CBS 60 Minutes

Sienna Swann Interview

With Scott Pelley

Part I




Sienna Swann sits across Scott Pelley in a dark grey suit and red tie. Sienna has on a black dinner dress, open toed pumps with her hair hanging down and nails with a clear coating. She is made up beautifully with her tanned, tone legs crossed and hands jointed. They had already formally introduced themselves, Scott Pelley was able to get straight to the point as Sienna knew this was her moment to clear a few things in the air before they were able to get worse…..


Scott: “Earlier this year, the “For The People” Movement began, you came out of nowhere and took the world by storm.”


Sienna smiles and nods…


Sienna: “Yes, it seemed that way.”

SiennaCast-ScottPelleyScott: The deeds have been talked about and praised on countless levels. There was even whispers that many were going to vote you as one of CNN’s Heroes of the Year, many humanitarian awards and the accolades that come with what you have done including your generous donations to Parkinson’s research and helping the Youth in Urban America. You have been invited to all the Hollywood Parties, revered in Washington by President Trump, there is a good chunk of the Nation that believes you are an Angel sent down from Heaven like your namesake in wrestling and the modeling industry. There is another part of the Nation not including wrestling fans as it seemed that was most of where your negative press came, this is now the actual “People” you are trying to reach out to that think maybe you are a fraud.”

Sienna: “A fraud, how Scott?”


She answers back, quickly….


Scott: “A fraud in the sense that you’re doing this for acclamation, attention, recognition. You want people to like you, this is more about a PR move than anything which is the consensus from those that are in the SCW with you, correct?”


Sienna slowly nods…


Scott: “They have seen some damaging evidence come out, some viral videos that have caused you a few sponsors and endorsements including a multi-million dollar deal with Vogue who you accredit to helping restart a career that a few years ago seemed to be over after the scandals in 2013. The testimonials of London and Paris Truelove, two former associates of yours who came out and talked about your substance abuse, the cover-ups and….”


The World Champion is quick to stop Scott there…


SiennaCastPic-Sienna6Sienna: “Before I speak about anything else, I want to address my substance abuse. Yes, I was having problems with sleeping pills and alcoholic. Scott, I am a very hard-working woman who has four full time jobs. I am wrestler and World Champion. I am one of if not the top model in the industry where the demand for my presence can be a bit overwhelming. I am also a daughter, a sister, a friend and now a mother and soon to be wife to very loving and understanding people who have always had their best interests in me. There was a time when I tried too much. I didn’t get enough sleep, I was in a very bad and dark place in my personal life, I was trying so hard to get my reputation back that I was so afraid of ruining it yet again for the poor choices that I made. London and Paris did cover up a lot of things that happened to me when I was on shoot, never in wrestling as I was too afraid to hurt myself or someone else and it would be hard for me to live that down because against popular belief, I do care about my fellow wrestlers and competitors just like I care about my modeling career. There were three instances where I allowed the drugs and alcohol win and I succumbed to it. London and Paris were there, and I am forever indebted in them. I also went to AA, where Chris Cannon was my sponsor and I was able to kick my habits. I may at times call myself “The Perfect Ten”. but I am human. I made mistakes.”

Scott: “Then why did they emphasize this?”

Sienna: “Leverage? A payout? You need to realize that London and Paris were taken out of some barrio in Mexico where they too were involved in some very shady dealings by Laura Steinbeck and myself. Had WE not intervened, those two would probably be dead by now. For almost two years, they worked by my side, they were a part of my reinvention and rise once again to the top and I will never forget those moments. The problem we now face is they came out and told lies. Both disgruntled and upset they were let go and why? They couldn’t get the job done.”


Scott nods….


Scott: “Then why walk out on Deborah Norville and Inside Edition when they interviewed you almost a month ago?”


She sat there for a second, collecting her thoughts and then speaking softly…


Sienna: “Frustration. I was emotionally hurt and angered that two people I considered like sisters would do that to me. Scott, I have dropped the ball lately, I can admit my faults. I should have never allowed those fans to entice and goad me in as I had. I deal with a lot of bias in the sport of wrestling, it has been a slow build as I work in a very hostile and toxic environment against me, more out of jealousy than anything but they never once gave me the benefit of the doubt.”

Scott: We only saw part of the footage, you claim they did indeed goad you into that argument, correct?”

Sienna: “Yes.”

Scott: “What about Laura Steinbeck closing out all the Truelove’s accounts, they were practically thrown out to the curve?”

Sienna: “Those claims are not true. They were given their last checks. Whatever they did with the money they were paid before is on them, London and Paris are known to party.”

Scott: “Okay, then tell me about Halloween night and the footage that went viral?”


Sienna’s eyes narrow, taking a deep breath and ready to answer….











It was a moment that Chris Cannon and Kelcey Wallace couldn’t take back, the moment they both saw each other at which was now evident was Scott’s house. There was confusion, not a clear understanding of exactly what was happening here. Why was she at Scott’s place, dressed like that with nothing but a pair of shorts and tank top? Chris had more questions than answers, he quickly hit Sienna’s number as it dialed, faintly listening to her voice answer. How was Kelcey just 5 miles on the other side of the hill this entire time and it was all his brother’s doing. Chris was staring at Kelcey, who obviously thought it was Scott who came home. Her wide-eyed blue eyes stared right into her ex-husband. She had been in a coma for months; the pieces were coming together. She didn’t know just how in depth this had gone until the holes were filled.

Kelcey was aware of what had happened while she was unconscious which is why she made it a point to talk to Sienna at the Halloween Party but not show herself so to speak. With her hair hanging down, lightly made up though she was naturally beautiful, wearing jean shorts, a Rolling Stones t-shirt, barefoot with her nails polished a matte baby pink, stood her ground. It was surreal and now both Chris and Sienna were not controlling the situation anymore. What the man they called Superman didn’t know was that Sienna was wondering if her fiancé pocket dialed him. Chris slowly walked in….

Chris Cannon was at a loss for words, tilting his head, he was in shock, the woman he once loved and wanted to spend the rest of his life with was there in the flesh… Sienna kept saying hello…. She was on her way back from talking to Peyton and running into Owen Cruze. The minute she heard Chris speak, her heart fluttered and almost stopped …


Chris: “Kelcey?”

Kelcey: “…Chris?”

The minute I heard her voice, I started running toward the house. I used find my phone to see where he was, at this point I didn’t think about anything else but being with him, there was no way that I was going to allow this to happen without me there, I had my doubts, I don’t know what it was but something deep down inside told me that you just don’t get rid of feelings like they had. Those two loved and adored one another and I had to stop it before…. I didn’t even want to think about it….


Scott Cannon’s “New” Home
Hollywood Hills, CA.

Chris was both hesitant and confused. Trying to understand what exactly was happening here while looking around his surroundings. He slowly started to approach Kelcey, who stood her ground, she finally pointed at him, holding up her hand…


SiennaCastPic-Kelcey1Kelcey: “Stop right there. How the hell did you find me?”

Chris: “What is this place? Why are you here? You always loved the beach, why would you even consider moving up to the hills just five miles from me and who is Scott?”

Kelcey: “This place? Is my home and you are trespassing. I will call the police if you don’t get out of here, right now.”

Chris: “Kelcey… it’s me….”

Kelcey: “I SAID STOP RIGHT THERE! You have NO RIGHT to step into MY house, you have NO RIGHT to come here and try to speak to me or whatever the hell this is! How dare you even try to look for me after everything that you put me through!”

Chris: “What I put you through, the hell you talking about?!”

Kelcey: “I was your wife! I loved you with all my heart! I gave you everything including a child and you took that away from me too.”

Chris: “Wait… You’re saying I am the bad guy here?! You’re having a laugh, aren’t you? I don’t want no trouble; it is obvious you and I we need to talk…. So please calm down and stop making a scene.”

Kelcey: “Talk? About what exactly?! Since when did this become about talking, anymore Chris? For two months I was in a coma, helpless and you could have easily changed everything. I couldn’t do a damn thing after I gave birth to OUR child, yet I hear stories, I watched footage, I have been told everything that has happened in the time I was out. My God, Ricky Octavius died and somehow I feel like I could have done something about it but instead, I wanted to raise a family with MY husband and give him what I took away years ago, a child.”

Chris slowly inches closer, Kelcey biting her jaw, blue eyes wide opened, nostrils flaring, again putting up her hand and yelling for Chris to stop….


Kelcey: “I said stop! You are not welcomed into my house. Now you know where I live, turn around and get the hell out, Chris.”

SiennaCastPic-ChrisCannon2Chris: “No.”

Kelcey: “I mean it, I will hurt you.”

