Interview w/ Robin Roberts

ABC’s Good Morning America




Wearing a beautiful silver dress and open toed heels, with her nails polished a naked color and long blonde hair lying over her right shoulder, the gorgeous “Heavenly Angel” Sienna Swann sits across from the legendary Robin Roberts inside her Hollywood Hills home, the SCW World Championship rests on the table separating the two in the middle. The Interview was prerecorded from April 8th but aired on the 12th. Robin, wearing black slacks, heels and a cream-colored blouse, smiles, asking the tough questions…


SiennaCastPic-RobinRobertsRobin: “So I must ask, “For The People”. That has been the tag line used by you in recent months, we have seen this new side of Sienna Swann, the side that was much different from the woman that lied about her involvement in the Miss Universe Scandal 8 years ago. We have seen this transformation from you, first with modeling, then wrestling, back to modeling and still wrestling here. Why should the People believe you?”


Even though the questioning at times felt uncomfortable to Sienna, she sat there with a smile on her face. She tried to answer quickly yet calmly, trying to be sincere, speaking in her sexy South African accent….


SiennaCastPic-Sienna6Sienna: “Robin, I admit, I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my life. We all have. There was a time where I felt that I needed to be “Perfect” through beauty alone. There was never a thought put in when it came to who I was inside. My parents raised me to be a woman that took responsibility for her actions. I have never told anyone this in public before, but I grew up with an alcoholic mother. I will never blame the poor choices I made on her. She’s sober now and during that struggle, I came to the realization that we have one life to live, what we do with it is what defines us.”

Robin: “You still didn’t answer the question though, “For The People”? Now is it true that you as well have had to deal with substance abuse in the past?”


The question caught Sienna by surprise as she wasn’t aware that was public knowledge. She didn’t want to deny it and look like a liar, instead she nodded, half smiling with a few tears forming in her eyes….


Sienna: “The demand to be beautiful, the pressure we put on ourselves as women can become too much. Robin, I am the hardest working woman in wrestling, in fashion and in charity. It is 24/7 with me, I barely sleep, and I have found myself struggling at times to stay afloat. Yes, I had a problem with Alcohol and sleeping pills. I am over those now thanks to the help of my family and friends. I think this is one of the reasons I have started to lead this campaign to give back to the community and those that have supported me along the way. Some of us are late bloomers, it took me a long time to understand that with this power I have, the platform I stand on comes a responsibility to those that are less fortunate or don’t have the resources given to be able and do the things I have. It’s why the Beauty Factory opened its doors to everyone so they too can feel beautiful. Like wrestling, I am the Interim World Champion and as the TRUE face of the SCW, it is my duty to represent this company much like in the modeling world. I want to inspire individuals to know the only limits they have are the ones they put on themselves.”

Robin: “So through Charities, all of these wonderful acts of kindness that we have seen from Sienna Swann and the Beauty Factory are part of you giving back?”

Sienna: “Yes.”

Robin: “Getting over your addiction, trying to inspire others to dream and reach their goals of success no matter what they may be, what do you say to your critics that believe this is all a ruse and it’s only done so that you garner sympathy and recognition at the expense of others like Kelcey Wallace? We all saw what you did for Cedars Sinai and now most recently the Youth Center being built in East Los Angeles. If this is truly “For The People” then what do you say to the doubters?”


Sienna pauses and collects her thoughts, she wasn’t prepared for Robin Roberts to dig so hard, it was at this moment that would make or break the Angel…..

Or everything she worked for would be destroyed in an instance.

Sienna took a moment to answer the question, she again smiled before responding…


Sienna: “Unfortunately these days, your words and actions are never enough. Do I have my doubters? Haters? Those that feel I cannot be trusted? They think what I am doing here is a publicity stunt and nothing more? Robin, I am a true believer of speaking louder with actions. I have saved pets that were ready to be euphonized in the biggest campaign the state of Florida has ever seen. I organized and personally fed over one thousand homeless and displaced individuals in the city of Atlanta out of my own money and time. I helped house immigrants and separated families along the Texas/Mexican Border during this awful humanitarian crisis. I funded a wing for Parkinson’s disease in the name of my good friend and someone who I have admired, patterning my life after in Kelcey Wallace. I helped rebuild an important facility to me and my struggles with abuse in Santa Monica, California for all and any who seek treatment and the fundamentals of Alcoholic Anonymous. I also broke ground in a new Youth Center in East Los Angeles, recently was given an award with Laura Steinbeck and the keys to the city of Los Angeles by Mayor Eric Garcetti. I recently am funding a trip to South Africa, my home later this year to help start the end of Apartheid and help so many families out there. Robin, I’m not in any way shape or form trying to pull the wool on anyone, I am simply doing what I feel is necessary for those that stopped believing Angels do exist.”

Robin: “And you are that Angel?”


The Heavenly Angel’s icy blue eyes glare at Robin before she answers…..










It was an opportunity that Sienna Swann didn’t expect but made sure that she would at least get in the ear of Sasha, the eldest daughter of Mr. D who was now in charge. Syren was hurt, she couldn’t defend the title so she stayed home, Sasha quickly made the decision to give both Sienna Swann and Kennedy Street a chance at the World Championship, both women had a right to a rematch, Kennedy from after RTG XV waiting patiently and Sienna who was never pinned for the title in a match marred by interference. Sienna was ready to take her place amongst the elite again and be Champion one more time knowing just how hungry and deadly Kennedy Street was, from the kick that knocked Sienna out at Retribution that almost cost her the fall to even before during the match Kennedy was the referee of that prevented the Angel her claim to the shot at Syren one on one that she has hoped for since last year.

The match was set, Sienna was ready to become the Champion and deal with a Kennedy Street that was more aggressive and determined, she wasn’t going to catch her by surprise this time….


New Orleans, LA.



After Breakdown it was hard to imagine anything less than the entire world talking about what had happened. Many can argue that Kennedy Street had Sienna Swann beat. It was merely the case where the finish never happened and so it was left up to interpretation with any number of options available as the final reason. The popular vote of course was Laura decided to interfere, that in turn didn’t sit well with Chris Cannon who earlier in the night shocked everyone and brutally assaulted Ikiro Yoshida and Kellen Jefferies who tried to make him see sense. After he came out, Laura and Chris tussled for the heel she took off, after that Kennedy tried to get Chris to stop out of fear he would get her disqualified, instead he turned around and hit her right in the face causing damage that lead to Sienna striking Kennedy with the “Kiss By An Angel” and winning back the World Championship even if it was on an interim basis. The crowd was left in silence, the stare down between Kennedy and Chris, the shock of Sienna looking on…..

Was only the beginning.

Sienna was being checked for her facial injuries, Laura made sure that all her teeth were there, that there was no scarring or a broken nose. After she was bandaged up and ready to leave, the Angel came out dressed in jeans, open toed wedge sandals and a white halter top. Her nails polished a naked coating and long hair hanging down. Laura had the World Championship as they stepped into their car LEO was driving. The Twins sat in the front, Laura and Sienna in the back, handing her a gel pack….


Laura: “Put this on your face, it will cause the swelling to go down. We don’t need you to look deformed and ugly, darling. You are not the hunchback of Notre dame my dear.”


It was hard to speak, hurting every time that I moved my lips. My eyes just turned to Laura, shaking my head, knowing that she was only doing what was best for me. She was persistent though, basically shoving the pack back in my face which I pushed back away. I could feel the swelling, the medical staff deemed I didn’t break my nose or lose any teeth, silver lining there. Laura insisted again, this time I didn’t fight it. Glancing down at the World Championship and what happened to get it, made this all worth it….


Laura: “Please, Sienna, If not for you, do it for me?”

Sienna: “I am Laura, thank you.”

Laura: “Thank you. It is good not all your senses were knocked out of you.”


Speaking with a bit of a lisp was weird. Leaning my head back, I closed my eyes, feeling pain, bruising all over my body, it ached a lot more than I had let on but that was part of being a champion wasn’t it? Syren the pretender would drone on about it, Kenned too as well as Kelcey… I wince a little while adjusting my seating, Kennedy Street kicked my ass, there is no doubt she came to fight. The look on Laura’s face tells me that maybe she did have me beat, I don’t know…

It’s obvious I was pretty out of it. All I could think of was laying in my bed at the hotel and going to sleep….. and Chris Cannon…. Part of me hopes that what he did was on purpose, I haven’t looked back at the footage, all I remember was Kennedy holding her eye, it was the opening I took, knocking her out like she did me at Retribution and on Breakdown last month, it was payback….

Beautiful poetic justice…


Laura: “Don’t go to sleep, you could still have a mild concussion, I want the doctors to check on you when we get to the hospital.”

Sienna: “Hospital? Ugh Laura…. I don’t have a concussion. I’m just sore, I hurt all over. She….”

Laura: “… did nothing to you. I knew you had the match won, we all did.”


That brought a small chuckle as I winced, holding my face, opening my eyes, turning my head to face her….


SiennaCastPic-LauraIILaura: “What is so funny?”

Sienna: “You.”

Laura: “Me? What have I done?”

