jennifer: “I know what is at stake.”

Willow: “Do you really?”

Jennifer: “Not you too.”


Sienna is crowded within a sea of beautiful women, a place far too familiar to her, watching these ladies all trying to reach the pinnacle of their careers, one choice and they would have it made. That is all they want, a chance to be what Sienna Swann is but is it all it’s cut out to be? A question she has been asking herself since the night at the yacht.

Just then, Lancelot Crane walks in and the women all go silent, they stand there looking at the man who could make their future. One photograph from Crane can open so many doors to them. A mixture of women is there, they all want to be a part of this all. Sienna has been there, Crane chose her many years ago before the Scandal, she remembers it well. It’s been a long time since she has seen the masterful artist in person only catching his work in magazines, while a genius behind a lens he was very private man all the same….

So why did Laura send her there again?

Maybe, she’s lost faith in Sienna.

He walks by, his eye catches her for a split second……






Fame and Fortune came with victory. Rise to Greatness and then Breakdown showed just how fast things can turn for the worse. Sienna knew that big things were coming and after embarrassing herself to preserve the Vogue contract, it was time that she did something for herself once again, call the shots. Sienna had been waiting for this moment quite some time, when it finally happened, Laura was the first to start promoting her title win, she had booked all the shows, the magazines, Sienna needed to have more exposure, it was a ploy to solidify her as the Face of Fashion and Wrestling all tall order for most, but in Laura’s eyes Sienna was primed for this kind of exposure and ready.

Sienna though was acting differently, her battles with substance abuse was no secret to Laura and those closest to her, hence why she reached out to her mother for help.


Los Angeles, CA.


The beautiful Swann sat with her legs crossed, wearing a black summer dress and peep toe pumps, her nails polished white and long blonde hair tied up in a high ponytail. She looked on and smiled, legs crossed. Kelly Michaels, a popular TV personality at across in a red suit and open toed heels. The audience cheered as Sienna walked out to “Style” by Taylor Swift with the World Championship over her shoulder, the tall blonde shook hands with Kelly and sat down….


Kelly: “Wow, look at her everyone! Holy cow, it’s one thing to see your photographs, Sienna but seeing you in person is a real treat… I’m sorry but I have to say this, and I think everyone here and watching at home will forgive me and also agree. You are more beautiful in person, I’m so glad you can be here with us this morning.”

Sienna smiles while the audience continue to clap for the Angel. Eventually they take a seat themselves and begin to settle down…


Sienna: “Thank you, I’m glad to be here, Kelly.”

SiennaCastPic-KellyKelly: “Where do I even begin, I want to know everything about you, we all do. But let’s start from the fact you have been the talk of the town, a woman who is making waves in the fashion industry after basically falling off the map for a few years due to the scandal. One that ROCKED the fashion world. One which you came out and admitted to your faults. How did you come about that decision?”


Sienna: “It was hard, it certainly wasn’t easy. I don’t think we always want to admit to our mistakes in fear of the consequence and I was at a point in my life where I didn’t want it to affect my parents, my family and my friends.”

Sienna pauses while Kelly and everyone else hung on her every word…


Sienna: “I mean, sure I was also afraid of what it would do for me in the business, I am not going to lie there. It was tough, but I guess you could say I had something to fall back on which wrestling was, something a good friend talked me into and it’s turned out to be the best decision I ever made. We can’t be afraid of our past, no matter how rough and tumultuous it can be.”

Kelly: “And now you are the SCW World Champion?”

Sienna: “I am, it took me almost four years to get here. I will say it is one of my greatest accomplishments, because I really began to believe that I could do it. I was starting to lose faith in myself as I chased after this title. Wrestling is a lot like modelling, the success is you have is totally up to you and how much time you put into it. It’s an individual sport so wins and losses mean everything though some will tell you different, I don’t believe in that. I’m the world Champion and it’s going to be a long time before I lose this belt if I have my say about it.”

Kelly smiles as the crowd cheers and claps, Sienna nods and winks….


Kelly: “If you wrestle half as good as you look, they are all in a world of trouble if you ask me. But please, tell us what is the secret to being like this? IT can’t be easy juggling everything? You are a top model, one of the highest paid in the world, you have endorsements with Vogue, Victoria Secrets and Bazaar. You are also the SCW World Champion and the face of the wrestling business right now, life must be good.”


There was a pause from the beautiful Swann, she continued to smile while looking out across the studio towards the crowd watching…


Sienna: “It’s okay so far.”

Kelly: “It can’t just be okay? You know what ignore that. Tell me about your beauty secrets? What would you tell the young women now that are watching you, inspiring actors and models, even wrestlers?”