Chris: “Been there, done that already. So, don’t bother Kelcey. We need to talk about this for the sake of our child before things get ugly.”

Kelcey: “Our child? Don’t you mean yours and Sienna’s. Chris, you even had her name the baby, you gave her rights to be the parent, you two are engaged and this all happened while I was unconscious in some facility in the middle of nowhere, away from my family, isolated, some think I am still hidden away there, because if it was up to you two? I would be gone, out of the picture, all this because I named you something I damn well regret in the heat of the moment.”

Chris: “We say and do a lot of things in the heat of the moment don’t we, it’s human nature. But if you want answers Kelcey, let me explain my actions…”

Kelcey: “No Chris, you don’t get to explain anything, anymore. You lost that privilege the minute you deceived and disrespected me. I saw the things you said on TV, the press conferences, the little vignettes and you even filmed your Rise to Greatness promo bedside while I was in a COMA!?”


Chris looked away for a moment, he knew that would come back to bite him in the ass, though he didn’t know that it would be like this. He had never seen Kelcey so enraged before, this was the first time he ever saw her this way which worried him. He took a deep breath and tried to calm himself, this time glaring at her as he walked inside. She went to grab the phone, that is what I saw, the tail end of this…



Kelcey: “You had your chance! Do you know how many months I have spent rehabbing, praying, thinking of any way I could get better to step in the ring with you? With Sienna, one more time. To find any doctor that would clear me, any medicine that would cure me, anything on God’s Green Earth that would give me that one wish. I saw what you did, play my music. Poison young talent like Peyton Rice and Owen Cruze, beat up my family because you could, take everything we had and shit on it for her bloody ass!”

Chris: “It wasn’t like that, Kelcey!”

Kelcey: “No, it wasn’t like that?”

Chris: “No it wasn’t, but I can’t expect someone like you to understand. You’re throwing one side of the story at me like it’s a statement of fucking fact, when you don’t know what I was going through at all. You say you loved me but that is bollocks isn’t it. If you loved me, you wouldn’t have done what you did. You wouldn’t have said what you did in the heat of the moment. Sure I was angry, hurt by what happened between us, and if I am truly there is still a part of me that still loves you which is why I went ahead and had you bloody cared for the very best medical facility in the WORLD. So don’t you bloody stand there and think I haven’t forgotten the hell we have been through, and that I never cared even after when you left me!”

Kelcey: “No? Did you hear that Sienna?”

Chris slowly turns to see me standing at the doorway with tears in my eyes, destroyed by what I just heard him say. Lowering my head, those fears had all along seemed to come true that he was still in love with Kelcey. Maybe he was playing her, this could have been Chris way of trying to smooth his way in and talk to her, I didn’t know….


Chris: “Sienna…. It’s not like that.”

Kelcey: “Chris, are you playing her too? Is this the moment of “clarity” where you don’t know what you got until its gone? You two took my life away! Sienna has been trying to be me for years. I gave you the benefit of the doubt, I believed in you when there were times, I rather kick you in the face! I wanted us to be friends, sisters in arms, damn it Sienna I wanted you to succeed and be better than what you are now because a World Title doesn’t make you the best, it is the mentality that you have as a champion that does and instead you prey on the needs of others, those looking to find anything that can help them get past their day, the less fortunate don’t have it like we do and instead of being the good natured person I know that deep down inside you can be I have seen it, you create this farce and allow the business to suck you up and swallow you whole!”

SiennaCastPic-Sienna8Sienna: “You threatened my life after I took you to the hospital when you gave birth, I saved you and that baby.”

Kelcey: “No, you saved that baby for you and Chris. Both of you knew the emotional stress I was in pregnant, you dumped me Chris a little over a month before I had your baby, I couldn’t sleep or eat, I was getting sick and was afraid to harm this kid. Jesus, I passed out in Selena’s arms just talking and didn’t wake up for two days! The hell I went through leading up to that pregnancy, my weakness, my body breaking down! No! This was about me and you Chris and you brought her in knowing what it would do to me emotionally. Christian was like my son; you were everything to me and all I wanted was for you to go back to SCW and finally get that World Title around your waist. Get out…. Both of you, or I swear I will call the cops.”


Chris wasn’t going to allow her to call anyone, he rushed Kelcey and took the phone, her eyes widened, for a second there I thought she was going to hit him, or even vice versa, it was starting to get a bit tense and that is the last thing anyone wanted, not getting physical with him at least and instead standing right up to his face…


Kelcey: “What are you going to do next, hit me!?”

Chris: “Kelcey…. We need to talk about everything, all I bloody want to do is talk!”

Sienna: “Chris…. Maybe we should leave.”

Chris: “NO! I am not leaving until we talk and figure this out Sienna, it cannot go on any longer! Kelcey, I am not moving on while we are in some custody battle for Nathaniel….”

Kelcey: “… I never called him that, she did!”

Chris: “That is his name and we need to talk about this, I don’t want this getting any dirtier, it has spilled out into the news, it has spilled out into our social lives, it is no one’s goddamn bloody business what we do and….”

Kelcey cuts him off putting her finger right in his face….


Kelcey: “… you are right, it is nobody’s business what goes on between us but YOU and HER made it their business! I was dead to the world! I couldn’t do anything while she was putting makeup on my face and prettying me up for your fucking photo-ops and news specials! What, you don’t think I know!? You used me, both of you used me, my foundation, the charity, my disease, everything that would give you an edge on the people, you used every single bit of it! And now you want to stroll in here and tell me that things can be worked out? No Chris….”


I watched as Chris shook his head, I had to make sure he wasn’t going to do something he would regret later….


Chris: “Damn it Kelcey think about what we had! There was nothing more I wanted than to have a child with you, we can at least try to be civil about it and have some sort of joint custody, we can work it out and not have to be at each other’s throats because this is going to be a fight you won’t win. Deep down inside, you still love me, you still care about me and what we have, I do too…”

He glances over at me standing there a mess, listening to all of this and trying to hold my emotions in check. All that keeps running through my head is the notion to leave, I want to pack it up and go but am afraid that if I do, that will push him closer to her. He turns back and faces Kelcey but our eyes lock, it is like she is eating this up or maybe she does feel sorry for me getting caught up in the middle though I’m no fool, I know that I wedged myself between the two…


Kelcey: “…. What we had! I never stopped caring Chris; you did. I never stopped loving you just because I questioned your motives with her! You stopped loving and believing in this relationship yourself and that is what pushed it all to the edge!”

Chris: “I had no choice at the time, what did you expect from me? Seriously… The one woman I loved more than my own life turned her back on me, and our fucking weddings vows. I crossed the world to find you when you disappeared. I married you and held you in my arms when your father died the day of your wedding day. I PUT MY FUCKING CAREER ON HOLD FOR YOU AND YOUR SUCCESS and what thanks do I get out of it all. Your love which you threw to the wayside the one moment I was at my weakest and to top it all off you tried to kill our second baby, what one baby wasn’t enough was it?”


Kelcey stood there in stunned silence as did I…


Kelcey: “My God, do you even listen to yourself? Do you even hear the words that come out of your fucking mouth, Chris!? The story always changes with you two and the gall of accusing me of hurting our child? I had moments of weakness as well and you chastise me, yes when I am sitting at home alone after LOSING my husband and everything I know.”

Chris: “You fucking divorced me; your own father gave me the divorce papers with your signature. What did you expect me to do?!”


Chris: “I know your signature when I see it.”

Kelcey: “And I am telling you that I didn’t sign that document, that was Rory but what does it matter now? The look on your face tells me you don’t’ believe me. Just like you tell them that I chose to move out, right?”

Chris: “That’s what you did.”

Kelcey: “No, Chris I needed to step away and see what you would do. If you really loved me, you’d fought for us, instead you ran to her! That is when I knew it was over and you blame every single person within an arm’s reach that they didn’t give you the benefit of the doubt? The only person here who never gave anyone the benefit was you and look at it now!”


I took a step forward now; I wanted to grab hold of Chris and pull him back. I could see him looking like he was about to snap and….


Chris: “I am not fighting you for Nathaniel, I am working something out, she is the legal guardian now, we didn’t know what your condition would be, the doctors talked about maybe some brain damage and….”

Kelcey: “OH BOLLOCKS, CHRIS! BOLLOCKS! I went into a coma because my body and nervous system had experienced such blunt trauma with the pregnancy that it was it’s own way of healing and it took time. During all that, you two paraded around using my name to put yourselves over with anyone that would buy into this shit. I sit here sometimes and cry myself to sleep watching these little tidbits you and Sienna recorded and I wonder how I ever fell in love with you….”