Sienna: “It’s sweet, I know you’re trying to pep me up and all, I appreciate that but we both know the truth. I hate Kennedy Street, everything she stands for, being a “Diva” but I cannot forget her last name, there is a reason she was a World Champion, her struggles aside, she came to fight Laura, she….”

Laura: “…. Lost darling, we all see the three count. You did it!”

Sienna: “Yes, and Chris….”


Laura pinched the bridge of her nose as if a migraine suddenly overcome her, it was understandable I suppose. Chris was always a touchy subject…


Laura: “Sienna, I wanted to talk to you about that, I know how your mind works but I want you do something for me darling.”

Sienna: “Do something?”

Laura: “Yes… Please don’t look into it more than it is darling. He looked like he was ready to punch me, I was scared for my well-being and I mean REALLY scared I had never seen anything quite like it, I’m sure he didn’t appreciate me throwing my shoes at him, speaking of which, they were Louboutin’s, I’ll probably never get them back.”

Sienna: “Why would you, it has Kennedy’s blood on it.”

Laura: “You make a valid point. I just don’t want you to start thinking one thing and something else happens.”

Sienna: “He loves me Laura…”

Laura: “Why are we beating this horse again, isn’t it dead? Do you want to start a dog food company now is that it? What is it with that man and you, why won’t you get the hint?”

Sienna: “Because… I just know. This was different somehow… I just know.”

Laura: “That isn’t good enough darling.”


I could see that statement bothering her, making Laura feel uncomfortable. Did I truly believe that? Part of me thinks so, yeah or maybe it’s just hope. I can remember the conversation we had backstage the last time I saw him outside of the SCW. He was angry, I seriously thought Chris was ready to choke me to death… There might be a lot of things I would do, threaten or physical hurt his family isn’t one of them… But I saw something different in his face though, I can’t explain it and after what he did to Ikiro I did think maybe I had crossed a line….

Laura was calling out my name, snapping her fingers in front of my face I was lost in my train of thought which I’ll admit included a naked Chris Cannon, but then could you really blame me?


Laura: “Sienna, you know I never want to see you hurt. It kills me right now to see you this way darling. Are you sure you’re okay, your beautiful face mangled by that woman’s foot? Your nose, your gorgeous lips, you are the face of an angel, this is your money maker.”

Sienna: “I’m fine… I was just thinking that’s all, I wasn’t ignoring you or having a seizure…”

Laura: “I hope not… Because we need to look towards the future now, there is no rest for the wicked which brings me to this beautiful piece here…”


Laura pointed towards the Interim World Championship…


SiennaCastPic-Sienna7Sienna: “It is beautiful even if it isn’t…”

Laura: “Bah as far as this Championship goes, I don’t care what the SCW wants to label this belt, it is yours. YOU are the Real-World Champion not some interim fly by night. I say this because we both know where this is going in a few weeks….”

Sienna: “….. Syren…. Or Owen Cruze.”

Laura: “Yes, or even Kennedy again, I wouldn’t put it past Sasha because her father loves that bloody family and all who reside within it. Look at the Twins and what she is making them go through as a prime example, if they were a Street? I rest my case!”

Paris: “We could change our names, would be funny.”

Laura: “You will do no such thing! Then people will walk all over you and I will not tolerate that, it’s bad enough as it is already! No, Sienna I just need you to stay focused here because as much as you want to believe that Chris Cannon did this for you, I don’t.”


She was adamant about it, I could see it on her face. I could feel many eyes watching me, the twins probably LEO while he drove… Laura especially but they didn’t feel what I was feeling… Laura was feeling fear, but I wasn’t… I couldn’t explain it…


Sienna: “Laura… but….”

Laura: “But NOTHING Sienna! You can sit there and have whatever feelings you have for that man bubble back to the surface, but you didn’t see what I saw. He was going to strike me with my own shoe, the look in that man’s eyes was downright frightening, Kennedy was so distraught that he was going to get you disqualified, she tried to take the heel away from him, if anything, she was trying to protect me can you believe that? I don’t know, I saw how hard he struck her, I’m surprised Chris didn’t knock her unconscious right there….”

Sienna: “Okay… Then what about Ikiro it makes no sense, he didn’t do anything… I mean this time.”

Laura: “Sienna…. I understand this is what you want to believe darling but that man….”


I didn’t want to hear anymore and held up my hands to look out of the window of the car. Let me believe that Chris is in love with me, why can’t I just sit here and think about the positive here? He took out my boyfriend out of pure jealousy, yes, that was it and then he helped me become World Champion when he saw I was hurt and bleeding, he couldn’t stand seeing my face torn up like this….


Sienna: “I don’t want to talk about it anymore.”

Laura: “Okay Darling. Maybe seeing Ikiro will make you feel better but first a doctor is going to look at your face.”

Sienna: “Fine, whatever.”


Defiantly sitting in the car with my arms folded, I could see Paris and London slowly turning around to see if everything was alright, even LEO looking through the rear-view mirror….


Sienna: “Say nothing. Just drive.”

New Orleans East Hospital
Fifteen Minutes Later

After the Doctor checked me out, he confirmed what I had initially thought. It was basically swelling and a nose bleed from the blunt force trauma, I escaped a broken nose which the Doctor stated I was lucky in that aspect and there were no signs of a concussion! My lips were still swollen though, I sounded like an idiot with a lisp, it was not sexy or attractive at all. The main reason I came here though was to see Ikiro. Chris attacked him and sent that poor man here, it was horrible to look at but also something else…Ikiro had been a huge part of my life recently and there was nothing I wanted more than to see him make it through this as he was there for me whenever I needed it.

I walked in, he was lying in the bed, they had a strap around his back and waist, trying to secure his movement but he kept on wiggling around the bed being annoying. The Doctors told Laura and I that he would be in traction at least for a few days. That all stopped as soon as I walked into the room, he smiled as I sat next to him, holding his hand gently. Laura stood behind me with a look of concern on her face…


Sienna: “Hey sweetie. How are you feeling?”

Ikiro: “Better now, Eye Yoshi’s angel is here. Your face, what happened to your face?!”


He reached out to stroke my cheek softly, real concern etched on her face. This is a man that was brutally assaulted not hours ago, and here he is worried about me….


Sienna: “Oh this? It’s okay, she kicks hard, I knee harder. I’m the World Champion again now isn’t that great?”

SiennaCastPic-YoshiIkiro: “Yes! Oww…. Eye Yoshi is so… Oww… Proud of you.”

Sienna: “I know that you are. The Doctors tell us you are going to be here a few days, they want to run a few more tests to make sure there is no long-lasting damage to your spine. They don’t know when you can get back in the ring.”

Ikiro: “This is nothing, I will nap and I be back tomorrow; Eye Yoshi heals fast like reptile, just not lizard king…”

Sienna: “I know you will, and I know you’re no lizard king sweetie…”


Stopping for a moment, I could feel Laura looking down at me, the stare on Ikiro’s told me she had that same look from the car. I glanced at Laura and sigh, turning back to face Ikiro, I hate seeing him like this, whatever the case, he was always there for me, I do have a deep connection with Ikiro and had it not been for the actions earlier tonight, I wouldn’t be feeling this way….

So conflicted with my heart…


Ikiro: “Do not worry my angel, I’ll be back soon, right next to you and protect my angel from that Chris Cannon and anyone else that tries to hurt her.”


It was nice to hear those words, but I didn’t believe them all truly… He would return yes, but could he protect me from Chris Cannon? No, but then I wouldn’t want protection from him if he really did love me…

I looked at Ikiro, I held his hand again and kissed his knuckles…


Sienna: “I want you to know I will never forget what you have done for me sweetie. All this time, you made sure that I was taken care of. At Retribution you saved me from humility. I tried so hard to get Regan to understand and I didn’t see that cheap kick. Before that, always defending my honor in everything that I did, turning your back on friends and family, all for me.”

Ikiro: “Because Eye Yoshi loves his angel.”

Sienna: “I know you do.”

Ikiro: “We didn’t win at Retribution… This broke my heart because I asked for your hand in marriage to Laura…”


That took me by surprise, I didn’t know this… I looked back to Laura who nodded, had I known maybe…


Ikiro: “I had planned to go against Laura wishes and propose after you become champion! But this happened… I wanted to ask you this time but no hospital. Eye Yoshi doesn’t care…. I want to ask my angel….”


Slowly placing my fingers on his lips, I shake my head….


Sienna: “Ikiro, you know that I care deeply for you and I do love my EyeYoshi, but you see though sweetie, things have a tendency of changing on a whim and I am at that crossroad right now again and I wish that I could change the way I feel but I can’t.”


Ikiro looked at me confused, it was sad to be honest because I know I mean so much to him…


Ikiro: “I do not understand… What is going on, did doctors tell you something? Is EyeYoshi dying?!”

Laura: “What? No! You’re not dying darling, but I feel something may be soon…”


That isn’t helping Laura…


Sienna: “Sweetie, you understand the power of love, don’t you? I’m not talking about the song either although it is a classic. You are here laying in hospital and don’t you wonder why, don’t you see that Chris attacked you out of jealousy?”

Ikiro: “…Jealous…y?”

Laura: “Sienna….”

Sienna: “Laura… please.”

Laura: “Can I talk to you outside for a moment?”

Sienna: “Let me finish.”