Sienna: “My beauty secrets are pretty simple, sleep. I sleep eight hours a day no matter what. I drink lots of water and use all-natural moisturizers for my skin. I have a very strict diet, I work out six days a week doing kickboxing and ballet. Sleep though is the biggest, I tend to nap when I can and stay away from the junk food. As for tips on this business for modelling?”


She pauses for a second, it was a bit unexpected as the interview was going so well. Sienna seemed like she was poised to answer the question rather quickly, already having an answer for it, but she stops and takes a second….


Kelly: “Sienna?”

Sienna: “I’ll be truthful, Kelly. The modelling industry isn’t for everyone, they each want a certain look, will they fit the mold? There are going to be so many ups and downs, many women will be at the mercy of those that make the calls. Modelling is cutthroat Kelly, you are a good-looking woman yourself, see how life can twist things in so many ways? Modelling is the same, the worst comes out of a young woman so thirsty to be the most beautiful like they have tabbed me and at what price do we pay to get there?”


Again there is silence in the studio as while Sienna speaks. The audience truly listening to every word along with Kelly…


Sienna: “The same goes for Wrestling too. Four years Kelly while people like Syren and Selena Frost only need to blink to get their chances? What about someone like Allistaire Allocco who I defend my title against. A young man who in three matches in his career won the Title I had been busting my butt for, sweetie? It takes a certain type of person to come into an industry like this and survive.”

Kelly: “I see… It almost seems like you are not recommending it.”

Sienna: “I’m not saying that at all. Innocence? Naïve? Hopes and dreams? For every actor who makes it famous in Hollywood, how many more are struggling to get work and end up waiting tables at the local restaurant? Modelling is the same. Wrestling is the same. How many independent wrestlers making $50 a match is sleeping in their cars hoping one day they could be me? I came into the SCW not even knowing how to wrestle and learned on the job, took my lumps, lost my first match, that is the price you pay for success Kelly. In modelling you can’t stand waiting to be chosen for the next magazine cover and such, never coming and then what? I’m telling you the realities here, I will never say oh it’s the best thing on the planet and you should all do it, I would be a liar. Vices can take over, lose your family, friends, the people who once cared for you all because you become so damn consumed with being the best.”

Kelly: “Well, you made it and have become a role model for so many. A lot of people talk about the woman you beat, Kennedy Street who has become a darling lately, she too had a resurgence with her career didn’t she? I recently talked to her, this must really make you feel good that you beat someone so talented and one with such a esteemed wrestling legacy behind her with the Street name.”

Sienna: “It was. Kennedy Street is one of the Best in the World. I picked my shots and I beat her. She’ll be back, there is no quit in that woman.”

Kelly: “Speaking of no quit you’re all over the place aren’t you! I know we are all excited about your Bazaar cover and Vogue cover story all coming out on Newsstands soon, can you tell us more about that?”

Sienna again takes a moment to collect her thoughts, she had an idea what she was going to say but instead takes a deep breath and just shoots from the hip….


Sienna: “I am on the cover story for Bazaar and Vogue, both being released in a few weeks. I signed an exclusive deal with both before I became the World Champion. I have a few things lined up for it so keep an eye out for that.”

Kelly: “Well I know from sources that It’s such an honor to be working with Steve Bain and Vogue magazine, what can you tell us about that?”

Sienna: “Steve Bain? He’s…. he’s a man who knows what he wants, his eyes for talent and beauty is unmatched, that much is certain. Being a part of Vogue has been a ride that’s for sure an interesting challenge you could say. Like I said earlier, it takes a special kind of woman to be in this business and even then, you start questioning yourself as to how far you will go to be recognized. That’s all I’m going to say Kelly…. Picky up your copy for the scoop.”


Sienna winked to the camera playing up to it, hoping that was enough to hide any idea of disdain she had for that man…


Kelly: “Oh you know I will. One more question, your final thoughts on what you would do differently looking at how successful you are and where you are. What would be the one thing you’d change if say you had a time machine, or right now I could wave a magic wand and make it happen?”

The gorgeous South African hesitates a little, she knows what she wants to say. Laura is backstage watching this as Sienna turns to Kelly and half smiles….


Sienna: “I would have never cheated the system.”

Kelly: “And would have that made a difference now? Would you be an SCW World Champion as we speak?”


Sienna doesn’t answer, instead she just smiles…..


Kelly: “That is all the time we have, the SCW World Champion and top model, Sienna Swann, thank you for being here.”


Moments pass after Sienna shakes hands with Kelly. She makes her way toward the back where Laura is standing there with her arms crossed, she is just staring daggers at her crown jewel of the Beauty Factory….