Sienna: “Kelcey, let me explain….”

Kelcey: “Shut up cunt, no one is talking to you.”

The nerve! She is angry, I needed to be sympathetic here and not make this any worse than what it is already. Chris is trying to get through to her but it’s not just working. Just then the sound of a car pulls up behind me. I turn around and see who steps out, what the hell is he doing here, did Chris call him…..

Sienna: “Scott? Did Chris call you?”

Scott: “Excuse me Sienna….”

Sienna: “…. Rude!”

Chris: “Don’t talk to her that way, Kelcey we are better than that!”

Wait a second, the look on Kelcey’s eyes when Scott walked in, it was like she was relieved? Scott and Kelcey barely liked one another, from what Chris told me they were always at odd. Chris turned around and it looked like he had seen a ghost….


Chris: “Scott, what are you doing here. Did Sienna call you?”

“What are you doing here, little brother? How did you find this place?”

Chris: “I had someone looking for Kelcey and….. wait a moment…. Scott?”


Kelcey quickly went to Scott, Chris’s eyes looked ready to come out of his skull, I stood there frozen, I didn’t know what to say or how to react. This made absolutely no sense. She started to hug him?


SiennaCastPic-ScottScott: “Are you okay?”

Kelcey: “Yes.”

“… I’m sorry just what the fuck is going on here?”

Scott: “I think you better leave, little brother, we can talk about this in private later, when cooler heads can prevail. I don’t want this to get any worse than it is already. This wasn’t how I planned this to work out.”

Chris: “What are you doing here? Is this the Scott you were asking for, Kelcey!?”

Kelcey: “Yes, it was.”

Chris: “Scott?”

Scott: “Do yourself a favor and go little brother. We can talk about this over a pint, later mate.”

Chris: “Is this your house?”

Scott: “It is.”

I quickly ran to Chris, tried to hold him, back pleading for him to back off but it was like trying to hold off a raging bull….


Chris: “Scott, were you the one that took Kelcey from the hospital!? Were you the one that doctored the cameras!? She has been here with you all this time!? And you looked me in the face daily and told me you had no idea, that you’d help find her…”

Scott: “Chris…. I am going to ask you again, to please go and we can talk about this later.”

Chris: “We are going to talk about this fucking now! Why!? After everything, you are my brother and I trusted you!”

Scott realized this wasn’t going to end how he liked, I could tell and I Chris, I have never seen him look at a man like he was looking at his own brother right now… God help him…


Scott: “Trust in this family of ours is fickle at best these days. This woman was your wife and lying there in a coma while you paraded around with Sienna living the bloody good life. She sat there in some isolated place away from her loved ones left to rot in some hospital bed and you want to know why I did what I did? Broke this trust of ours because of you baby Brother, you’re your own worst enemy.”

Chris: “Don’t make this about me. You didn’t do this for me, you’re doing it for you because that is who you are. Has he been the one feeding you all the information about what’s happened Kelcey? Is that it? Is THAT why you cling to him like that. Is Scott Cannon, my criminal of a brother your protector?”

“One of em’ yeah and you’re right, I have told her everything and she listened. She didn’t have to, but I never lied to her despite our differences in the past I have too much love and respect for her to do that! We had our differences, we didn’t always get along, but Taylor would tell me every night how special she was and all I kept on thinking was how lucky of a bastard you were mate, you hit the jackpot! I was envious of you! This woman did nothing but love you, Chris! You two were soulmates everyone could see it. And I get it, Sienna is gorgeous, she is stunning and makes you happy, good for you both! I on the other hand can’t stand there and let her go and be a part of this farce you are presenting about giving a shit! I couldn’t sit there anymore watching her sleep! As I sat there holding her hand, I fell in love with he….”

Oh My God! Before I could even react, Chris slugs Scott on the side of the face knocking him down. I jump right in front of Chris, but he hurls me in the air, landing hard against the wall and foyer table. I landed hard. Kelcey SLAPPED him, not once, not twice but three hard times in the face but he grabbed her wrist and started to squeeze, I have never seen him that angry before…. He took every shot like it was nothing…


Kelcey: “Go ahead, break my wrist, give me more a reason to take back my baby boy!”

Chris: “I fucking should do it shouldn’t I, it’s what you want…”

Kelcey: “The do it!”

Kelcey was scared now I could see it in her eyes, but she was also excited at the idea of goading him into doing something…


Sienna: “Chris don’t do it!”

Kelcey: “C’mon do it, don’t listen to her…”


My heart stopped, I thought he was about to actually break her wrist or worse, but he let go having seen sense at the least when she was goading him that is what I thought as he looked down at his brother…


Chris: “Why…”

Kelcey: “Because I was wrong, Chris.”

Chris: “Wrong?”

Kelcey: “I chose the wrong brother, he might be a criminal but you stole my heart and broke it…”


Those words stun Chris, he let go of her and in that split second, Scott was back on his feet and he tackled Chris down! Shit….


Sienna: “Chris!”


I tried to get up. Kelcey grabbed Scott, I grabbed Chris trying to separate the two which was like two peacocks trying to pull two fighting elephants. I wrapped myself around Chris and tried to subdue him, Kelcey did the same thing with Scott, finally we were able to separate the two from killing each other…


Kelcey: “Get him out of here, Sienna!”

Sienna: “I am trying! Come on Chris…. We have to go!”

Chris: “Scott, WHY!?”

Scott: “You let her go, little brother. I couldn’t stand there and watch her in that way! She deserved better! She deserved more than you gave her, Chris! She deserved to be happy! She had a baby for you, mate! She is sick and the doctors told her knowing it put her life in danger, yet she risked everything for you, and this is how you repay her!?”

Chris: “Fuck you, Scott!”

Scott: “Sounds about right story of my damn life ain’t it mate. Sick of seeing you pull your shit I took her out of the hospital! You damn right I bought her this new home! You damn right I have nursed her back to health and used every single one of my resources to get her stem cell surgery to make her better and beat this bloody disease! And you’re damn right that I love this woman more than anything after all we went through, she found it in her heart to forgive me for what I have done!”


I can’t believe this. I could feel tears dripping on my hand from Chris, he was so angry and hurt. Kelcey was hugging Scott from behind when she kissed him and shocked us both…..


Chris: “..Kelcey?”

Kelcey: “You’re not going to understand, and I didn’t either but not only did Scott save my life, he is giving me a second chance. I do love your brother and I am making a new start with him Chris, with MY son!”

Chris: “You son of a bit….”

Sienna: “Chris we need to go, please….”

Chris: “You fucking piece of….”



I started to pull him out with all my strength. Scott was back on his feet, Kelcey in his arms watching us both leave. How did this happen? So, humiliating and embarrassing for both of us especially Chris. He lost whatever was left of his relationship with Kelcey and now his brother too? I couldn’t hardly console him, he tried to get back inside and I dragged him into my car, I would come back later and get his. Slamming the door shut, I get behind the wheel, turning to face Kelcey and Scott who watched us leave. My eyes narrowed, they paid us back for what we did….

This is not over.


One Week Later


It had been a week, since everything seemed to have melted down with the cannons. For Sienna, Thanksgiving wasn’t a huge deal for her family until recently when they adopted the American Tradition. Sienna wanted to have the perfect Thanksgiving inviting her family, of course with Chris and his son, Christian, her sister, members of the Beauty Factory, it was a nice time to get together before flying out to Philadelphia for the PPV and after the announcement from a week earlier, the Heavenly Angel had found herself in a very bad situation and the World Title at risk of losing it. Sienna has some choices to make and now that they knew Scott and Kelcey were together somehow, someway, it had become so confusing, yet they were still feeling the after-effects of everything.

Laura Steinbeck, Xiomara Diaz were all there to share time and give thanks.

This was Sienna’s way of trying to live a normal life and for once feel like family but even with the holidays, there were outside forces that were working against her at every turn, it seemed like everything around Sienna was falling apart and yet again her paranoia was at a peak knowing that Kelcey was coming after Nathaniel. She couldn’t wear her heart on the sleeve this time, she had to be smart about everything and instead just enjoy the day though that was not going to be easy as Chris was hurt by his brother. Family was going to be over soon, Sienna had everything catered by Wolfgang Puck and his team who delivered it all and looked delicious, she wasn’t about to be caught dead cooking.