It annoyed Laura that I wasn’t willing to go with her outside the room and honestly I didn’t care, I needed to say this to Ikiro who has been my love and support through the tough times I have endured…

Say whatever you want about me, I owed him this much…


Sienna: “Ikiro, you and I are from two separate worlds and Chris? He is the true love of my life and I can’t help it. I know this bothers you that every time we are intimate, I think of him and I always have…”

Laura: “Oh god…”

Sienna: “What he did tonight just proved to me that deep inside him he is at war with his emotions and trying to figure out how he can come to me and stop everything else around him going pear shaped. I believe that is why he attacked you tonight, he was sending a message to HIS Angel and I wasn’t sure to believe it… I really wasn’t until he helped me win the World Championship. He wants me and this is his way of showing it so I can’t ignore it? I can’t pretend it doesn’t exist….”

Ikiro: “…but we love each other?”

Sienna: “Sometimes love isn’t enough sweetie. Do not worry though, I WILL pay for your medical bills and I will also pay for a ticket for you to go back to Japan to heal and pursue your family. It would have never worked out between us not really, I understand that I was just doing what Kennedy Street did and settled…”

Ikiro: “I…. I don’t…. understand?”

Sienna: “I do. I’m not Kennedy Street and I don’t want a Jonathan Knots.”

Slowly leaning in with my swollen lips, I kissed him on the cheek. He wasn’t happy and honestly and I understood why, but I also I didn’t care. All I was concerned about was Chris and only Chris. He did love me, and no one was going to tell me different….


Ikiro: “Sienna?”

Sienna: “Goodbye Ikiro. I’ll always treasure what we had.”

Ikiro: “Sienna….”

I was done, standing up and walking out of the room. Laura looked a bit confused at my actions as she followed me out and pulled me to the side….


Laura: “Sienna, what the hell are you doing!?”

Sienna: “I’m following my heart.”

Laura: “Darling, this man doesn’t love you. He was trying to hurt US. He took Ikiro out because he would protect you. Chris Cannon was so angry that he wasn’t thinking clearly, and Kennedy took the brunt of it. Do not be a fool and pretend that this is real, you are only going to get hurt, I don’t need another meltdown, the last one led to your addiction.”

Sienna: “I love him Laura and he loves me.”

Laura: “I want a second opinion, you must be suffering from a concussion let’s take you to get an MRI….”


I scoffed at her insinuating there was something wrong with me. I was perfectly lucid at this moment and content with my feelings. I did nothing more but to laugh what I could off without wincing in pain and walking back to the car. Laura looked torn between running back into Ikiro’s room or following me….

She did the latter and begrudgingly at that, she had begun to grow fond of Ikiro due to his friend Hiroshi…. But Laura is a business woman first. She isn’t stupid and I’m the world Champion now because of Chris Cannon, she’ll understand that I am right about this….

He loves me….

I know he does and if I’m wrong, on my head so be it.





The “For The People” movement was alive and well. Sienna had already established the many projects she had been working on. Looking for anything to boost her reputation among the public eye though the fans in wrestling were not buying her sincerity at all. Outside of the ring Sienna had already planned a huge humanitarian relief for South Africa later in the year, it would be her chance to really make a difference in her home country. The gorgeous model though had other things in the works as well, she was a busy bee.

She had to really work hard with her make-up team as her face was pretty busted up after wrestling Kennedy Street so much, so she even had to cancel some photoshoots. A huge interview with Robin Roberts too was in the books a few days from now but what was important, is that Laura was to be given the Keys to the City of Los Angeles in a huge ceremony and celebration happening later that night on Sunday, April 11. 2019. That of course was not all because Sienna was also going to be recognized for her work on breaking ground for the Youth Center she was about to build in East Los Angeles.

The present for the Beauty Factory was well and truly covered, but one thing that Sienna did not know a lot of though was Laura’s past. She was never one to really delve into it but knew that Laura had two estranged daughters she hadn’t spoken with in a long time. This celebration was going to be more than just Laura getting the keys to the city, she had opened the Beauty Factory for everyone and their chance in modelling. She was ready to be labelled legendary and a pioneer in her chosen field.

It was to be a very special night; one she would never forget…

Laura’s Home
Hollywood Hills, CA.

Laura was picking out her dress, she had gone and bought quite a few. Sienna sat on the edge of the bed inside Laura’s huge bedroom that looked more like a living room. She wore jeans, thong sandals and a loose blouse, nails polished a naked coating and hair hanging down. Laura stood barefoot in front of the mirror wearing a sequence blue dress, her nails polished red and long hair hanging down….


Laura: “Be honest darling, what do you think?”

Sienna: “I like it. It screams you, shows off the curves and extenuates your frame, not saying your fat, sweetie, just makes you look…. Wow.”

Laura: “Even if you were, I’ll take that as a compliment. Now to find the right shoes. What are you wearing?”

Sienna: “I was thinking the silver and white dress I showed you earlier, I think it screams charity and Key to the City event for a woman like yourself, I wouldn’t want to embarrass you, besides the World Champion needs to show off.”

Laura: “I like how you think.”

Sienna: “So who is invited to this event anyone I know?”

Laura: “The usual suspects darling, Steve Bain will be there, Lancelot Crane, September Mills, a few other important people in the modelling world who are there to stroke their own egos. Honestly, I don’t want to make too big a deal of this.”


I was applying lip gloss in front of a mirror but stopped immediately mid stroke to look at Laura’s reflection shocked…


Sienna: “WHAT?! You’re lying…”

Laura: “Maybe a tiny white lie, this isn’t just for me tonight. It’s also for my Beauty Factory, the co-workers, that sort of thing.”

Sienna: “No family?”


The mood changed in the room quickly when I mentioned family, she changed the subject and deflected it back on me….


Laura: “Is your mother coming? I know Sierra will be there amongst others.”

Sienna: “My mum and dad will be there. He’s back in town for couple weeks. My mother isn’t too happy with me right now, she thinks I lied to her about taking the sleeping pills after what happened to Jennifer.”

Laura: “Honestly, between you and I that was stupid of you.”

Sienna: “I know… But who was I to turn down Jennifer? She wanted my help, so I gave it… What happened though, it was an accident. I haven’t been taken them, but they were there just in case. A break glass in case needed option…”

Laura: “Is Jennifer coming? I don’t recall getting her RSVP back…”

Sienna: “I think she’ll be in attendance. I know Regan won’t, Jennifer must if not she wouldn’t either. I don’t know, makes me wonder sometimes…..”

Deflecting wasn’t going to work; I was the queen of small talk but there was that part of me which needed to pry. I never talked much about Laura’s past or her family with her, didn’t feel it was my place and yet I look at Laura as a mother figure, someone who cares deeply about me…..

“So you really don’t have any family coming? You don’t speak much of them if any. You have a couple of daughters, right?”

Laura: “I do, but I doubt they will come though darling. It’s okay, I’m used to it. This is about us anyway, a huge celebration. I get the Key to the City; you will be praised for the charity work. Steve is doing a great job of promoting this. I am excited, admittedly. It would be nice to see family there but not really necessary.”


I turned around on my stool and looked at Laura with yes, you’re hearing this right – Empathy….


Sienna: “Laura, why are you saying that? Your family should be there, this is a huge night for you. You deserve to be surrounded by family, what about siblings?”

Laura: “I have a sister and a brother. He’s in Canada, haven’t talked to him in years. I think he ice fishes now or something… My sister lives in Florida, she’s in her own little world with her husband and kids pretending I do not exist. Seriously, Sienna, I’m fine darling. I really am. For me it has always been about the glitz, glamour and putting on a show. My family has never been truly involved…”


For me it didn’t seem right that this iconic woman in Fashion and now in wrestling wouldn’t have any type of family attending this. I felt like I needed to do something about it….


Sienna: “Do you know where your daughters are?”

Laura: “Sienna, darling, let’s just drop it. It is a moot point, and nothing is going to come of it.”

Sienna: “So what? Let me try, if I don’t succeed then it’s just my time wasted not yours. What are your daughters’ names?”

Laura looked at me with mixed emotion, I could see it in her eyes that she really did want them there but knew it was one hell of an undertaking. After everything that she has done for me, it was at least worth a try….


Laura: “You’re not going to let this go are you? Fine… Lennox Wilde and Reese Layne. They kept their father’s last names. I never married, too busy for it. I had failed relationships, at least I had some kids from it so not all was lost.”

Sienna: “Just the two?”

Laura: “No, I had a son. Cody, Layne. He passed away 12 years ago, right before I discovered you now I think about it. Darling, I have so many things to take care of today before tomorrow and then I must fly out to Toronto with Jennifer and Willow, with all the EMERGE stuff going on. Don’t worry about anything with me. Let’s have fun tomorrow night, go train, Owen Cruze is going to come hard, he has a point to prove.”

Sienna: “So do I.”

Laura: “I know you do. So, worrying about me and my family is not part of the agenda, alright?”

Sienna: “Do me a favor, at least text them, it won’t hurt right?”

Laura: “Darling….”

Sienna: “Please, text or call them, it wouldn’t hurt.”

I could see that she reluctantly grabbed her phone and sent out a text to both, she even held up the screen to show me. Laura was simply appeasing my curiosity. I could tell she needed them there even if she wouldn’t admit it to me….