SiennaCastPic-LauraIILaura: “Could you have made the industry sound anymore gloomy out there? I imagine young girls are now off cutting themselves because of that hogwash.”

Sienna: “Stop being so melodramatic.”

Laura: “It’s hard not to be when it involves you sometimes darling. You are supposed to promote how wonderful and rewarding a modelling career can be. Why didn’t you do that? Is it that bad Sienna?”

The two begin to walk to the dressing room the show had set up for her while continuing their conversation…


Sienna: “Is what, bad?”

Laura: “The money you are bringing in? The endorsements? The fact you are the SCW World Championship? Come on darling, we have more interviews today, get with the program.”

Sienna: “You know what, I’m done for today. I’m going home and taking a nap.”

Laura: “I’m sorry… What did you say? You’re taking a nap? Are you serious here? Sienna, we have an entire day booked, you are the World Champion and THE model every woman is looking up to. This is your obligation, it is all I ever ask of you, just do what I need is all, it’s not that hard, damn it.”

Sienna: “Not that hard? I am doing everything that you asked. You wanted me to wait until Apocalypse to wrestle Kennedy, there was no way, she would have been ready, I caught her off-guard that’s why I beat her. You didn’t think I made a wise decision then. All I have ever done is do as you asked. I even went into that god damn yacht with Bain. That right there was enough for me. Don’t ever question my loyalties to you, I always do as ask. This time, I’m tired, enough is enough. We can resume this tomorrow, I have things I need to do.”

Laura: “The yacht? Is that why you could barely say anything nice about Vogue and Steve Bain? Is that why you made it sound like being a model is a death sentence? You had one job Sienna, promote the SCW and the modelling industry and instead you gave everyone the downside to the business and why? I don’t care if you are upset about Vogue or spending four years trying to win the World Title, I need you to straighten it up and do as I ask. We are put in positions at times we don’t morally agree with and that’s fine, but you will not compromise what we have worked for because you cannot deal with these feelings.”


Sienna stands there silently before scoffing and shaking her head, leaving, walking away from Laura…


Laura: “We are not done yet, Sienna.”

Sienna: “Yes we are, Laura. I’m going home, you figure out the rest of the day and what you have planned.”

Laura: “Why are you being so difficult?”

Sienna: “Because I’m the World Champion and I can do what I want right now and that is go home and rest. Besides, I promised to see my mother. I need to go, you can figure out the rest of my interviews and reschedule them, isn’t that part of your job?”

Laura: “Sienna?”


Not another word comes out of the mouth of the Heavenly Angel, continuing to walk away and not turning around for anything else. Laura knows that whatever happened on the yacht has affected Sienna Swann. Maybe that is one of the reasons she was, so laser focused on winning the World Title and at RTG XV. Either way, something was going on in her head that was for certain and Laura hoped the substance abuse was not part of it. She could only hope and have faith in the woman she invested so much on for only time was going to tell.


Santa Monica, CA.
Later That Afternoon


After winning at RTG XV and becoming World Champion, the road to recovery began. It was a private battle that only Sienna wanted to fight alongside her mother. Amanda Swann knew all too well about abuse, an alcoholic who Sienna tried so hard to rescue, fell off the wagon but picked herself back up was now going to play role reversal which was extremely important in Sienna’s life and her own recovery. She had arrived home to Santa Monica, taking a few days off after the media barrage Laura had sent her on. She sat at her couch, kicking off her heels and curling her toes, wearing jeans and a blue blouse, nails polished white, waiting for her mother to arrive.

There was a lot going on in Sienna’s mind. Laura, The Twins, the Beauty Factory could see that she was somewhat more distant since the night on the yacht with Steve Bain. Leaning back and closing her eyes, Sienna just let her mind go for a moment. She was the World Champion, things finally started to look up but that still didn’t mean she was still not struggling with her own battles, her own demons. There was Ikiro Yoshida, Chris Cannon, so many other thoughts. What about her relationship with Regan Street and family? She almost started to dose off when the doorbell rang.

Sienna’s blue eyes shot wide open….

She could see her mother through the glass on the door. The gorgeous South African stood up and walked to the door, opening it as Amanda in jeans, wedge sandals and a blue blouse with glossy nail polish, walked in and hugged her daughter…


Amanda: “Congratulations!”

Sienna: “Thank you mum.”


Her tender and warm embrace was soothing to Sienna. She found herself lost in her mother’s arms like a young child scared of the night before being tucked to bed. She needed this, feeling safe and loved, it caused her to close her eyes and hold the embrace longer than even Amanda had imagined. It was okay, she loved her daughter and with their relationship on the mends, it made it mean that much more…..