Sienna and Chris Home
Hollywood Hills, CA.
Thanksgiving Day


Sienna was downstairs, she wasn’t even ready, in just sweats and a tank top, barefoot with her nails polished with a glossy coating. Her long blonde hair was in a ponytail with little makeup. Chris had not come downstairs; Nathaniel was still upstairs sleeping with him which troubled her some. Chris had taken all of this so hard. Sienna decided to go back upstairs, she too was still frazzled but they kept it all under wraps between the two, not even telling Xiomara or Laura yet. She walked upstairs, Chris was on the deck staring out at the canyon, he had on shorts and a tank top. Sienna came up behind him, rubbing his shoulders…


Sienna: “Chris?”

“Hi love…”

Sienna: “They delivered the catering; people will start showing up in a few hours. If you want, I can cancel it, I had already planned this long before any of that had happened. I will not force you to put on a face, if you do not want to spend Thanksgiving with my family and our friends, I totally get it.”

He smiled for what was the first time since what happened and looked up to me lovingly…


Chris: “It’s fine, love. I need this, more now than ever, I think. Besides it gives me something to look forward too. I just can’t believe Scott and Kelcey are together? You know hurts the most, isn’t the fact those two are together it’s his betrayal… My brother did that to me, love after everything I ever did for him since he got out of Prison all those years ago…”

Sienna: “Chris, he had no right, but at the same time, we don’t always choose who we fall in love with, it just happens. I don’t agree with all the sneaking around and the cloak and dagger stuff, that was wrong of him. I wish it had worked out differently, it didn’t. Maybe try to talk to him….”

Chris: “That ship has sailed, the next time I see him I am going to put him six feet under…”

Sienna: “… You don’t mean that… You’re still upset…”


I prayed he didn’t mean that as I kissed him on the cheek and nodded, before pulling away from the railing, heading back downstairs but he grabbed me by the hand….


Chris: “Sienna, stay for a second. I need to talk to you about something…”

Sienna: “What is it?”

Chris: “I said a few things while I was talking to Kelcey that I know bothered you a bit… I just want to clear the air here, no secrets or lies…”

Sienna: “Chris, you don’t have to…”

Chris: “No, I do because I could see it on your face, I could see that you were terrified that there was a possibility Kelcey and I would get back together.”

Sienna: “Was there?”

Chris: “Honestly… I don’t know… I mean we both know that is not going to happen now, but I need to be very transparent with you, love. Despite everything, all the hurt she caused me, I do love Kelcey, I always will, we had a special bond that somehow and somewhere along the way it severed, part of it is my fault, I made a lot of mistakes and poor choices, some I wish I could take back, some I am happy I made like being here with you.”


There was a sincerity in his voice that I wasn’t sure I had really heard from him before. While some of his word crushed my heart, others lifted it back up into their warm embrace…
Sienna: “Chris…”

Chris: “Let me finish please… See I don’t want you to feel like I put her above you, because I do not. She was my ex-wife, there are a lot of emotions I am going through right now but when I look at you and see the woman you have become since the night you asked me to be your sponsor and everything that followed, it is a stark reminder that things happen for a reason.”

Sienna: “Chris… I’ll admit part of me was frightened that you were going back to her and leaving me there at the doorway wondering what the hell had I done, that you could never love me like you loved her. That I could never give you what she did… I am not liked or loved by Kelcey, people think I copy her, well yeah, she is perfect in every way that I will never be….”

Chris: “No… no that is where you are wrong. You don’t need to be perfect, not like her, just be like you. Sienna, you and I, our relationship started off very rocky, I will freely admit, I couldn’t stand you love, I hated almost every fiber of your being and with good reason at times. That was then and now I can’t think of life without you Sienna.”


A slow tear starts to form and trickle down my cheek, it was like a huge burden was lifted off my back. It didn’t matter what was going on in the outside world, the negative press, the barbarians at the gate, all the sponsors we were losing, none of that mattered to me because I had my Superman and he loved me. This simply motivated me even more, it gave me the purpose to walk into the Double Jeopardy match and win it. I looked at Chris in his sapphire blue eyes and gently pressed my lips against his. That turned into more as our tongues began to swirl and before we knew it, he was throwing me on the bed where he tore off my clothes….

And we made love.

It seemed like an eternity his body on mine. Before he laid next to me catching his breath. My fears were quelled but I guess great sex and a loving, hot man, probably the hottest in the planet is the one who you’re marrying. I was ready to spend the rest of my life with him, in time I would give him a child, one of our own but not now, my World Title reign was NOT about to end on its first defense. I turned and placed my head on his chest. I could still see that there was sadness and confusion, swirling around his brain. Maybe this was an escape and I would gladly do it again. Running my fingers down his chest, I looked up at him….


Sienna: “I’m sorry if I was the cause of what happened between you and your brother, I feel like I was.”

Chris: “My brother makes his own choices, he always beat to his own drum… He is selfish like that. We have had our ups and downs, love. I don’t think anything was going to change his mind, I was just shocked that he loved Kelcey so much… I should have seen it coming, I didn’t. I don’t know what to do anymore with my family. I don’t think my brother and I can ever come back from this. I get why he did, I don’t understand why he wasn’t open to me about it. I have fought so hard to keep my family together only for them all to turn on me like I am the villain…”

Sienna: What about Christian? Does he know?”

Chris: “I don’t know but maybe I will let Kelcey tell him, the least I can do I don’t want him turning on me as well…”

Sienna: “I love you Chris.”

Chris: “I love you too.”

We laid there in silence, closing my eyes, placing my leg over him, I was ready to fall asleep. I could feel his body shake a little, tense up some, then some whimpering as I looked up, he was crying, trying to be strong. I sat up and pulled him into my arms holding him tight as he finally started letting all the penned-up emotion, he’s had bottled up inside….


Chris: “I…. Loved that bastard…. I trusted him with my life….”

Sienna: “I know…. I know.”

I was at a loss for words, it was his moment to grieve. I knew how close he was to Scott and after some time apart they finally were able to patch things up. Then this happened. All I could was be there for him, somehow feeling responsible. Maybe it was my turn to talk to Scott, find out why he would betray his brother like that….

It was for another time.

Right now, this was about my Superman, and I needed to be his Wonder Woman.

Because I’ll be honest, I feared what was going to come out of this betrayal for everyone…


A Few Hours Later


Everyone had arrived, Sienna was in a beautiful white dinner dress and matching pumps, her long hair in a high ponytail. Chris was in slacks and a black Polo shirt; they were hosting Thanksgiving and it wasn’t what they usually did though Chris remembers going over to the Street’s for a Thanksgiving the last few years but times had changed. Sierra was there in a pink cut off dress and open toed heels, her nails polished pink, her mother was in a patterned dress and pumps, her dad in a grey suit, no tie. Xiomara was in a blue cropped loose sleeveless dress, the tall and lanky Puerto Rican had on open toed heels, nails polished black. Spirit in a black summer dress and heels, always looking so simple and gorgeous with her hair down, nails polished silver. Laura was in a red blouse and black pants with matching red heels. Her brother Samson was also there, he was entertained by the dog, Milo. A noticeable absentee was Christian Cannon… Chris and Sienna had tried to get in contact with him, but was unable to…

Sienna was in the kitchen pouring some drinks, her mother noticed Sienna with a glass of wine…


SiennaCastPic-Sienna10Sienna: “I know that look.”

Amanda: “Well can you blame me, when did you start drinking again, sweetheart?”

Sienna: “Mum, I promise you that it is controlled. I have been slowly easing back in. I promise I will not abuse it, please do not make a scene here, not today…”

Amanda: “I’m not, Sienna. You know I am just worried about you and with everything going on and what people are saying about you, it has me concerned, that is all.”

Sienna: “I’m fine.”

SiennaCastPic-AmandaAmanda: “Good, I want to enjoy tonight, it is very rare we have the whole family here together and with Xiomara, Spirit and Laura as well as your handsome fiancé and my absolute gorgeous grandson, it feels very special.”

Sienna: “That’s because it is special, mum. I know things are not the best right now, but having Thanksgiving seemed to be the right thing to do, not just for me, the family but for Chris… He needs this…”

Amanda: “Why… Is everything okay… I noticed his family isn’t here?”

Sienna: “They’re brits, they don’t do this sort of thing. Chris has always been about tradition though and willing to accept new things.”

Amanda: “I see… Shame, wouldn’t have like us all to celebrate together as one giant family isn’t that right darling?”


I sighed on the inside in my quiet place, I wanted that too but now that was impossible. I hoped… No I prayed Scott didn’t turn up out of fear of Chris being true to his word… My dad was standing behind me, I turned and gave him a hug, he winced a little, still feeling the pain in his ribs from the attack. I quickly pulled back, apologized for squeezing him too hard. I told those assholes not to hurt him too much. I needed the positive press, I hated doing that to my father but it worked…..