Sienna: “Thank you, now that wasn’t so hard was its sweetie? See you tonight?”

Laura: “Of course.”


We kiss each other on the cheek, grabbing my things including my purse. I went down stairs and walked past her living room, the mantle of her fire place had a few pictures of her daughters. They were pretty, never understood why I never heard much of them but if anything, at least she texts them, the first step in the right direction….


Later That Night
Beverly Hills Hotel
Grand Ballroom

The gorgeous Sienna stood behind the stage with her sister Sierra. Sienna was wearing the silver and white dress, Sierra was in a gold and black dress, matching pumps. Laura looked extravagant as ever. The Twins were in the far distance with LEO in red Dinner dresses. There were over 200 guests, most from the fashion industry, the rest from media, family, friends and fellow SCW stars who were limited to members of the Beauty Factory. Sienna was alone, wishing that she contacted Chris Cannon to test the waters to see what was going on…

However, she wouldn’t allow that though to dominate her mind while she watched as Laura talked to the Mayor of Los Angeles…


SiennaCastPic-Sierra2Sierra: “Sienna….”

Sienna: “Yeah sweetie?”

Sierra: “Do you have a minute, can we talk?”

Sienna: “Yeah, what’s wrong?”


My little sister took me by the hand and led me away toward more to a more secluded area, a drape hung down by us. We were alone back there; I didn’t know what was wrong with her, but she looked a bit flustered while making sure we weren’t followed….


Sierra: “There is something I need to tell you; I’m starting to get all my memories back.”

Sienna: “I know, we discussed this. Yet, you were not sure about how things happened?”

Sierra: “I do know now, and you won’t like it. I was right about Paris and…..”


My heart sunk at the news she was telling me, but I think it was more to do with the timing of it all… This wasn’t the time or place to bring it up…


Sienna: “Sierra, do we really need to do this right now? Laura is about to go up and accept her award.”

Sierra: “What? But THIS is really important. Those two bitches threw me off the stage and then tried to cover things up. They had the audacity to try to talk to me earlier, I wanted nothing to do with it. I’m feeling uncomfortable now. Looking over my shoulder… I haven’t told mum anything yet. I’m playing stupid right now, but I want Laura to know the truth.”


I groaned a little, I couldn’t help myself it was a reflex reaction. This was not happening here; I could not believe it. There was one thing about my sister she was both extremely melodramatic AND when she wanted to get something off her chest, it had to be right then and there, there was no later…..


Sienna: “Sierra, can we talk about this another time, like tomorrow?”

Sierra: “But they hurt me. I’m your sister damn it!”

Sienna: “Okay, they hurt you. We don’t know why and right now; I don’t need to know. This is Laura’s night; we are going to make it special for her and this? What is going on right now? Stops. Because right now you’re being fucking selfish!”

Sierra: “But you said you would protect and help me through this so that….”


I had to cut her off, now she was starting to annoy me….


SiennaCastPic-Sienna3Sienna: “I know what I said sweetie, But you listen to me closely, what happened to you was an unfortunate incident but honestly? It could tear the Beauty Factory apart. I helped build this Sierra, this is my life’s work right here. I’m sorry that the Twins hurt you, right now you are going to keep your mouth shut and act like you have no clue what is going on.”

Sierra: “The hell I am….”

Sienna: “Keep your voice down. Sierra, we have built an EMPIRE. We are a BRAND. Try to comprehend what I am saying right now, the PEOPLE, every single one of them out there including mum and dad think we hung the fucking moon. Laura opened the Beauty Factory for every single person that thinks they can be a model, it doesn’t matter whether they’re old, fat, ugly, retarded, it doesn’t matter! We are looked upon as QUEENS. I am not going to ruin anything I have built with Laura because you bumped your head and want some justice.”

Sierra: “You don’t know what it’s like…”

Sienna: “The hell I don’t. Blake Mason? Did I ever get my revenge or comeuppance on that piece of shit?! No I never bec-”

Sierra: “No, but Chris did.”


I paused to try and regain some composure because now she was starting to anger me, and I hate getting upset at a gala or awards dinner, my cheeks get all puffy….


Sienna: “Chris? What are you getting at?”

Sierra: “I….”


She didn’t get to say another word as I grabbed her wrist and came right up to my little sister’s face….


Sienna: “…. Nothing, that is what you are getting at. Drop it Sierra, and don’t mention his name again do you understand me?”

Sierra: “Drop it, that’s it? After what they did to me, we are just going to drop it.”

Sienna: “For now? Yes. Do you want a future in modelling, do you want to be like your sister and idolized the world over?”

Sierra: “Of course.”

Sienna: “Good, then remember what would happen if this was out and the Beauty Factory fell apart? This is bigger than you, bigger than me even. So drop it.”


I wasn’t going to let her get another word in, instead, staring right at her before she finally backed down and nodded. Placing my hand on her shoulder, I tried to reinforce her that this was the right thing to do at this very moment. It’s too big, I didn’t want to see this tear apart over that incident. Laura was starting to speak; I walked away from Sierra and came through the curtains again. The Mayor had introduced her. Looking out into the crowd, I noticed two empty chairs that Laura had reserved….

Her daughters.

Turning to her I could see that she noticed but continued to say her speech…..


Laura: “… It’s funny darling, when I look back at my life and think about all I accomplished, receiving the Key to the City means so much to me. I have traveled the world, been associated with the most beautiful people on the planet, dabbed my toes into the wrestling scene as well and found success in a venture which took one special woman to convince me to. I live a life that many envies, and few know the struggles of keeping appearances and staying beautiful at my age, living vicariously through the young men and women that I represent. I find it rather satisfying this time for being recognized for my work, that of so many others who have taken the time to help us build the Beauty Factory from the ground up. Of course, we have our doubters, many questioned our motives, it’s unfortunately the way people are programmed these days. This Key though, says differently. It states that the Mayor and the City of Los Angeles has entrusted myself and my Beauty Factory with the respect and admiration of the greatest city in the world. I couldn’t have done this throughout the last few years and in my lifetime…..”


Sierra and I watched from the back; my sister finally piped down. Her speech was inspiring and tough on Laura. She was hurt, maybe questioning herself. I’ve been there and it’s not easy being hated by the people you love….


Laura: “….. but if I died tomorrow, I would do so with a smile on my face. You meet people that change your life, they gave this old bird youth again. I didn’t think I could ever see my dreams come true even if I was the Face of Fashion, this here means everything to me but I would be wrong not to share it with the one person that is the sole reason I stand here before you with the Key. She is like a daughter to me…. One that stands by my side no matter what and has accepted me into her life. She is MY angel…. SIENNA SWANN!”

This was about her, not me. Laura turned and gestured for me to walk up on the podium, I wasn’t expecting this and her kind words. Sierra nudged me to step forward. Slowly making my way up the steps on the podium, we hug each other……


Laura: “This woman here is my everything. The Top Model, the SCW World Champion, the Angel the People need who has graciously given her all to the needy and the communities throughout the United States. Together, we stand here….. For the People.”

Sienna: “For the People.”


We hold each other’s hands looking out into the crowd as they cheer us on. It was a magical moment, they appreciated who we are and what we have done recently, it was a good feeling….

Too good to last.


Laura’s Home
Hollywood Hills, CA.
Three Hours Later

The night went as expected, we had a wonderful dinner, mingled, danced and Laura drank way too much. I didn’t have a sip of alcohol. Sierra went home with my parents; she was still no cleared to drive. I decided to take Laura home, make sure she was safe. Stumbling in, I helped her into the house and up the stairs….


Laura: “Oh darling, I’m drunk…. You better have not drank!”

Sienna: “I didn’t sweetie, I promise. Come on, let’s get you to bed.”

Laura: “I’ll just lay down right here.”


Laura wasn’t having it, she laid on her bed, I slipped off her heels, grabbed the blanket and pulled it over her. I kissed her on the cheek and begun heading out….


Laura: “Sienna….”

Sienna: “Yes Laura?”

Laura: “They never came, did they?”

Sienna: “No, sweetie, they didn’t.”

Laura: “It’s okay… they will always hate me for what happened to Cody.”

Sienna: “Laura? What happened to Cody?”

Laura: “I’m just happy that my most loved daughter was there…. That is you by the way, my Angel my sweet Angel…”


Those words struck me, I became a little teary eyed for many reasons, the main, seeing her like this after being recognized for all the good she does. They couldn’t even show up….


Sienna: “Always. Laura….”

Laura: “Mmmmm….”


She was ready to pass out, I wasn’t going to ask her anymore. I turned off the lights and headed downstairs. As I made my way to the front door, I stopped into her study and sat down in front of the computer. Typing in the name Cody Layne on Google, I waited until the search turned out her son. He was handsome, a model and aspiring singer. I then clicked the news article, seeing a picture of Laura standing outside the home. The article read….

Cody Layne, aspiring singer and Model found dead after apparent suicide, a single shot to his head…

Oh Jesus….. Laura.