SiennaCastPic-AmandaAmanda: “Tell me are you okay, you’re not hurt are you?”

Sienna: “Just tired. Laura has me running around doing interviews and magazine shoots, photo ops for the SCW, I needed a break and wanted to just take it easy the rest of the day. I cleared the rest of my schedule. Enough was enough for me, I just want to get some sleep.”

Amanda: “Then take a nap, I can come back later.”

Sienna: “No, you’re here now.”

Amanda: “Sweetheart, come here.”


Amanda takes her daughters hand, she sits on the couch and taps her lap. Sienna tilts her head and smirks….


Sienna: “Mum. I used to rest on your lap when I was a kid. I’m 27 years old now, hardly a child.”

Amanda: “Has that ever stopped you before? I can relax here for a little bit, watch some TV and spend time with my daughter. I wanted to know if you would be interested in coming to an AA meeting with me tonight?”

Sienna: “A what?”

Amanda: “Sorry… It’s just our last convo we had you were so upset, it got me thinking. We need to tackle this head on sweetheart. I found an AA meeting that is on tonight and thought maybe we could go together.”

Sienna: “I don’t know about that mum… It’s awful short notice…”

Amanda: “I know it is but I think it will help a lot. You are not alone in this struggle sweetheart.”

Sienna: “…AA?”


Sienna’s stomach noted up tightly for a moment at the mere thought. But a part of her knew her mother was making a good point….


Amanda: “Sounds daunting I know, Sienna, but you’ve already took the first steps and admitted you had a problem, now it is only a matter of trying to fix it. You are the World Champion now, I know you’d want to make things better, get back on the road to recovery and really clean up. It’s taken such a toll on you sweetie and after what happened a few months ago, I don’t ever want to get the phone call again and think my daughter is dying or dead over something so trivial. Do this for yourself if not for just me and the rest of your family. I know the pressures are going to start and rise, you will find yourself once again being tempted with the crazy schedule you have.”

Sienna: “And the things I have been through lately.”

Amanda: “IS everything alright?”

Sienna: “Yes, everything is fine… I just find it hard to keep on the narrow when I have so many different people in my ear or having to submit my power to those who make the important decisions in this industry. At some point it needs to stop, it needs to end and you’re right, I admitted to having a problem and I want help. Does this mean you will be my sponsor?”

Amanda: “Unfortunately I can’t because I am also attending… It must be someone that you can trust and will make sure you stay on the road to recovery and not let you fall off the wagon. If you can find someone like that then it can be so beneficial. Come on, lay down and take a nap, when you wake up we can have a bite to it and go, it’s not a long meeting, get your feet wet.”


Sienna is hesitant, there was a lot of unknowns surrounding it but she trusts he mother, nods and lays her head on her mother’s lap, finding herself comfortable and reminding of what she used to do as a child. Her mother was always her rock until she succumbed to the alcohol where Sienna fought so hard to help her. She tried her best and it caused a rift between the two that has now seemed to be repaired. Sienna slowly closed her eyes as Amanda ran her fingers through her long silky blonde hair and within minutes she was fast asleep…..


Amanda: “I love you baby…. My sweet little Angel.”


A Few Hours Later


Sienna had woken up from a deep and much needed sleep. She started to freshen up, slip on her sandals and grab her purse. She begun texting on her phone furiously while doing so. Her mom watches her daughter as she finally puts the phone down, looking up to her mother with a sheepish grin…


Amanda: “What are you up to?”

Sienna: “Nothing mum, I promise. I just had a good nap, I feel great and I think I’m ready to do this with you… I think…”

Amanda: “Are you sure? You must be ready for this; Sienna This is a huge and monumental step you’re taking moving forward. The beginning of the rest of your life. It’s time to make a change, can you do that?”

Sienna: “Yes, I think I can. I told you before that I was ready, I need to do this for myself, mum. For you and everyone who’s given me a chance and I threw it in their faces.”


Her mother smiles, cupping her hands-on the full cheeks of the beautiful Angel. She knows this is a huge step for her daughter that had been refusing to state she had a problem. After years of Sienna helping her mother and father, it was time to return the favor to her. Amanda pulls her in for a kiss on the forehead….


Amanda: “Then let’s do this together, okay?”

Sienna: “Yes, mum…. Together.”