Sienna: “I am so sorry dad; this should have never happened to you. I promise that the people who did this will be found and punished.”

Steven: “I’m a tough old bird, don’t worry about me, I know that things will work out in the end, I am worried about you and only you right now, I don’t know how you’re managing it all to be honest… I don’t like what they are saying about my daughter on TV, it’s not right… No daughter of mine should have to deal with this rubbish.”


As I was about to answer, Chris stepped in with that aura of confidence he carried with him everywhere he went….


Chris: “MY fiancée is the greatest woman walking the earth and you two I thank for that.”

Amanda: “That is very sweet of you to say.”

Christ: “What they’re saying out there is nothing new. They have been trying to smear Sienna for years, there is nothing they can say or do that will change her. They had a couple of videos, some doctored material, we will weather this storm like all the others, they know she has done so much good they’re trying too hard to cast shade over the light she emits daily, did you know she gave out 3000 turkeys in Atlanta last week?”

SiennaCastPic-StevenSteven: “Really? That’s my Angel.”

Amanda: “I did hear something about that, I am so proud of you, Sienna.”

Sienna: “Thank you mum, dad… Chris… You’re making me blush…”

Chris: “You deserve it after how you’ve handled everything. While all this has gone you have done wonders for your sister as well.”

Sienna: “Sierra and our relationship is the best it’s been in a long time. I am happy that she is doing so many wonderful things at the Beauty Factory in my stead, she is also the face of EMERGE.”


Sierra was on the other side of the bar talking to Laura and Xiomara. I had a little bone to pick with Xiomara, I didn’t want to do it in public and especially in front of Chris. We stood around and mingled, I went to check and make sure Milo was not eaten by my brother, they seemed to be pals outside playing around. After a little small talk, I whispered in Chris’s ear, he nodded and glanced over at Xiomara, we went down the hallway to the study where I closed the door behind us….


SiennaCastPic-XiomaraXiomara: “What’s wrong?”

Sienna: “I didn’t ask you this because it wasn’t the right time last week and I wanted to give it some time to digest. How did you know it was Scott?”

Xiomara: “Oh that… I didn’t know. I thought about what was going on, the information that you and Chris gave me. I started to snoop around a little, realized he was the last person to see Kelcey in the room and so I had someone look him up and run a credit report on him just out of morbid curiosity that’s all. I wanted it to turn up empty so I could move on but when I see on the report that he bought a new house, I started to investigate, when I realized that house was five miles up the road, I decided it was worth taking a look, so I sent it to Chris and it turned out to be legit I guess, shame always thought Scott was quite cute….”


I shook my head rolling my eyes and just then Chris walked in; Xiomara sighed….


Xiomara: “But that aside, Chris I tried to warn you, I really did but you hung up on me before I could say anything else. I am sorry that it turned out to be true, it was just a hunch and I thought it wouldn’t bear any fruit.”

SiennaCastPic-ChrisChris: “Now isn’t the time to discuss the finer points of where we go from here to be honest. I did ask you to investigate finding her, and you did just that. So, It’s fine, I’m just…”

Xiomara: “Disappointed… Upset… Pissed off? I get it, the man is your brother, someone you looked up to honey. I know what it is like to have your world flipped upside like that by someone you trust.”

Sienna: “You’re talking about Bruno right?”

Xio nodded, that was a situation that left a bitter taste in Xio’s mouth, I only remember the rumors of what happened there. Chris nodded…


Chris: “You’re right and those three words don’t do justice to how I feel right now… I still can’t believe it turned out to be him…. I know we have had a lot going on, The Beauty Factory stuff with all the lost sponsorships, the character of my Sienna being attacked at every opportunity, now this with my brother and Kelcey? I should have seen it… I…”


I could see he was beginning to get wound up some just talking about it, they say that is meant to help with the healing process but for Chris, talking wasn’t helping only making it worse…


Sienna: “It’s going to be okay sweetie; we’ll figure it all out. Let’s try and get through today.”

“I know… and I know I said I wanted this but seeing you family out there, makes me realize just how fucked up mine is… Everything is just fucked up lately isn’t it? My career is stagnating AGAIN, and let’s not forget what they are doing to you in SCW with this Double Jeopardy nonsense.”

Xiomara: “Preaching to the choir papi, the entire roster are Lumberjacks is low even for a woman like Sasha I would have thought. But she showed her hand and now I know what to do.”

Chris: “Well something has to give, I’ve had enough of it.”

Chris was right, while this might be Thanksgiving, it seemed like our world was falling apart. I stood there, silent. I just wanted us to have a nice Thanksgiving with our closest friends. I wish Bree would have been here, but I understand why she wasn’t, family in New Orleans. I took a deep breath, hoping nothing came out of this. Chris was calm, he knew that Xiomara wasn’t trying to do anything funny and calmed down. He smiled and they hugged…


Xiomara: “I wanted to protect you both, that is why I am here now, I need you to trust me with your life, I will NOT let you down, okay?”

Chris: “I am starting to see that, thank you. I ‘m going out there to entertain your parents, I’ll see you out there.”

Sienna: “Okay sweetie.”

We kissed, he walked out, but I didn’t notice that he left the door cracked. I turned to Xiomara, tilting my head, wondering what was going on with the guys who jumped my father….


Sienna: “There is something else we need to talk about as well.”

Xiomara: “What now, we stay in here talking much longer people are going to get curious as to where we went.”

Sienna: “Let them, I just need to know one thing and then we can mingle to our hearts content. Are you sure about those two guys?”

Xiomara: “I am. I gave you that number, he does wonders. Has not been caught yet. Look, it helped a little, but for what good it did for you, the end result wasn’t worth it if I’m honest. You know why because there seems to be an unlimited amount of shit, I don’t know about… Like the interview with 60 Minutes…”

Sienna: “Went fine. I made my point, you know that.”

Xiomara: “How much are they going to edit out of it? You know that TV shows will do anything for ratings and that included twisting everything around and then you stand there wondering where the hell that came from? I am telling you mami, we need to be careful, bad enough SCW is pulling this crap and making you look like a pariah, we can do a lot of damage to your image with another outburst.”

Sienna: “I know what I am doing. Now, those guys, they are bulletproof, right? They cannot be traced back to me? If my father’s attackers were caught and they start throwing my name in there or it is linked back to us, we are done. The Twins almost destroyed us but Laura is going to take care of that, if she hasn’t already.”

Xiomara: “Good, now listen to me and listen carefully. No one is going to tie you with the attack on your dad okay, you have my word on that.”

Sienna: “Good, I feel terrible already about it and wish I didn’t have to do something like that to begin with but …..”

There was someone at the door, I turned and there was Sierra standing there with her eyes widened, she heard everything that we were talking about, damn it. I grab her wrist and pull her in, closing the door behind her. I look at her straight in the eyes, she turned away, but I forced her to look at me….


Sierra: “Tell me I didn’t just hear that… This is a joke, right?!”

Sienna: “Sierra, I can explain.”

Sierra: “You had dad attacked? How can you explain that to me?!”

She tried to fight free, but I wasn’t going to let her leave without speaking to her and letting her know why…


Sienna: “Sierra listen to me. Do you love the Beauty Factory?”

She nodded, thank God….


Sienna: “You don’t want any of this around us to disappear right? Do you really want to see us lose everything just like that? Because right now, we are in danger of losing a lot more if we don’t act fast. Dad was not severely hurt, I had to do something, cook up a story to give us a little sympathy, what is better than when we are being dragged across the bloody coals that we come back with a story they can all relate to?”

SiennaCastPic-Sierra2Sierra: “Yeah but it’s our father…”

“I know that better than most, but so do the people and they are parents, they are sons, daughters… They are individuals who doesn’t like to see someone’s parent being attacked because of the negative press… Look at Christian when he was hit by the car earlier this year, that was a deranged fan… That was tragic, this was a necessary evil, I made sure that it was not something permanent but enough to make an impact. I need you to understand the bigger picture here, Sierra. Please.”

Sierra: “Why would you do that?”

Sienna: “He was the only one that could make the most impact. I sure as hell weren’t going to put mum there or you. Please, believe me okay? Believe that I have the best interests at heart for our family and for us. If not, do you want to lose all of this?”

Sierra: “Does Chris know?!”

Sienna: “No he doesn’t, and I don’t want him to either, he’s going through enough… We all are…”

Sierra: “I don’t believe this…”

Sienna: “Just pretend you didn’t hear anything okay; we’ll talk more later…”


She shook her head, though was very conflicted. I sighed and was worried, Sierra can be a very emotional person when it comes to things like this. I took a deep breath and again consoled her, tried to make her understand when Xiomara stepped in….