It had been a long weekend. Sienna was packing, getting ready to leave to Breakdown and then out to Tabula Rasa to defend her Interim Championship against Owen Cruze. Sienna was watching tape, training extremely hard. Mentally after last night, she wanted to just relax at home by herself, decompress. The thought of Chris Cannon didn’t leave her mind for one second, so many times over she wanted to call or text him, anything whatsoever to hear his voice but after what happened on Breakdown and even her attempts to see him failed, she decided that it was best to leave it alone.

After an intense morning workout, even after everything that happened with Laura last night who is probably nursing a massive hangover and had to travel all the way up to Toronto in the morning as Sienna made sure that she was up and ready to leave, Sienna herself needed to just unwind. Wearing her silk rope and black bikini under it, she watched the Retribution match over again, Kennedy kicking her in the face when she was arguing with Regan, knocking her out, she watches Owen then take advantage and pin Syren….


Sienna’s Home

Hollywood Hills, CA.



She looks down at her toes, adding a little touch up paint instead of going to get a pedicure because she was not in the mood and it was getting late. Laura and the twins were attending an event while Sierra was with their mother. Sienna instead she was watching some footage which was not helping her focus any less. The gorgeous South African, brushed her hair back and looked over at the World Title sitting on her mantle with which she smiled. There were so many things going on, what happened with Laura, the secret she had that while didn’t change the opinion of Sienna and her manager it still came as a surprise. The beautiful Angel’s blue eyes diverts back to the television where the referee counts three, they show Sienna still on the mat, slowly starting to move, not realizing that Team Sasha had won….


Sienna: “Bitch….”

That was my pin, not Owen Cruze’s. He didn’t deserve that. That runt of the Cruze stock took the opportunity and made the best of it, thanks to Kennedy Street but she’s now out of the way. It was tough to watch that; it didn’t help I had watched it probably fifty times already. Laura tells me not to dwell on things, it causes wrinkles but that isn’t how I’m programmed. For me it was a way to fire up and motivate me to making sure that I retained my title. I know I needed to stop torturing myself, but to be World Champion even if it were on the Interim it felt worth it…

But we all have our limits and while painting my nails was one thing, it was relaxing… Viewing this was another. So, I turned it off after watching Team Sasha celebrate. Instead I put on my match with Kennedy, I made a lot of mistakes in that one. Cringing at times….


Sienna: “I took her too lightly. I can’t afford to do that with Owen.”


I don’t know how many times I have tried to wrap my head around this footage. It was hard for me to come up with a conclusion especially with what happened. For days since Breakdown I sat here at times holding my phone, waiting to see If he would call me… Laura says I’m crazy and maybe I am, but my heart told me this felt different…

I was tempted to send him a text but maybe while it felt different to my heart, my mind was a lot more agreeable with Laura and the thought she was right, maybe I was just lying to myself because the truth was, he didn’t love me, the truth was he was out there to cost ME the match, not Kennedy… I was balancing on a delicate scale a battle with my heart and mind… I couldn’t help thinking Laura was right, his face, I had seen that look before, not too long ago when I thought Chris was going to hurt me.

Ugh… Did I just ruin everything? Did I let a good thing go….. was it all out of stupidity? Kennedy tried to take the heel from Chris, she was afraid there would be a disqualification, I saw Chris hit her, that is when I saw my opening and knocked her out…..

But the question was….

What he did, was it intentional?

I thanked him, I don’t know why. It was a reflex reaction….


Sienna: “What do you think Milo, is your mummy going crazy?”


Milo was lying beside me on the couch. I gave him a scratch behind the ear I knew at least he wouldn’t judge me like others have. Looking at the time I thought I would turn in early but that was when the doorbell rang…

Turning my head toward the door, I sat there confused I wasn’t expecting anyone.


Sienna; “You are expecting visitors’ sweetie?”


I laughed while I looked down at Milo whose head perked up with an ear raised higher than the other. The bell rang again, and this time Milo leapt off the couch and run to the door. My toe nails were still drying so I stood up gingerly and walked on my heels toward the front of the house where Milo was barking. I looked throw the peep hole and my heart literally stopped and skipped a beat. It was him…

I stood there for a moment, I contemplated not opening the door and yet this was what I had hoped and wanted, I dreamt about this moment… But Laura’s words begin playing in the back of my mind, what if this was not a friendly visit… I needed to take that chance, slowly opening the door…..


Sienna: “…Chris?”


He didn’t respond. He was wearing jeans and a t-shirt, sneakers. He didn’t look so good, but I still couldn’t take the chance… I planted my bare feet on the marble floor, ready to strike with kicks in an instant if he was ready to do anything to me. Milo barked, because that is all Milo does is bark and wagging his tail, why is he wagging his tail….


Sienna: “Chris… Are you here to hurt me?”


Again, he didn’t respond, looking away for a moment before glaring back into my eyes, I could feel that something was wrong, I was beginning to fear for my safety, I was ready to slam the door on his face and call the police if need be….



Sienna: “This is the last time I’m going to ask you. Are you here to hurt me, Chris?”


He smelt so good, I could smell him from here, but I couldn’t afford to let that distract me as much as my body wanted it to. My fight or flight response disappeared shortly after he shook his head and finally answering my question….


Chris: “No I’m not here to hurt you…”

That answer was comforting to say the least, but I was still confused as to why he was here, I stood by the door ready to close it in case….


Sienna: “Then why are you here, it’s getting late and you’re the last person I expected to see…”

Chris: “I don’t know….. I just don’t know… You know what this was a mistake, I shouldn’t have come…”


He turned around, ready to walk away. What should I do!? I mean I’ve wanted to see him, but I didn’t know why he was there, it was too much and yet, he couldn’t leave… Laura would be screaming at me to shut the door… I needed to close the door, that was it, close the door… close the door Sienna….

But who am I kidding…?


Sienna: “Chris… wait.”


That caught his attention, he stopped heading towards his car and turned to me…


Sienna: “Do you want to come in?”

Chris: “…”


Still not knowing what to think at his silence, I could tell he was conflicted and well that both concerned and excited me…. I stepped to the side and opened the door for him offering him the chance to walk in. He hesitated but Chris walked in and looked around, he had never been to my new home before and come to think of it, how the hell did he know where I lived? You know what It didn’t matter, I shut the door behind him and walked to the sliding glass door and let Milo out to the back, I turned on my heels and stood there lost, conflicted myself now. Now he was here and what was probably the first time in a long while I was lost for words…

In fact, the last time I felt like that was when I first met him…


Sienna: “Would you like to sit down?”

Chris: “Yeah…. Thank you.”


After sitting down. I didn’t even ask him if he wanted a drink, instead I walked over to the kitchen and poured him a glass of water, it looked like he could use one. Making my way back, I handed him the glass, he took it and downed most of it quickly and sighed while licking his lips. Looked like he certainly needed it. I sat across from him on the love seat, crossing my legs, covering up a bit still a little on edge…


Chris: “Thank you for the water.”

Sienna: “You’re welcome… But if I’m honest I wasn’t expecting company had I known you were coming I’d have been better prepared…”

I was still on edge and he could see that…


SiennaCastPic-ChrisChris: “Well for what it’s worth I’m sorry if I disturbed you, I can leave…”

Sienna: “It’s okay, honestly… I’m just a little confused that’s all. I wanted to call, text, to speak with you but I didn’t know what to think or if you wanted to talk to me or what was going on to be honest…”

Chris: “I probably wouldn’t have answered all the same, haven’t done much talking at all really the last few weeks. Been doing a lot of soul searching recently…”

Sienna: “Oh… After what happened on Breakdown, I take it….?”

I had to go there, they say sometimes the best way to get over things is tearing the band aid off… Chris looked down and nodded a little to himself while thinking about Breakdown….


Chris: “Breakdown….? I guess you would say it was partly because of that. I know what happened on Breakdown, and how it looked I don’t need reminding I’ve had enough people do that already… I assaulted Ikiro, I took him out because I wanted…”


He laughed a little at that thought, that was unexpected…


Sienna: “Wanted what Chris, my attention? We have had our differences and I know you are angry at me; I get It because I’m still angry at you too for what you did to me during AA. I needed you and your support, and you left me out to dry.”

Chris: “And you know why, Sienna so don’t play the innocent victim there.”

Sienna: “I know why? Okay I’ll accept that, I played my role, but do you want to know what I don’t know why? Is why you are here?”


Chris didn’t answer me back. This conversation wasn’t going anywhere, and I was beginning to get frustrated at his silence… Soo fuck it, I did it once before I might as well pour my heart out and lay it all out there….



SiennaCastPic-Sienna9Sienna: “Look, I’m sorry about your son and what happened. When you didn’t appear at Breakdown due to a family emergency before Retribution, I immediately thought something happened with Kelcey and the baby… But after I found out it was Christian, well I truly am sorry, and I mean that. I was angry with you and what I did, I did it to hurt you not him.”

Chris: “Oh I know you did…”

Sienna: “Yeah… I wasn’t subtle about it I know… It was the same with Kelcey but in doing so I helped her with a dream she had to save others and whether you want to admit it or not, that wing at Cedars Sinai in her name was my way of thanking her for what she did. And the bonus of doing it was pissing you off because I knew it would. Which I guess worked, I may have gone too far on many of my actions but at Retribution, Breakdown you can’t judge me anymore, not really.”