Thirty Minutes Later

Southern California traffic, the mother and daughter pair arrived at the AA meeting. Sienna was a bit nervous, humbled even in all honesty. She was hoping no one would recognize her in the meeting yet she is plastered all over magazines, billboards and wrestling TV. As the World Champion she had responsibility, she didn’t feel like she needed to go to rehab, instead a support group might be the better solution and path to take. The less press the better, maybe going to a local meeting and not making a huge deal about it would go under the radar. She walked in, of course in AA everything is confidential, Amanda reassured her of that….


Amanda: “This is all confidential, you have nothing to worry about, okay? Whatever is said or done here is and will always stay here. There are a good group of individuals that want to get better. If you don’t think rehab is the answer and this will help? I’ll be here every step of the way and we can be on the same journey.”

Sienna: “I would like that mum…. I really would.”

Amanda: “Good, then shall we?”

Sienna: “Yes.”

The meeting was about to begin, they both took a seat as the director was stood as they all sat in a large circle introducing himself before asking if there was anyone new. A few other people spoke up first, Sienna wanted to see how things went before making that leap of faith… Finally, Sienna stood up and raised her hand, he pointed at the South African Beauty Queen who slowly stood up and offered an uneasy wave… She was a woman who had walked cat walks. Won the World Championship and standing here in front of so many broken men and women like her. It showed on her face she was hesitant to speak, she turns to Amanda who nods reassuringly this is the right path she needs to take. Sienna holds Amanda’s hand for a second before looking down at the floor and then to those around the circle. Already some recognize her in the group of about 30-35 but they say nothing… She takes a second before slowly speaking ….


Sienna: “Hello, my name is Sienna… and… And I’m an alcoholic.”

Sienna’s heart sunk further into her chest than humanly possible. She imagined there would be one at least who would laugh, point at her and mock her for this admittance. She closed her eyes expecting the worst but instead throughout all her fear and misgivings she received a….


The Group: “Hello Sienna.”


It was then she opens her eyes to see each of them smiling and nodding towards her, almost ushering her to speak further. This was a moment that could help her greatly and that was the plan for Sienna…


Sienna: “I…..”


Just before she continued her sentence, she suddenly stops as her attention is turned toward the entrance, this is where she sees someone she hoped she would. The one she had texted frantically earlier… The last person anyone would expect to see here and that was Chris Cannon walking in wearing jeans, a polo shirt and dress shoes. Amanda turns around, her eyes widen while Sienna lowers her head smiling, a look of relief on her face.






Willow Wilkes looked on, her gorgeous green eyes stared at the man who they called the greatest photogenic mind and eye the modelling industry had ever seen. Lancelot Crane stood in the middle of the room, looking around at all the beautiful models, over fifty of them waited in hesitation to be picked, Sienna was expecting him to pick about half. She sat silently, Jennifer was nervous, fidgety even, the palms of her hand and bottom of her feet were sweaty. She didn’t know what to expect as Sienna’s eyes narrowed, turning to her, keeping quiet and making her way back to both Jennifer and Willow ….

“What’s happening?”

Sienna: “He’s choosing.”



Lancelot Crane wearing a black tank top and black leather pants, boots, covered in silver jewelry, he stares down at a group of women, he shakes his head and points toward the door. About ten of them leave. Kat is there with a few others as he starts eliminating models and not keeping any. He turns toward Kat and two other girls, coming up to them and sizing them up, he shakes his finger at the two standing with Kat, taking a moment before turning and leaving Kat there, about ten models remain when he sees Sienna, Willow and Jennifer.

Lancelot stops and tilts his head, slowly approaching the three ladies, he sees Sienna and is about to speak, Sienna quickly cuts him off…


Sienna: “No.”


Crane cracks a smile when his eyes catch those of Jennifer Helms. He extends his hand. A bit confused, Jennifer goes ahead and takes it, getting reassured from Sienna and Willow. He pulls her up to her feet….


Lancelot: “The rest of you can leave.”


Kat’s eyes widen, biting down on her jaw. Crane turns to her and arches an eyebrow….


Lancelot: “Problem?”

Kat: “N…. no. Not at all.”

Her eyes narrow, glaring at Sienna who returns the stare. Kat grabs her things and storms out with the rest of them. Sienna and Willow both start to get up…..


Lancelot: “No no, you two can watch.”

Sienna and Willow sit back down. Lancelot brings Jennifer to a makeshift white stage with white plastic drapes. He leans in and speaks to Jennifer, Sienna sits watching….


SiennaCastPic-LancelotLancelot: “How old are you?”

Jennifer: “Eighteen.”

Lancelot: “Good, take off your clothes.”

Jennifer: “Wait…. What?”

Lancelot: “I said take off your clothes.”