Xiomara: “It’s very easy to understand Sierra. Do you want to be without the Beauty Factory and modelling cheeseburgers again like you were before?”

Sierra: “No of course not.”

Xiomara: “Good, then shut the fuck up and don’t say a word, your dad is fine, cool?”

Sierra: “Yeah… yeah cool.”

I turned to look at Xiomara as Sierra left the room, placing my hands on the hips, tilting my head, I questioned her approach…..


Sienna: “Really?”

Xiomara: “Really, come on, let’s go eat, I’m famished.”

She was straight and to the point, I loved it. After a few minutes all the food was placed on the large table, we all stood around and admired the spread that was provided for us. There was a lot to be thankful for, it was another banner year for me and the Beauty Factory, won the World Title twice though I did have a few downturns, that I was able to pick myself up from. I looked around the room at all the wonderful people that were here, my family and friends, the ones that made all of this happen and the reason why I am where I am. It was hard for me to feel this way, especially with all the hatred and the animosity that surrounded me outside the walls of my home. Fr once, I was going to forget all that and give thanks to what really mattered…


Sienna: “Thank you all for coming here and this is our first Thanksgiving together as my family and extended family. From Laura who is the whole reason I am where I am today thanks to her belief in me when no one else would in the fashion industry to Spirit being a friend in a very hostile environment of the SCW never wavering to Xiomara who has recently joined us and I know someone has my back to mum and dad, who without your support I would not be here in this beautiful home, to my sister who I love and cherish, excited to see her get her turn in modelling and wrestling to Samson….

SiennaCastPic-SamsonSamson: “Happy Tanks Gibbing!”

Sienna: “…. Yeah. To finally Chris and Nathaniel, my fiancé and son, who love and care for me and I cherish every single day of having them to all the friends and family I have out there that cannot be with us today like Bree, Dom and others, this is a day where I truly give thanks to The People even if some of them do not see the truth. I have a huge task ahead of me come Sunday, but I promise not to disappoint or leave empty handed. These are the moments I cherish,he ones that mean absolutely everything to me, know that each and every single one of us I hold close to my heart, thank you all for being here and sharing this meal with me.”


I smiled as everyone clapped and started to dig in and serve themselves, I looked around the table and I saw the REAL people, the ones I REALLY do this for, I never lied to anyone, this was always For The People, yes the family and friends, associates who always believed in me and the rest can all burn in hell. I smiled at the thought, then glanced over at my sister who sat next to my dad, she smiled at me and I knew that at least for now we were okay….

And the secret was safe.

Happy Thanksgiving.


Scott Cannon’s New Home

At The Present Time


Kelcey sat at the table in a beautiful purple dinner dress and peep toe matching pumps, her nails polished a matte baby pink and long hair hanging down. Scott was in a black suit, no tie, sipping on a glass of wine with Kelcey, they had a small feast with four chairs set, she looked over at Scott and then the small little feast that was prepared….


Scott: “Everything looks delicious, you shouldn’t have gone through all the trouble, Kels.”

Kelcey: “Thank you, one of the few traits I picked up in recent years after retiring, cooking.”

Scott: “Well, it has done wonders.”


He takes her hand gently and smiles, in many respects he didn’t believe something like this would happen. They were from two very different worlds, but here they were all the same… She places her other hand on top of theirs….


Scott: “Is it wrong that I feel guilty despite everything he did to you?”

Kelcey: “No, you did nothing wrong other than show what your capacity for good really is Scott. You’ve made a lot of questionable choices in your life; you paid your dues but far as I am concerned it is all water under the bridge.”

Scott: “I still feel bad, but you can’t help who you fall for…”

Kelcey: “No you cannot… I didn’t see myself sat here with you of all people either. I should be at home with my “husband” and child, instead he is playing happy families elsewhere. Sienna I heard is having a pretty big thanksgiving, do you think they will come?”


Scott didn’t know the answer to that question, his only response was a shrug of the shoulders…


Scott: “I don’t know but if they do, that will mean a lot to us. We both know that he belongs with his father.”

Kelcey: “I know but I still consider him my son even if I never birthed him, I fought tooth and nail to bring him to the United States to be with his father…”

Scott: “I know you did and….”


Before he could finish, the doorbell rings. Kelcey and Scott both look at one another and smile. He stands up and walks to the door, opens it and there is Christian in a suit and no tie, he has a beautiful woman with him hanging off his arm, the wrestler known as Minerva in a black dress, her dyed hair hanging down freely to her shoulders…

They walk in and Kelcey goes right up to Minerva and shakes her hand, then embraces Christian with a huge hug which he reciprocates….


Kelcey: “I am so glad you come, Christian… We have a lot to talk about…”

Christian: “Happy Thanksgiving…. Mom.”


Scott nods and smiles. It’s going to be a good Thanksgiving.







CBS 60 Minutes

Sienna Swann Interview

With Scott Pelley

Part II




Sienna’s eyes narrow, taking a deep breath and ready to answer after Scott asked about Halloween Night….


SiennaCastPic-Sienna6Sienna: “I had an outburst and became physical with Taylor Chase, a woman that I like to call a friend. Was I out of line? Yes, I was. Unfortunately, I was threatened earlier in the night by Kelcey Wallace.”

Scott: “Kelcey Wallace? Who was in a coma. Witnesses there said they never saw Kelcey.”

Sienna: “That is because she cornered me in a bathroom dressed up in a costume, snuck in and out. She threatened my life, my well-being and even almost hit me with some sort of ceramic statue while I was on the floor begging for my life. I never pressed charges, Kelcey is a very sick woman right now that needs help, she though did exactly what she intended, working me up and of course, it just so happens someone was there to record it all, what a coincidence. Scott, this footage along with everything else you’ve seen, and I even ask you to watch SCW programming, where you will see there is a smear campaign in the works to take down my hard work out of jealousy, hatred and envy. It’s wrong, this is no exception and when it comes to that Halloween Party? I was wrong, I should have used my better judgment and not gone there. I know what I saw and experienced, it might be my word against everyone else and that’s fine, I stand by what I said.”

Scott: “And this led to the cancellation of the Winter Modeling Show that Laura Steinbeck does every year?”


She sighs….


Sienna: “Yes, there were a few other partnering sponsors that we had whom we have lost recently as well, they are too afraid of the backlash, but this is how I look at it, what did I do last week in Atlanta?”

SiennaCast-ScottPelleyScott: “You fed the Homeless and gave away 3000 turkeys and fixings for families in need at Thanksgiving.”

Sienna: “Yes, I’m I going to stop doing this because some heckler wants to throw a milkshake at my face as I open up the Youth Center or there is some witch hunt to prevent me from executing those good deeds? No, the Truelove Twins can come out and say what they want, prey on a time that I was vulnerable and use it to put me down and them over? Sadly, this is accepted by the same people who are cheered and looked upon and here I must fight for the security of my baby and fiancé? What about the attack on my father, Scott?”


Scott starts to nod; he was about to mention that next….


Scott: “I was going to ask, what happened to your father was uncalled for and very alarming.”

Sienna: “Alarming? Disturbing? They think it’s a joke to call me names or make fun of me, doubt who I am and yet I still go out of my way to do whatever I can to help others. Social media, the sport of wrestling, even the modeling industry paints a picture of hypocrisy, where if I make one mistake it is magnified and turned into an international incident. Do you see me tampering with cages? Do you see me trying fake injuries, accidents and setting people up to take the fall? No, yet others do and are STILL rewarded for it. There is a double standard not just in the industries I am a part of, in general. Some get away with it, others do not. Why is it so hard to comprehend that I am the victim here? I am the one who has been harassed and wrongly accused of being a fake and a charlatan.”

Scott: “It is well-known your scandal six years ago, you lied then why should anyone believe you now? Take for example Kelcey Wallace, claiming she threatened you, is it true that she was under your care and it was the brother of your fiancé that took her out of that care in fear of her life and that of her child?”


Sienna is shocked he even mentioned that, her blue eyes widen, nostrils flare up a little as her legs uncross and she leans in pointing right at Scott Pelley…


Sienna: “Are you serious right now? Where did you get that story? The life of her child? That is Chris son and now he is mine too. I know that many times people want to twist the story to fit their own agenda, fine, whatever but what I can give that young child unlike his birth mother which is all she is, Kelcey doesn’t even want the kid, she rather just take him to say she won over me, THAT is the story you should be telling. I get this from all walks, I have dealt with losing millions in the last month, defending my title against three people I already beat and DO NOT deserve a shot but because one woman wants to take it from me, I must now accept it as the status quo? I am a fighter; I do not cheat….”