He looked up to me and nodded his head agreeing with me almost, it was a weird sensation I almost didn’t believe it…


Sienna: “But what do I know really, I spilled my heart to you told you that I love you hoping something might happen, but it didn’t. Because I know you are like everyone else that thinks I am not being sincere, and this is simply a way to get attention and the crowd to be on my side.”

Chris: “Do you blame people for thinking that? You throw it in people’s faces constantly, of course others are going to think you have an agenda other than actually helping people.”

Sienna: “So what if that agenda is to have people support me, what if I really do want to help those less fortunate and by proxy, I raise my profile as a humanitarian during the process. Is that so wrong, there are others who have done far worse for less and you know that.”

Chris: “Yeah well that is on your conscience, not mine.”

Sienna: “Touché. But what about your conscience then? You’re here, why? I think I know the answer to that so stop me if I’m wrong… Remember when I told you that if you laid a finger on me the world would look at you as a devil and me the angel?

Chris: “I remember…”


He looked down again shaking his head, I began to wonder just what was going on in there but little did I know I would soon find out…


Sienna: “The irony from all of this though is it wasn’t me you touched, it was Kennedy Street wasn’t it? Suddenly you are the villain and she as always is the victim.”

That hit a nerve, slowly turning toward me, he had that same look on his eyes that he did backstage at the Beauty Factory once again… I uncrossed my legs and started to back up on the couch, that is when he lowered his head and said the three words, I thought I would never hear come from his lips…


Chris: “You’re right, you’re right…”

Sienna: “Yeah and… wait, what?”

Chris: “That’s what you wanted to hear from me? You’re right. It wasn’t easy for me to come here tonight; I didn’t know if I wanted to or not… The last few weeks have been chaos and I’m sick of it all.”

Sienna: “Chaos, you mean everything in SCW?”

Chris: “That, stuff going on personally… Seeing all of them, those I called friends… The same people I respected turn on me like that after what happened…”

Sienna: “You’re talking about…”


He looked over to the title on the mantle and nodded…


Chris: “I’m talking about that yes, I’m talking about that and when I hit Kennedy. THAT was an accident Sienna, make no mistake about it. I didn’t do it for you but the more that I think about it. With how everyone else has reacted to it now. With everyone throwing me under the bus as it were. I’m beginning to think it was a happy accident.”

Sienna: “Serendipity? It’s a happy accident?”


After hearing that I didn’t know whether to be happy, sad or angry…


Chris: “That so hard to believe? I mean I see all the tweets of support for what happened. Everyone assuming the worst, my own family, wife thought the same… I give them time to come to their senses but they haven’t so, if you’re looking for a reason why I came here it’s because I think you get it.”


Of course, I get it, but hang on… What was that about his wife?! She doesn’t believe him… I wanted to interject but decided to let him air his thoughts…


Chris: “Here you are, once THE top model, no one gave you the benefit of the doubt during the scandal, they labelled you a whore, a slut and a cheat. They never had all the facts, they just assumed didn’t they. People tend to already make up their minds no matter what someone says or does this day and age. There is an explosion somewhere, immediately the conclusion is drawn to terrorism.”

Sienna: “While that last part sounds all rather morbid, you’re not a terrorist Chris. Though you’re saying that what happened with you and Kennedy on Breakdown was really a mistake? Laura was right….”

Chris: “…. I don’t know what Laura told you, but does it matter?”

Sienna: “Yes, it fucking matters! Of course, it does… Since then I’ve been told I’m an idiot for thinking that you may have actually hurt Ikiro and then cost Kennedy the match because….”

Chris: “What….?”

Sienna: “You know what It doesn’t matter, you’re obviously hurting. Out of everyone you could have gone to you came here so what was it you said? Something about Kelcey? What happened?”


He finished off the glass of water and held it out to me…


Chris: “Can I have another drink?”

Sienna: “Yeah sure….”


Stepping from the love seat I took the glass from him and as our hands touched, there was that spark again and I don’t think it happened just for me….


Chris: “Something stronger please.”

Sienna: “Chris….”


I went to hold his hand to reassure him, alcohol wasn’t going to be the answer. It felt like the right thing to do but when I did my eyes widened and I froze for a moment. He caught me looking at his hand…..

With no wedding ring on it…


Chris: “Something stronger… please.”

Sienna: “Chris….?“

I didn’t say another word I walked back to the kitchen. I didn’t have alcohol in the house, at least not on display. I had a bottle of Vodka hidden in the cupboard for emergencies, god knows there were times I felt like I needed it. I began pouring him a glass, I turned around and he stood right behind me, startling me, almost dropping the glass. He grabbed it from my hands and placed it on the counter. We stared at each other for a moment….


Sienna: “What happened to your ring…..?”


I lifted his hand up to look at the imprint left from the wedding band, he wore so proudly like Superman did the shield on his chest…


Chris: “She left me… That’s what happened, she didn’t believe me when I told her I had nothing to do with the attack on Mr. D… What I did to Blake she didn’t agree with despite everything that bastard has done… The accident with Kennedy was the final straw. Everyone thanking me like you, Laura, everyone else… I didn’t respond to any of it because I expected people to know better. They should have known me better. But I was kidding myself and by then it was too late…”

Sienna: “Chris…. I’m so sorry. I know it isn’t much but…”


There were no more words to speak, my hands began shaking nervously, I slowly lifted them up, carefully and cautiously placing them on his chest. He didn’t push me back; he didn’t turn me away. Instead he looked into my eyes and I was lost in his gaze….


A Few Hours Later

It was like a dream throughout the night, it was like a drug all to itself. The high I felt right now was nothing I had ever experienced before, and it was all natural. The heart knows what it wants, and it always knew it wanted him…

I rested my leg on his abdomen, comfortably laying on his chest. We didn’t say much to each other. I don’t know what happened and honestly, I don’t care. While lying there beside him, the morning sun cracking through the blinds and lit him up beautifully. My eyes started to tear up and dropping onto his chest… Chris had been through a lot I could tell and he was exhausted both physically and mentally, but the key there was he rested in my bed……

After all this time….

Did I finally have my Superman?





Interview w/ Robin Roberts

ABC’s Good Morning America




The gorgeous South African Beauty Queen finally answers…


Sienna: “Yes, I mean it’s not just a moniker, sweetie, it is what I base my life on.”

SiennaCastPic-RobinRobertsRobin: “Then why the boos? Why do so many act resistant and against what you have to offer? We see it on social media, the wrestling fans, even some of your fellow wrestlers and models have spoken negatively about Sienna Swann and what you are doing. How do you convince them? What would you say right now if this was an open forum and you were standing in front of all those who do not believe in Sienna Swann and her movement?”


She pauses again for a second, still trying to brandish that smile, folding her leg over, looking uncomfortable and while trying to stay focused….


Sienna: “I would say that I do not blame them for feeling that way. I have a history of dishonesty. Take Kennedy Street for example? How long did it take her to finally earn the trust of the fans?”

Robin: “While that is a good point, what makes you different from her? I do not watch wrestling personally, but many saw how you won the World Championship. Is that the message you want to send to those that you wish would believe in you and this “For The People” movement which you have yet to answer the question, I posed earlier?”

SiennaCastPic-Sienna6Sienna: “Robin, I know how it looks. Kennedy Street is one of the best wrestlers in the world. She is a sure-fire Hall of Fame inductee. I don’t admit this much but I feel like we need to be transparent here. I have had some of the greatest matches in the SCW the last four years. I was voted 2018 Female Wrestler of the Year and had the Match of the Year. If I were to name five wrestlers off the top of my head that have beaten me within an inch of my life? I would say Ravyn Taylor, Bree Lancaster, Kelcey Wallace, Selena Frost who I shared the Match of the Year with and finally, Kennedy Street. I wear heavy make-up to cover the bruising on my nose, my lips finally swelled down over the weekend, I had to cancel photo shoots and that’s okay, I know the risks taken to be a wrestler. If you watch that footage though, I did nothing to distract Kennedy. Was I done? Well, many can say that about Retribution too and I will answer that, yes. Had Ikiro Yoshida not broken the count, Kennedy Street would have pinned me, I was unconscious. Could the same be said about Breakdown and our match? I was out of it, yes, I can say that had she kicked me again I would probably not be sitting here with the title. Did I cost her the match? No.”

Robin: “Chris Cannon did.”


Sienna shakes her head and smiles….


Sienna: “No, Kennedy cost Kennedy the match. She turned her back, she grabbed Chris and he reacted. You can’t blame him and like me Robin, the crowd has chastised him, NEVER giving him the benefit of the doubt after his son was struck by a car, after years of rehab to get back in the ring, after being supportive of his beautiful wife who is ill and pregnant? They can’t see through the fault in this? They quickly point the finger on him just like they have me so many times over? Do you want to know what “For The People” means? It is defined as what I do, the actions I take is for the betterment of everyone watching out there. I want them to see that no obstacle is too great. That beauty trumps ugliness in the heart, the mind and spirit. Look at Owen Cruze, my next challenger for the belt, he is given an opportunity to win a title because he pinned the “other” World Champion, not me. The People want to see this, I want them to see it, I can’t change the finish of Retribution, I was unconscious. So now, I get to show the world why I deserve this no matter the ending and controversy to either matches.”