Her eyes widen, turning to Sienna for help, support, anything. Willow is there, she is about to get up and say something, but Sienna holds her back and shakes her head. Jennifer, a nervous wreck doesn’t know what to do, she has been asked to take off all her clothes while Sienna just watches and does nothing. Before, Jennifer felt Sienna would be there to protect her, not let any harm come upon her, she even promised Regan, her best friend that…..


Lancelot: “Is there a problem here?”

Jennifer: “I….I…..”


She looks again for Sienna to step in, say or do something but nothing comes of it, instead Sienna simply nods and sits back, crossing her legs and folding her arms. Willow follows suit though she looks a bit more disturbed and uncomfortable by it…..


Lancelot: “I said take off your clothes. Now. Or you can leave.”


Jennifer says nothing, slowly taking off her dress after zipping it down, dropping to her ankles, wearing a silk black bra and panty, her heels still on. She kicks the dress away and stands there for a second. Lancelot turns and walks out, she is confused, turning to Sienna….


Jennifer: ”What do I do?”

Sienna: “You signed up for this and so now you will listen.”

Jennifer: “I want to be a model, I don’t want to be half-naked, this is not what I signed up for….”

Sienna: “Yes you did.”

Jennifer: “Why are you being so cold toward me?”

The Beautiful Angel takes the silent route and turns away as Lancelot walks back in carrying two cans of paint, Jennifer, almost in tears tries to talk to Sienna who wants nothing to do with it, Willow tries to get up and comfort Jennifer but Sienna grabs her wrist and shakes her head…..


Sienna: “No.”

Willow: “Why? Look at her?”

Sienna: “Yes, I was there too, and no one came to my rescue. Just watch and then tell me how you feel.”

Willow: “I swore to Laura I would protect her.”

Sienna: “No, she learns her lessons like we all have, even you Willow.”

The sexy Willow’s green eyes turn toward Jennifer and watches, Lancelot comes back with some more paint…..


Lancelot: “I meant all of your clothes.”

Jennifer: “But….”

Lancelot: “All of it.”

Shaking like a leaf, Jennifer takes off her top, slips out of her heels and finally after hesitating, slowly slips her underwear to the ground. She was completely exposed for all to see, not even Christian Cannon her boyfriend had seen her like this yet… Lancelot takes it and puts it to the side. He stands there staring at her body for a few uncomfortable moments, Sienna looks on with a dead stare….


Willow: “Does he do this with all the girls?”

Sienna: “No, everyone is different according to what he sees as beauty.”

Willow: “And you?”

Sienna: “He thought I was the one in the room, the only time he has chosen only one girl, that was until now. Of course, I was the prettiest girl he’d ever set his eyes on.”

Willow: “What did he do to you?”


Sienna doesn’t answer, leaving Willow wondering. Lancelot gets right up to the face of Jennifer….


Lancelot: “Do you understand the camera?”

Jennifer: “No.”

Lancelot: “It is a telescope into the soul, full of beauty and magic. That camera is the reason you exist, why you are here. Are you afraid of your own skin? Fear of showing the power of your own allurement? Why do you think they all come here to me? Fame? Fortune? No… art.”

Jennifer: “Art?”

Lancelot: “Shhh…. What is your name?”

Jennifer: “Jennifer.”

Lancelot: “Jennifer, no more words. Allow your body to do all of your talking from here on out.”


She doesn’t say anything instead she turns toward Sienna who has a cold stare right at her. The world Champion has changed since the yacht and this was another example of that. Lancelot Crane dips his hand into some glittery gold paint, he brings his hand back up and smears it across the shoulder and chest of Jennifer who tenses up. Crane, emotionless sticks his other hand in the paint and this time it’s a black color, gently putting it across her face, he continues the acts with a few different colors, making a pastel on Jennifer as if she was his artistic canvas. After being down, she looked like a masterpiece, he backs up some, wiping his hands, stepping behind the camera. He starts to take pictures of Jennifer, Willow looks on with Sienna’s eyes narrowing….


Sienna: “How do you feel now?”

Willow: “Invigorated and aroused.”

Sienna: “That is his art, this is Lancelot Crane, a man that makes careers. He made mine. Those women that were here? They would do anything to be a part of his craft. Jennifer needs to learn the hard way and not having her hand held. She thinks this business is all glitz until a man rubs your breasts with paint or makes you unclothe, showing the power he has over you and if you want to survive? You must abide.”

Willow: “I see that. So, tell me Sienna, what did Lancelot Crane do to you? What did he say?”

Sienna: “He said I was the most beautiful creature on the planet…..”


Lancelot continues to take pictures when he stops….


Lancelot: “Turn, you are the most beautiful creature on the planet.”