Scott: “The way you won the title says otherwise. Those who accuse you say otherwise, the footage that has become viral says otherwise…..


The World Champion quickly cuts him off….


Sienna: “I didn’t break any rules winning the World Title. I admitted to my addictions and fixed the problems, I was setup and goaded to react that way which just so happens to be caught on film. Yet my father attacked, me humiliated during an important part of my life and the Youth Center, threatened, mistreated and harassed, bullied even are not being recognized as the true root of the problem after everything I have given the People? Were you or Owen Cruze, or Paris and London, or Vogue or James Evans, Zoe Sperling or anyone else going to feed the homeless in Atlanta? Give them something to be Thankful for?”

Scott: “Well, everyone….”

Sienna: “…. I don’t want to hear any more excuses.”


She stands up and takes off the mic, slowly walking over to Scott and brushing her hair back and softly saying…..


Sienna: “The answer is NO.”


…. before leaving Scott Pelley sitting there alone and walking out of the interview…..










The Scene Opens…


The Liberty Bell is an iconic symbol of American independence, located in Philadelphia. Once placed in the steeple of Independence Hall, the bell today is located in the Liberty Bell Center The bell was commissioned in 1752. The bell first cracked when rung after its arrival in Philadelphia and was twice recast by local workmen John Pass and John Stow, whose last names appear on the bell. In its early years, the bell was used to summon lawmakers to legislative sessions and to alert citizens about public meetings and proclamations.

Although no immediate announcement was and so the bell could not have rung on July 4, 1776, bells were rung on July 8 to mark the reading of the Declaration of Independence. While there is no contemporary account of the Liberty Bell ringing, most historians believe it was one of the bells rung. After American independence was secured, the bell fell into relative obscurity until, in the 1830s, the bell was adopted as a symbol dubbed it the “Liberty Bell”.

The bell acquired its distinctive large crack sometime in the early 19th century—a widespread story claims it cracked while ringing after the death of John Marshall, Chief Justice in 1835. The bell became famous after an 1847 short story claimed that an aged bell ringer rang it on July 4, 1776, upon hearing of the Second Continental Congress’ vote for independence. Even though the bell did not ring for independence on that July 4, the tale was widely accepted as fact, even by some historians. Beginning in 1885, the city of Philadelphia allowed it to go to various expositions and patriotic gatherings. The bell attracted huge crowds wherever it went, additional cracking occurred, and pieces were chipped away by souvenir hunters. The last such journey occurred in 1915, after which the city refused further requests.

After World War II, Philadelphia allowed the National Park Services to take custody of the bell, while retaining ownership. The bell was used as a symbol of freedom during the Cold War and was a popular site for protests in the 1960s. It was moved from its longtime home in Independence Hall to a nearby glass pavilion on Independence Mall in 1976, and then to the larger Liberty Bell Center adjacent to the pavilion in 2003. The bell has been featured on coins and stamps, and its name and image have been widely used by corporations.

Here I where we find the beautiful SCW World Champion, Sienna Swann. Standing next to the Liberty Bell, Sienna has the World Title over her shoulder, wearing black pleather pants, knee high matching leather boots, a long sleeve halter top and white designer jacket, her long straightened blonde hair hanging down, made up beautifully with her nails a glossy finish. Xiomara Diaz stands by her in black pants, boots and a red jacket, nails polished red. Chris Cannon is also there in a suit, trench coat as the recording begins…




With the World Championship over her shoulder, she looks into the camera with her frosty blue eyes, tilting her head ever so slowly before speaking in her sexy South African accent.…


SiennaCastPic-Sienna12“Liberty, the opportunity to be able to do as one like and pleases. Here is a bell that has a crack in it which one blemish made it legendary, not perfect, not flawless, broken, it can never make a sound again and yet, it is the symbol of our freedoms. Interesting how this object holds so much power, it reminds me of the SCW World Championship where it can turn a woman who was just annoying into simply unbearable. If I had a penny for each time Syren said she is the “Best in the World”, I would be richer than I am now. We could condense her speech into one sentence, “I will be world champion, the rest of you are done and I want James again in January with the belt on the line.”, of course she has become Nostradamus and loves to preach by pretending to foretell what we are going to say or do. See, Syren we don’t have to beat you to the punch, you say the same shit every single week with a few words replaced.

Bottom line, YOU have NO power to do ANYTHING no matter WHO walks out as World Champion, but you see, it’s a moot point, you’re not walking out as World Champion and when it is over? IT IS OVER FOR YOU. I am like a cat with nine lives, I have plenty left to use but for someone like Owen Cruze, James Evans and Syren, they have reached their final lifeline. Sasha preaches of no more rematches. There will be a new set of faces to run the places in the Main Event of this company, let’s be honest and transparent here, Syren and James should have had their own match in some cage and let them kill one another and be done with it because, it seems like the only person who is acting like that delusional, egotistical bitch, is you, Owen. Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me. Remember that Owen? Do you want to know why I take the name “Syren Swann” so personal? It’s really simple, I have never been a desperate, ranting, repetitive hack like her. Oh, she is still the greatest World Champion of all time, no question about that and I would take her accolades in a heartbeat, I think you are missing the point here, Owen so between us, let’s have a TRUE moment of CLARITY shall we? I respected your old man, Orlando Cruze touched many lives and careers including mine. The night I stepped into an IWC ring and was taken out by Scott Cannon, he pulled me to the side in the back and told me to keep at it and not allow things like what happened deter me from becoming great at this business. I remembered that advice, how a man like him in stature would take the time to talk to some talentless model turned wrestler who NO ONE gave a prayer in Hell of ever being a World Champion. It wasn’t long after that I left Silas Mason and he was the spark that started this engine which in turn infuriates me to see what you’ve become. It is easy to tell your story of triumph and tribulations, Owen, if it fits the narrative and what you so desire, like this title. You seem to forget though, unlike Syren who the only reason she even praises you is because the minute you pin her again, she won’t have anymore excuses if that opportunity arose, while calling me a naïve puppy knowing full well I bite, hard. Unfortunately, what she seems to forget it was her downfall that created OUR match where I successfully took away your dream the FIRST time at the Championship but how can you stand there after how many chances given in just your second year as a wrestler, have you had to win the big one where I waited THREE and A HALF years to even sniff it and that was all due to me beating three of the best including Syren at RTG XV to earn it?

Most wrestlers work a lifetime to get where you are at, Sasha opened those doors and it’s no mere coincidence since she took over how your “Meteoric” rise has happened, how she has given any and every match you have asked for, how your name seems to be put at the very top with little validity or excuse all while I am put through the ringer and obstacle courses like a sadistic Wipe Out game, made to fight battles that are almost nearly impossible to win and forced to take measures in order to even get the opportunities I have earned since 2016?

Of course, Sasha makes the rules and you’re okay with it, she makes the final decisions and there are no complaints from the young Cruze as EVERY SINGLE ONE of those involve pushing you to the very top of this company which makes me beg to differ….


Is she an agent for change?

OR is she just simply afraid that I, NOT Syren….

NOT James Evans…..

And NOT you, are the true BEST in this Company and it’s her personal feelings have compromised her ability to run it without bias.”


Sienna turns and looks over at Chris cannon who nods, Xiomara also looks on, her brown eyes fixated on the Heavenly Angel. Sienna not only wants to defeat Owen Cruze, she wants to see Syren in the finals and defeat her too since she always finds a way to avoid her. That is probably the only factual thing she had said in her rant, that yes Sienna wants her, not James. Does it matter at the end though? No, the mere fact those two are involved in the match is bad enough and it motivates Sienna even more even after the Chamber where she walked out as Champion and no one gave her a chance to win it. She turns back to the camera with her icy blue eyes and speaks….


“Owen, you have been gifted the keys to this company, from accepting your demands at RTG XVI when you threw Kennedy Street under the bus to each and every time you have walked up to Sasha and whether it was to make a suggestion or a request it didn’t matter, that wasn’t justification how you put it and you of all people shouldn’t be throwing stones in glass houses, screaming from the top of your lungs to meet Chris and myself in the middle of the ring was bitching and whining so stop! You don’t get to play martyr and saint here; you will not look away at what has been happening in the SCW. You are Sasha’s centerpiece, she wants to build this company around you, not Selena. That deranged and pretentious imbecile actually believes she’s the face of this company when the boss wants to make it you at my expense.

Owen, I applaud the speech on Breakdown and the talk about how we all cheat and you are the only choice to be the World Champion because….

Wait for this, you RESPECT the belt?