Robin: “So then answer me this, Chris Cannon is a married man, to a woman that you claim to admire, someone that is extremely popular and respected. Many feel she is the one that truly is the epitome of “For The People”. If this was an accident, if everything you say is true to this point and all you’re doing is giving back to those that….”

Sienna: “…. Gave me the chance to be here today through forgiveness. They buy my magazines, clothing line, perfume, wrestling merchandise, yes…. For The People.”

Robin: “…. Okay, then tell me right now in front of the viewing audience, what is if anything going on between you and Chris Cannon?”


The golden Swann turns away for a moment and smiles, brushing her hair back and looking back at Robin….


Sienna: “Chris Cannon is the one person who I entrusted to help me with my addiction. He was my sponsor and while things haven’t always been great between us, there is a respect. Robin, I am NOT a Home-wrecker. I do not believe in infidelity. I was taught to treat others like I wanted to be treated. What Kelcey and Chris have, it’s been special. She is pregnant, about to have a little boy.”

Robin: “Is there anything going on between you and Chris Cannon, Sienna?”

She hesitates then speaks….


Sienna: “Robin, we don’t choose who we fall in love with, it just happens.”

Robin: “You still haven’t answered my question, is there anything going on between you and Chris Cannon?”

Sienna: “The choices moving forward that Chris and Kelcey make are of their own. I do not have a horse in the race here Robin. Their marriage is sacred, and I would never interfere in that, I have too much respect and admiration for Kelcey who’s basically a role model and mentor to me alike.”

Robin: “If Kelcey Wallace was standing here in front of you right now, what would you say to her?”

Sienna: “I would look her in the eye and say that “I’m sorry”.”

Robin: “Sorry for what?”


Sienna takes a second, taking a deep breath and looking right into the eyes of Robin Roberts….


Sienna: “For loving your husband, nothing has been stronger in my conviction than this, Robin.”

Robin: “Do you think Chris Cannon loves you in return or is this just an emotion you will have to deal with and get over?”

Sienna: “I know he does and that is why Kelcey needs to make the toughest decision of her life.”

Her eyes narrow some before Sienna smiles……










The Scene Opens….


The Space Needle is an Observation Tower in Seattle, WA. It is a Landmark of the Pacific Northwest and an icon of Seattle. It was built in the Seattle Center for the Century 21 Exposition which drew over 2.3 million visitors. Nearly 20,000 people a day used its elevators during the event. Once the tallest structure west of the Mississippi River, it is 605 ft high, 138 ft wide, and weighs 9,550 Short Ton. It is built to withstand winds of up to 200 mph and earthquake of up to 9.0 magnitude, as strong as the Cascadia Earthquake. It also has 25 Lightning Rods. The Space Needle has an observation deck at 520 ft and the rotating Sky City at 500 ft. The Downtown Seattle skyline, as well as the Olympic Mountains and Cascade Mountains. Mount Ranier, Mount Baker, Elliott Bay and surrounding islands can be viewed from the top of the Needle.  Visitors can reach the top of the Space Needle by Elevator that travel at 10 mph. The trip takes 41 seconds. On windy days, the elevators slow to 5 mph. On April 19, 1999, the city’s Landmarks Preservation Board designated it a historic landmark.

Here is where we find the gorgeous Interim World Champion, Sienna Swann, “The Heavenly Angel” or “Iron Angel” of professional wrestling, wearing white pleather pants, gold open toed heels and matching halter top. She holds the World Title over her shoulder with her long straightened blonde hair hanging down and nails polished a naked coating. The Truelove Twins in black dinner dresses, peep toe pumps with their hair down and nails polished red stand behind her who also have a huge match for the number one contendership to the Tag Team Championship. Sienna has the challenge of Owen Cruze who pinned Syren the current World Champion at Retribution, a feat that Sienna wanted to do but was taken out by Kennedy Street who eventually would lose to Sienna in controversy. Laura who stands to the side points to the camera man to begin the recording…




As the recording begins, Sienna takes a moment to look out into the city of Seattle from the top of the Sky Needle, she then turns back, her icy blue eyes stare right into the camera as she begins to speak in her sexy and soothing South African accent….


SiennaCastPic-Sienna10“Tabula Rasa, defined from the Latin Term that means “Clean Slate” as Sasha has shown us since taking over after her team won at Retribution inside Tactical Warfare, her willingness to give everyone a chance to shine and perform with a fresh start. Opportunities are earned and, in this case, even given. I stand here above the world, like an Angel looking down at those who need me to be their People’s Champion. There is an aura which surrounds this title when I hold it, glowing in the light of my beauty, becoming so essential and purposeful, a belt which has the TRUE meaning of being the BEST, one that I will have defended in two weeks since winning it, more than Syren can say in this year alone. Is that the Champion the SCW wants? A woman that needed half the roster to take this from me. Someone so cowardly she hides behind embarrassment and labels it an injury? How quaint. The reign of Katya and Dark Fantasy is over for the greatest decision Sasha made was to bestow me as the World Heavenly Champion. Some may argue a moot point, maybe I shouldn’t have been given a rematch?

I was never pinned for the title which once again shows the ugly side of this business, we in the Beauty Factory have fought against for the past few years. Everybody here has the prospect to start anew, even those that turned their back on the SCW? How do you think the heroes feel? Those that put on the badge so proudly and claim #WeAreSCW? Don’t you see as I stand here high above existence, like an Angel who has ascended into the skies, to once again recapture what was stolen from her that I am not just some alluring presence that sells magazines, underwear, dresses, shoes and anything else you purchase to read or show off at a dinner party or date that I make look fashionable, I do it for each and every single one of you as a beacon of hope, a bar set high that you may attempt to reach one day feeling like you too have accomplished something meaningful for I am the figure to lead the SCW forward as it’s Champion not just for this company….

I don’t need any fancy hashtags to show that I belong here. Instead my offerings spread worldwide, this is more than a confinement within the walls of Supreme Championship Wrestling, it is a battle cry in one voice that WE are FOR The People.

There is a lot of talk as to how I won this World Championship and in a recent interview with Robin Roberts that aired on TV and millions watched, I was truthful to those that tuned in and listened to my words of sincerity. I don’t do this for me, I do it for you. Kennedy Street is a woman that is one of the best wrestlers and personalities in the SCW. She was in the Main Event of Rise to Greatness not once but twice as its Champion. An amazing feat as most never even get to taste it. I have not which is why this Championship is my golden ticket there. Chris Cannon came down on his own accord, he was not an agent of the Beauty Factory or my ally. It was apparent after what he did to Ikiro Yoshida earlier in the night there was some jealousy and finally he tapped into his heart and saw that there was a love for me that I knew he had hidden deep away and all it took was for some time to get out. Is this my fault? Love? No. I had nothing to do with what transpired, there is a lot of assumptions I was “Done”, “Beaten”, Right for the Pickings” so to speak? Is this why I sprung up and knocked the Sexy Flawless Diva out? Here I was listening to the psychotic tirades of one man who entrusts in Wonderland’s and fears “Lizards”, while others simply jump on the bandwagon to feel a part of this happening which I created, petitioning for Owen Cruze to get a World Championship Match because of his pin fall victory over Syren. We have all watched Retribution and it is apparent that the best friend I try to be, toward someone like Regan Street, I left myself open to a sucker kick by Kennedy Street that knocked me out which I must say, THANK YOU for all the kind Tweets, Instant Messages, Facebook and Instagram posts that were left by all of the adoring public that respects and recognizes my contributions to society.

This was the only reason Owen Cruze pinned Syren, for that was MY beast to slay.

And will STILL be my beast to slay.

Due to the circumstances and the outstanding young man that he is, who I know personally well from his father to his “mothers”, I can say in good nature and fortune that Owen is a stand up individual that at 19 years old is ahead of the curve, yes?

Of course, the question I like to burden all you with is this, is his time now?

Unfortunately for him and his fans, those that continuously promote Owen and his abilities, wishing that at the PPV he becomes the World Heavenly Champion will end in disappointment. His future is bright but like I had to wait in line for THREE years, he too will have to take those same steps after I turn his dreams into a loss and a learning experience to better him for future opportunities.

Do not worry though, you still have a fighting Champion that is Heaven Sent.”


The beautiful Sienna Swann smiles and looks over at the World Championship, a title she is so proud of after beating Kennedy Street amidst controversy. She is a fighting Champion not like Syren that defended the title one time against a woman that was aligned with her. The challenge is tough, Owen Cruze is riding the wave of success and Sienna is next, but the Angel will show she is above Giovanni and Syren. She turns back to the camera and speaks….


“Owen Cruze is a story that is told to young children that want to hear about how hard work pays off, you are never too young to start, if you keep at it and never quit, one day you will sit on the top of the SCW as its World Champion. His father, Orlando was known as THE ICON, a man that was respected and admired by all. His uncle, Shaun is a Movie Star but before that he was a World Champion wrestler himself that stood by Kelcey Wallace, the mentor of Owen Cruze, the woman I patterned my career after. This man was BORN to do THIS, he has the pedigree, the lineage, the history behind him that writes its own chapter and yes, we ALL know that he will be the World Champion one day.