Willow slowly looks back at Sienna….


Willow: “I see. What did he do, Sienna?”

Sienna: “The exact same thing….. the exact same thing.”


The Heavenly Angel stands up and turns, walking away and out of the studio while Jennifer continues to be the center of the camera and attention from Lancelot Crane, an honor that used to be Sienna Swann’s….

A lesson she continues to be taught…

This time, like being a World Champion for SCW?

Everyone is replaceable for nothing lasts forever.




“There are always going to be motives and decisions where some will question you on them. Let’s be honest and truthful to ourselves, the questions answered and those that are asked, I will never lie and simply tell the truth. People deserve to know what they are getting themselves into. You may think I’m egotistical or vain, everyone is entitled to their opinion even if it’s wrong, I’m confident in my abilities and decisions, that has developed in time over the failures I experienced. The past four years have prepared me for this moment in Wrestling. I wish I had the same experience when I decided to sell my soul for beauty and fame as a model. I personally do not care what anyone thinks of me….

I’m paying the price already for my poor choices, I don’t need your judgment.

I have seen this all too often, standing here waiting for someone to make my career. These women, selling their bodies and souls for their fifteen seconds of fame and for what? Riches? Popularity? Recognition? Whether life treats them the same way they want to be treated, the question bares asking, why? Are we that desperate to be beautiful? Is the quest for being so perfect come to the decisions of others, giving the power to them while standing here wondering what is next? Maybe this is another lesson my time is over in this industry? Have I not done enough? I’m a World Champion and at times I sit and wonder when will I be replaced after I just arrived? I look at Jennifer, so young, naïve and sometimes stupid. Her name alone will get her opportunities, no doubt about that yet watching her grow within a meat market is like slowing down and gazing at a bad car accident on the side of the road while driving by hoping to see carnage subconsciously. Is there any emotion or sympathy to see if anyone is alright or are we just looking for the gory details that follow?

Is Lancelot Crane the car accident waiting to happen while I rot away slowly inside after giving this business the only thing I ever cherished?

My dignity.”










We all have them hidden away in the deepest places of our souls no matter how moral or pure you are. The Social Networks and media are peppered with the unlucky who find themselves crossing a boundary never thought possible. From sexual harassment that led to this #MeToo movement which itself is under scrutiny to our World Leaders taking pot shots on Twitter and being investigated for treason against our own country to finally the rich and famous acting like troglodytes behind the scenes, caught in erroneous, perverted acts exposing their hubris of being above the law…..

This is the sign of the times.

See, Allistaire Allocco, I want you to “Learn From History” like I have, sweetie. In this day and age, it is acceptable to just apologize, and things are better though in SCW it’s what we all call a “Double Standard”. You are a man that believes in purity and morality yet when you look at me what do you see?

An Angel in the eyes of truth.

A “Whore” in the eyes of lies.

Selena Frost failed at Rise to Greatness, she didn’t win for the SCW, the people who believed in her much in the same way when she was given an hour to defeat me. All she had to do was apologize and she’s in the Co-Main Event of Apocalypse. Regan apologizes, forced into it by the boss, her employment threatened by his daughters and what is she given? Nothing. A rookie? For the last four years Syren has been preaching us to #BeAwesome in an anti-bullying campaign only to become the biggest one in this company. Will her apologies matter when she realizes time has passed and she will no longer ever see this Championship again after I offered her a one on one? Refusing then only to beg and demand it now? When all other avenues have been exhausted with no where else to turn?

Will she drop to her knees and sell what is left of her soul to the title I hold?

Does it make it okay like Kennedy to simply say I am sorry after everything she had done to her fans, family, friends, even the boss, and history erases itself? What of Blake Mason, the man paralyzed me, and they cheered, admired his tactics while I laid face down in a hospital crying my eyes out when asked to move my fingers and toes, with every ounce of strength and couldn’t? It was at this realization where I knew these people didn’t care for me much as I wanted them too, it’s all a huge façade and after what I did to Kennedy Street will they continue to support her?

No, she was a failed experiment and just like that in the snap of the fingers, it changes.

Do you see the pretense in this, Mr. Allocco?