How can you, when you don’t respect the business, hiding it behind the term, “Legitimate Competition”? I knew you were that daft and arrogant.

Oh I will get to this shortly, see Owen, your maturity is showing again, be my guest, from the petty name calling, to the monologues about this time of year, YES, read us all the renditions of the Christmas Carol’s your heart desires, “Sasha Claus” already is trying to give you that early present, problem is I’m the Grinch Who Stole Christmas and  this time, you are NOT getting what you want. One year ago, you won that Invitational Battle Royal and it has been a climb since, well until my fiancé tore you and Kennedy in half on the first Breakdown of the year. Since then you’ve had it in for us and I have challenged you Owen, to do me better, to go out there and give back to the people you try to defend and call me a con-artist in the process because if ANYONE spews the same crap every week about me, it is YOU. What happened, Owen? When you debut here who was the first person to extend their hand in friendship? Who offered to help? Who teamed with me at the Trios Tournament? That women you met then, that was me, the same one that stands here, what changed?


Why? Kelcey Wallace? No, that is the excuse you like to use, the fact it was changed is the same ten pounds of gold that changes everyone, this World Title I hold comfortably on my shoulder, so do not stand there on some pedestal and judge any of us for the same crimes you’ve committed. Tell me, what are you, Aaron Blackbourne, Peyton Rice and Alistaire Allocco trying to do? Make the SCW about wrestling? Wasn’t Allocco the one that was given this belt without even breaking a sweat because he knew Ace Marshall and was relevant then? Aaron cheat out Peyton from breaking a record with the TV title to only lose it to a Coffee drinking luchador a few weeks later.

Tell me again what you are trying to do?

Wrestle? What am I Owen? I am one of the most talented women in the ring today, you fail to mention that. This is not all about wrestling, it is about politics and no one should know that more than you, right in the middle of it so this SCW you’re trying to save? You’re doing it with dirty hands all at the whim of Sasha because you’re okay with her screwing me over, right? Lumberjacks to surround the ring, great plan, what a way to make it an even battlefield, right? Oh, for fucks sake, give me a break, that favors YOU, Owen not ME. She has placed every piece on the board to give you the win just like at Under attack.

Are you going to bring up the way I won the Chamber match, Owen?

Sure, let’s talk about it.

Did I break any rules?


Was I the one who tampered with the cage and caused it to break which opened that hole for everyone to get in and Syren to crash land like the Hindenburg?


Too bad she wasn’t in flames. Anyway, I didn’t even get my lights on the pod when it was my turn to be released, they were so concerned with that crying little cunt, being “hurt” as she over-exaggerates about almost getting killed that they paid NO attention to opening my pod. Did I cost you the World Championship in front of Taylor Chase and Shaun Cruze?


James Evans did, all I am guilty of is playing the deck that was handed to me and it angers you. Deep down inside, you know damn well that I didn’t cheat, all I did was outsmart each and every single one of the competitors in that Chamber by not breaking any rules.

Owen, I have been through a lot lately. I have lost endorsements; I have watched Laura Steinbeck see a years’ worth of her work wasted as the Winter Fashion Show canceled. The Beauty Factory is losing millions due to the negative press that has been given to us, I can’t even open up a Youth center without some asshole throwing a milkshake at me and ruining a three-thousand-dollar dress. They have made me look like some evil and disgusting person when all I ever wanted to do was help people and you know what Owen, I am going to admit something right here on the air, did I want the publicity? Yes, did I want the attention? Of course. Did I want to be known for more than just being a World Champion Wrestler and Top Model by using my resources to gain a little notoriety so they can see there are many more layers to Sienna Swann than just golden wings and dresses?


So, I ask you, what is wrong with that?

There are so many people who do the same exact thing and they are praised. I even influenced you to start giving back and if I am so wrong in my methods, then why do you feel so compelled to do it too?




We are the only ones that can sell ourselves to the public, we are that brand and yet you chastise me for advertising mine. Again, this was not about Kelcey, this was about you and Sasha wanting all the press to be centered around you which is why Owen Cruze will be the biggest advocate of Sasha and she will be the biggest advocate of Owen…

The real charlatans, playing Sienna Swann for a fool.”


You can see the anger in Chris starting to peak and rise, Xiomara nods, knowing that what Sienna Swann says is true. The World Champion is well aware that she is at a disadvantage, there is no way that she will be able to survive the whole roster being Lumberjacks when 95% of them hate her. It has become yet another advantage for Owen and he wants to play it off as they are wrestling on even ground. Sienna takes a moment to collect her thoughts, staring at the crack of the Liberty Bell…..


“This is setup for Owen Cruze to succeed and it is quite blatant. My fiancé not being there is not for precaution, it is a way to keep him from having my back and interfering in the match as they like to put it when all he is doing is protecting me. This entire contest at Clarity is a farce and Owen, you are wrong, I said it already before and I will say it again, this should have been ME and YOU one on one after what James Evans had pulled, after what Syren has pulled, they DO NOT DESERVE to even be anywhere near this title. That is the thing about Double Jeopardy, all four of us are in the ring at the same time and anything can happen while we try to beat one another and advance to the final two as the roster surrounds the ring and they can play their part. I will be there Owen; you will not get past me.

I wish that I could do it like I did last time, BY WRESTLING.

Do you remember that Owen? Did I try to steal your championship hopes and dreams, make up some excuses and set up other wrestlers to take the fall just so I can have a title match and win over you? Did I manipulate the officiating so that I could save my belt? Did I tamper with the Chamber to cost you the World Title?

No, I defeated you BY WRESTLING.

At RTG XVI, we again were setup and the only thing I can say is that on that night, you and Kennedy were lucky. I can’t take away that victory and I don’t even think Sasha was satisfied with it, she instead kept giving you Chris and I more and more but what you are not understanding Owen is that every time we step in the ring, I will defeat you BY WRESTLING. Preach about what your father and uncle, stepmom taught you, they were three of the most notorious rule breakers in this business, sugarcoat it, honor them for what they had inside, the fire, desire, passion along with the gluttony, selfishness and avarice to become the World Champion and you too will see that it slowly creeps up in you kid, and it won’t stop. For four years I fought and climbed my way to the top of this business, you did it in less than two and not because of skill or you’re better than me….

Oh no….

It was by name, by BRAND and by the ownership of this company.

Sienna Swann is the true World Champion, The Heavenly Angel who lasted over 70 minutes in Taking Hold of the Flame, who outlasted Selena Frost in an Iron Woman match, who came out of the Elimination Chamber as the World Champion for a THIRD time and will survive this mess at Clarity and watch Syren, James Evans and Owen Cruze see their Championship hopes and dreams fade away and no amount of complaining or screaming will change it and THAT will be “Totally Awesome”. Owen, I don’t hate you, for a long time I held you up to a higher standard than others but your constant disrespect and immaturity to me along with this definition of what you think is right for this sport has allowed me to fall into the conclusion that I cannot allow you to be World Champion again……

Beating you is beating Sasha.

And now it has become perfectly clear to me. It is my solemn duty to hold on to this championship for long as I can so that I can usher in the 2020 year of SCW sitting at the very top and giving all these new faces the chance that I was never given but EARNED. I am STILL the FUTURE and I STILL hold the POWER which is something NONE of you can take from me. Owen, one day you’re going to look back at this and realize that I was right. I was never your enemy, you made me that by villainizing who I was and what I represented. I even went to your house in peace to plea with Peyton about her mentor and yours.

I tried Owen, you didn’t and instead labeled me the antagonist.

Now, I will make you pay for that…..

For starting this smear campaign against me which has cost us so much. I helped Kelcey, she is an unfit mother, you saw how close I am to Nathaniel and I will care for her baby by making it my own.

Owen, you can’t change that.

I stand as World Champion, surpassing anything the Perfect Ten did in this business …..

And Owen, you can’t change that.

I have risen from the bottom to the very top not once compromising my beliefs or stooping so low to try and purposely injure someone, frame or change the outcome as my victories are BY WRESTLING….

And Owen, you can’t change that.

Finally, tonight, the entire roster, Syren and James Evans, you too Owen with Sasha in your corner and all my resources taken from me will NOT make a difference for I will WALK out as the SCW WORLD HEAVENLY CHAMPION….

And Owen, you can’t change that.

But what I can change at Clarity?



She takes the belt off her shoulders and holds it up. Chris walks up and stands side by side with Xiomara on the other….


“…..and that dear Owen?


All with a Kiss By An Angel.”


Sienna’s eyes narrow some, before cracking a smirk, glancing over at Chris who stares into the camera intensely and Xiomara raises an eyebrow as The World Champion holds her title up to the Heavens.






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