Those are the stories to inspire faith and aspiration.

Now, allow me to tell you a story about reality.

When you look at me, you see Perfection. I am the most beautiful woman on the planet and have no shame is stating so. It covers my imperfections on the inside. Owen Cruze wants to paint this picture that he is about the SCW, what’s represented is the timed honor tradition, admiration and an honor that he dedicates this match to his father high above the heavens and the people who helped him get here. Someone with so much eloquence in his words. A person the fans get behind, he brings up the energy and tells you what everyone wants to hear. This is about tradition; it is about dedication and a love for this sport. Owen will sell you in everything he can so that you buy it and cheer him on to victory. A smart ploy but a ploy, nonetheless. When he first started it was I that took him under my wing and why?


I saw the future in his eyes.

The same future that I have fought so hard for against the mainstays that call me a fraud and a charlatan. So afraid and petrified of change, it was I that paved the way for youngsters like him to bypass EMERGE and walk right into the SCW. They think what I represent is a ruse, a way to garner support so that none of you could ever touch me. What you the viewing audience, those that have booed and pestered the Angel haven’t stopped to realize is one caveat to all of this….

NO ONE has worked harder to rebuild her image than ME.

Owen, let’s face it, you can call my brand a fake, a joke, call me a liar and come to fight for Kelcey Wallace who cannot anymore when she can tell you herself I made her dreams come true and it is I the reason she is able to start her research for a cure and if there is ever a day she can save herself and is able to function like most of us all on a daily basis, then she can look back and owe it all to Sienna Swann who made it all possible. For every puppy that lived, they found a new home, because of me. For the homeless that are starving in the inner cities, I fed them, brought families together at the border, tell me Owen, did you do any of these humanitarian relief efforts or were you too busy hanging out with Jaina and going off to see the world while I was in soup kitchens feeding the needy? Being a World Champion is more than just wearing some really cool shiny gold belt, it is a symbol that Syren forgot and any other who have tried to use this title for self-glorification at the expense of the people. Owen, you already were the blue print of what a wrestler is, what about me?

See, they forget that when I started, I didn’t know one wrestling hold. It all comes down to those choices I made early in my life, the ones that destroyed my stature, character and their trust in me. I was labeled a whore, slut, hooker, jezebel all because I wanted to be Perfect like Kelcey Wallace by cheating a system I didn’t have to for lack of confidence. Do you know the kind of harm that does to someone Owen? You hit ROCK BOTTOM, losing everything in the process. They black ball and heckle you. No longer invited to the galas and parties, they laugh and spit on you, write so many lies to sell newspapers, destroying your family and drives someone like me or even my mother into substance abuse. Yes, I fell for the trap Owen, I’m not squeaky clean like you, give it some time. I was forced to find another line of work, Silas Mason brought me here but the point I am trying to make Owen, you NEVER had to prove your worth, you NEVER had to start from the bottom and spend THREE years until they finally took you serious for in name alone after ONE year you have received more title opportunities than me, I have had to earn every little bit I have and on that notion alone makes me a Champion for the people. I have shown them all that everything you preach?

I’ve been practicing for years.

This is what makes ME a World Heavenly Champion. This is what makes ME qualified to take this title and make it the REAL one and not some Interim belt. This is what makes ME above everyone else that has tried to challenge Sienna Swann.

And much as you want to name off my mistakes, weaknesses and fabrications for that is what they are all, fabricated and stretched from the truth for I have been the ONLY reason why the SCW has viewership, I will rise above it all like I have every single day in my career whether I won or I lost. I don’t do it for my family or some legacy left for me to fulfill. I have lost friends along the way, loved ones and yet what I hold makes it all worth it….


Every single sacrifice, the pain and agony of being the butt of jokes and labeled a cheater was worth every single minute of it to be named the SCW World Champion.

The title that you and every wrestler alive in this company, around the globe wants and will never get until I decide I’m ready to move on.”


Sienna looks away, stepping closer to the window, looking out at the city and thinking about the road to get here to the SCW and where she stands now. The brand she built, what the Beauty Factory has created and what she represents. Sienna stands back some and turns, her icy blue eyes stare back into the camera with her angelic looks….


“Owen wants to ring in the “New Era” of Sasha D., what he fails to realize is I AM that ERA. They call me the Iron Angel for a reason. You and I Owen were the longest lasting participants in Taking Hold of the Flame 2018, right there you showed mettle. In the past few weeks you have defeated two of the last three left in that same match, you come in on a streak where many may say I stumbled thanks to Kennedy Street who I am sure you believe is the rightful World Champion. You defeated Selena Frost, so have I, winning Rookie of the Year, I was Female Wrestler of the Year, even walking away with a nice check and a fast car thanks to your Battle Royal win, it seems like the chips have all fallen in your favor so now I will explain why it stops here.

You have no idea how bad I want Syren one on one.

I laid down the challenge back before RTG XV and she REFUSED. Then when I was World Champion suddenly, she wanted to face me and still couldn’t do it without help. I’m glad that you were able to capitalize like the opportunist you are and pin her when I was knocked out cold for my attempts at peace with Regan. You took that from me Owen and so I will DENY you the World Championship. When you first started, I wanted to win you a Trios, that was not meant to be. I still admire who you are but not what you do….

At such a young age, you have become a company man that believes in a corrupt system that has a general hatred and bigotry toward beauty. Do you really believe what you spew week in and out? That everything you do is for the better of the SCW? Sounding like Selena, the executive office’s broken record. The win at Retribution was for the survival of a company that has been known to play favorites, but you see Owen, you turn the blind eye to that and believe only what you deem is right. So, here is where I will allow you to learn from me, to see how a TRUE Champion conducts themselves in and out of the ring. Yes, we all know that your father will be watching, that all eyes are on you, the PPV will be flooded with Owen Cruze fans, family and friends, they come in drones and in unison will show their support. This is like a movie, the script written to the last crossed T and dotted I…..

And when you fall, when I defeat you, then the culmination and actuality of these events will sink in like a knife through the heart and sweetie, then I will welcome you to MY experience, for how many times did I have to lose, from Syren to Ravyn to Blake Mason who paralyzed me, they took my dreams, crumbled them in a ball and threw it in the trash. From the time you were a fan attacked by Blake Mason himself to coming out on your own….

The one thing you have never experienced….

Is TRUE failure.

At this point of your career until now? You couldn’t fail. It is expected at this stage to take your lumps and bruises. No one will ever question your ability or talent; they will chalk it up as a learning experience but tell me something Owen what would this do to your career and mine? Owen Cruze becomes the youngest World Champion in SCW history. Sienna Swann will never see World Championship gold again and is the one who made history by allowing some kid to take the belt that I have worked for years to attain and a match that long before you were ever considered for anything I had been planning, yearning and screaming for in Syren.

When it comes to this title? When you cannot capture it from me? Then you will understand what it’s like to be a loser.

Owen Cruze has made his moments.

At Retribution, at the last Breakdown this was the man who everyone hopes becomes the World Champion and unfortunately for you Owen, I’m the woman that is going to stop this little run. This is my show again Owen. I am finally back where I belong. They can scream for Kennedy! They can cheer for Owen! They can chant It’s SHOWTIME! SHOWTIME! SHOWTIME! Until they turn blue in their faces and it will not change anything sweetie …..

For all you will get for this overzealous, biased, sectarian celebration is a bunch of unused party favors, streamers and balloons. I should have NEVER lost this title to begin with and I get the chance to make it right again and with the warm lights of the golden gates shining down on me….

I will share you with Owen, a Slice of Heaven.”


Her blue eyes narrow, biting down on her jaw for a moment before she finally cracks a smirk, holding up the World Championship….


“Nothing Kelcey taught will help you, in one of her last matches I surpassed and took what she once was proud of, perfection. You can search for them all, Red Rayne, Shaun, even Ivy Knight who seems chummy with your uncle these days, a woman that would have been my sister in law. Line them all up Owen, get on your knees and beg them to prepare you for Sienna Swann for a thousand wrestlers couldn’t teach you what I will in ONE night as I continue to Rise above the rest to another level, one that cannot by reached by the likes of you. Post all the pictures and hashtags you want, whatever gives you confidence. The masses responding and letting you know they are behind Owen Cruze makes this angelic victory of mine, more satisfying.

When it comes to SHOWTIME, you can take solace in knowing that I will not only help you understand that this is MY time again and one day yours will come when I decide to walk away, also sharing this special moment with those that believe in you. Know that your fan club of Orlando, Jaina, Khloe, Taylor, Ruby, Amy, Kelcey, Peyton, Ricky, Christian, Blake, Aaron, Regan, Kennedy and anyone else that will be watching in awe wishing, anxiously awaiting what many consider an upset that never happens as you come close but not close enough, for your father from his grave can then see his son’s Championship hopes end as I use his fallen tears like rain drops to wash my hands clean of your challenge…..


Her icy blue eyes narrow on her gentle features…..


“With TRUE Perfection.

Then you and Kelcey can pick up the broken pieces, together…..

….After a Kiss By An Angel.”


She looks out the window for a second before turning back to the camera….


All “For The People”.”


Sienna gently blows a kiss and winks before holding up the World Championship while the Twins both laugh….





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