I understand the thought process, everyone thinks they know Sienna Swann, all they see is the beauty on the outside, the allurement which draws them in like REAL Siren’s to the sailors lost at sea, hence why the minute I stepped foot in a wrestling ring, they all paid attention, even you. It’s no secret our perception starts with sight, pleasing to the eye, activating the rest in a sensory smorgasbord which I have done year after year. The beautiful get the first-class treatment, there is no denying we are the top of the class, the elite, I have embraced it and yet spite is thrown my direction out of pure jealousy which I have lived with all my life and this World Championship held in my hands only solidifies the claim I have stood by since coming into this coming and becoming the “Heavenly Angel” of the SCW. This was always my role, the plan to finally stand where I belong at the very top looking down at all of you. This is not some boastful claim, The Beauty Factory is just that, a place of creation by ringing in a new era and erasing the ugly around us. What was the goal of Past. Present. Future? To preserve a Past worth saving, to instill a Present as the building blocks to the Future of the SCW and we did just that while you were living in a dream, Mr. Allocco. I also had a dream once, to be loved by the masses, worshipped for the ground I walked on hence why I won the Women’s Championship on THREE different occasions and elevated the Division on the same level as any title. While they praised and admired that self-entitled, delusional bitch they call a “Legend” in Katie Steward, I surpassed her as my FIRST of many steps into my ascension. I even entrusted my most deep, inner feelings and thoughts to leeches like Selena Frost, I turned on the man who brought me here, leading the charge with Regan Street to run Silas Mason out of the SCW and were we ever thanked for it?

No, how easily everyone forgets the risks I took and heroic deeds during my time here. Short term memory seems to plague those who would rather bring me down to their level, a sadness I didn’t allow to devour me. Experiencing ups and downs in my personal life was routine, those vices I speak of could have swallowed me whole and instead I became an inspiration to those whom will never have my beauty, they can at least strive to be a contributing member of society through mediocrity instead of just another voice of judgment to make themselves feel better and more important about who they represent, yearning for a celebrity status like struggling actors waiting tables in Hollywood hoping their next casting call will be the one that makes them famous?

Wishing dreams did come true….

Like you Allistaire Allocco.

The world is divided, the mass hysteria of appearance has consumed the circles from which they comfortably interact, never thinking outside the box, wishing everything would stay the same, look at Syren and you will see. Look at Ravyn and you can tell, watch Kennedy Street and you will know, glance at Selena, listen to her words and you can hear…..

They are afraid of the Future.



My question is, are you?

I mean, aren’t you seen as a part of it? The new movement with people like Bree Lancaster, AJ Helms, Owen Cruze, The Truelove Twins and myself? While the rest of the roster, the long-time stars who have kept our seats warm still posture for attention and their spot which I have taken? YOU, who has never had to climb any mountain due to your name and associations thanks to daddy were thrust into a place that I have worked four years to reach.

I’ll be honest, I never knew what I signed up for, Simon Lyman last week posted a Tweet bragging about beating the World Champion, of course it was in my first singles match at the Best of the Best Tournament. I came from the bottom up, I learned from some of the best at a very fast rate and the next contest we had weeks later? I beat him like he was nothing, a course followed against everyone I faced. My curve was time sensitive, making the best of what I had and taking my lumps hence why I knew I would be the “Future”, never a doubt in anyone’s mind who saw it first-hand. Seeing what a difference a year makes? Last Rise To Greatness I was humiliated, it was another loss in a long string to Ravyn Taylor’s little games, her ploy to drop me down to nothing. The next Rise to Greatness I deny her wife the right to hold the Championship seven times.

All it showed her attempts were futile, rising above it all at the expense of her the woman she turned everyone against for a title I won fair and square.

Do you know what that means to me?

I challenged her, laid it out, even begged to face Ravyn again, took each step after being denied the last four months and cultivated all into something I wanted and needed by beating a woman who was RED HOT and would still be World Champion RIGHT NOW defeating your fancy and trendy picks much like you Allistaire Allocco for here we find ourselves once again wondering if this will truly be the match they want to see and hope that you do not fall like Giovanni Aries did?

I’m the trendsetter, not you. My part in this lifetime is greater than anything you will ever be outside the ring other than some flash in the pan, popular pick due to the relationship between you, Ace Marshall and his annoying wife.

2017 was last year, this is 2018, the Year of the Angel.

Ace is sitting somewhere belligerent, hoping and praying you take this belt so his own set of ethics that only serve him while you foolishly follow are once again praised, warranted, hearing how great he is blah, blah, blah. We are now in a time of rejoice where the people who truly believe, not those who are enchanted by false prophets like the Snow Queen, struggling to make sense of her inferiority towards me by trying to find anything she can to sustain her fragile ego, show their true colors.

If you want to distance yourself from Ace and prove you are the next World Champion all I can tell you without lying is simple….

Not on my watch.

Mr. Dracheywch and his daughters might feel charitable, I do not. Matter of fact, Allistaire, I’m feeling quite stingy, the Future isn’t tomorrow, it’s NOW….

And with it comes a Slice of Heaven.”





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